Specialty – Bio-Medical (BM)
Students in GB-BM acquire training in medical technologies and medicine; the first year proses this double base. In the second year, the students add on sub-specialties: physiology, medical instruments, electronics and computer sciences, sensors and physiological signal analysis, medical imaging processing, artificial organs and bio-rheology, functional patient exploration protocols, quality assessment, maintenance and regulations.
Research focuses on medical applications, from signal and bio-medical image analysis to diagnosis, multi-scale and multi-physical modelling of the processes involved and medical instrument innovation.
Placements and industrial relations
GB-BM students spend 6 months on placements and 6 months on their end-of-studies project work (in most instances, in a hospital environment and in an associate industrial sector).
Professional openings
GB- BM students are usually hired by major medical groups (GE Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems, Siemens, Baxter, Medtronic, …), SMEs in the bio-medical fields or in large research institutions (CNRS, INSERM, Universities). They can also find employment in hospitals (as public servants or in a private status).