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Specialty – Biomechanics and Bio-Materials (BB)



The spe­cial­ty GB-BB focuses on mate­rials used in medi­cine, sur­ge­ry and pros­the­tics, with the first two semes­ters devo­ted to acqui­ring a gene­ral back­ground ope­ning the way to "bio-mecha­nics" and "bio-mate­rials".


The focus is on applied research run­ning, for example, from tis­sue repair tech­niques to new ortho­pae­dic prosthetics.

Placements and industrial relations

GB-BB stu­dents spend 6 months on pla­ce­ments and 6 months pro­ject work in an indus­trial milieu.

Among the pla­ce­ment: desi­gn and mecha­ni­cal fai­lure assess­ments for hip pros­the­tics for the Asian mar­kets; draf­ting of regu­la­to­ry texts for a new sili­cone impre­gna­ted ban­dage; human skin model­ling and toxi­ci­ty tests for new medi­ci­nal molecules.

Professional openings

50 % of the job ope­nings stem from pro­ject work, often in major groups (Med­tro­nic, Sarin, St Jude Medi­cal, Stry­ker, Decath­lon, …), SMEs and research ins­ti­tu­tions (CNRS, INSERM, Uni­ver­si­ties) and elsew­here: in R&D, cli­ni­cal trials, QA, marketing …

Contact and documentation

Res­pon­sable de la filière
Muriel Vays­sade
 +33 (0)3 44 23 73 09
Res­pon­sable pédagogique
Murielle Dufresne
 +33 (0)3 44 23 46 09
Coor­di­na­trice des stages
Mar­tine Yvinec
 +33 (0)3 44 23 43 28
À lire dans Interactions

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La chaire hydrau­lique : de la recherche aux applications

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