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  • Specialty – Innovation in Foodstuffs and Agro-Resources (IAA)



    The GB-IAA pro­gramme pro­poses and covers spe­ci­fi­cal­ly ana­ly­sis of bio­lo­gi­cal and food pro­ducts, qua­li­ty assess­ment, bio­lo­gi­cal risks and food safe­ty issues in the agro-food indus­tries, meta­bo­lic sciences and engi­nee­ring, bio-reac­tor ves­sels, pro­duct for­mu­la­tion, inno­va­tion, nutri­tion, agro-indus­trial pro­cesses, and inno­va­ting mar­ke­ting is these fields.


    GB-IAA trains stu­dents for research and deve­lop­ment in the agro-resource domains, nota­bly via long agro-food pro­duct pro­jects. A large pro­por­tion of the stu­dents here obtain jobs in R&D activities.

    Placements and industrial relations

    The choice of the GB spe­cial­ty fol­lows suit to 6 months pla­ce­ments an assis­tant engi­neer (in an indus­trial context) and engi­nee­ring trai­ning ends with suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of an end-of-stu­dies pro­ject, also with a part­ner enter­prise. Examples of part­ner­ships with Nest­lé, Mon­delz Inter­na­tio­nal or Car­re­four. The end-of-stu­dy pro­jects are very varied, from deve­lop­ment of indus­trial pro­ducts to exe­cute mis­sions as QA mana­gers, or with pro­duc­tion line assignments.

    International openings

    Under­gra­duates in GB-IAA can request a full semes­ter abroad or regis­ter for a double degree with an ins­ti­tu­tion part­ner to UTC; there is a wide range of venues for such semes­ters out­side France.

    Professional openings

    Pro­fes­sio­nal ope­nings 67 % of the job ope­nings stem from pro­ject work, often in major groups (Danone, Nest­lé, Uni­le­ver, …) ; they can join major groups or SMEs in the fol­lo­wing areas:

    • Food­stuff development/ additives;
    • Food­stuff safe­ty assessments;
    • Pro­duc­tion and pro­cess mana­ge­ment, in the food­stuff and agro-resource sectors;
    • Trans­for­ma­tion of agri­cul­tu­ral pro­duce, inclu­ding non-food valorisation;
    • Indus­trial biotechnologies.

    Contact and documentation 

    Res­pon­sable de la filière
    Mirian Kubo
     +33 (0)3 44 23 46 87
    Res­pon­sable pédagogique
    Murielle Dufresne
     +33 (0)3 44 23 46 09
    Coor­di­na­trice des stages
    Mar­tine Yvinec
     +33 (0)3 44 23 43 28
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