Specialty – Biomechanics and Bio-Materials (BB)
The specialty GB-BB focuses on materials used in medicine, surgery and prosthetics, with the first two semesters devoted to acquiring a general background opening the way to "bio-mechanics" and "bio-materials".
The focus is on applied research running, for example, from tissue repair techniques to new orthopaedic prosthetics.
Placements and industrial relations
GB-BB students spend 6 months on placements and 6 months project work in an industrial milieu.
Among the placement: design and mechanical failure assessments for hip prosthetics for the Asian markets; drafting of regulatory texts for a new silicone impregnated bandage; human skin modelling and toxicity tests for new medicinal molecules.
Professional openings
50 % of the job openings stem from project work, often in major groups (Medtronic, Sarin, St Jude Medical, Stryker, Decathlon, …), SMEs and research institutions (CNRS, INSERM, Universities) and elsewhere: in R&D, clinical trials, QA, marketing …