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  • Humanities and technology course (Hutech)

    A note­wor­thy and uni­ver­sal­ly appre­cia­ted recent­ly intro­du­ced fea­ture of trai­ning at UTC is the empha­sis pla­ced on stu­dents acqui­ring a good groun­ding in the inter­ac­tions and impacts of tech­no­lo­gy in indus­trial and social chal­lenges on human and socie­tal values. For these rea­sons, there an alter­na­tive to the his­to­ric core pro­gramme brie­fly des­cri­bed above, cal­led Hutech (huma­ni­ties and tech­no­lo­gy). It is open to school lea­vers with the one of the French fol­lo­wing Bac­ca­lau­reates: (science), ES (eco­no­mics) or L (lite­ra­ture – but with the option mathe­ma­tics). After 3 years, this course opens the way to admis­sion to a Master’s degree.


    Although tech­ni­cal dis­co­ve­ries, skills and achie­ve­ments have accom­pa­nied the human spe­cies ever since homo sapiens, the world today needs engi­neers and scien­tists who are aware of the chal­lenges in human and socie­tal terms when new tech­no­lo­gies are deve­lo­ped. In just the last two decades, the way we live, work and even think has chan­ged radi­cal­ly. Mana­gers must control and accom­pa­ny deve­lop­ments, while retrai­ning their curio­si­ty, their inven­ti­ve­ness and crea­ti­vi­ty, all of which are essen­tial for inno­va­tive solu­tions, pro­ducts and ser­vices to bene­fit all. Stu­dents who join the UTC-Hutech stream will deve­lop the capa­ci­ty to com­bine dif­ferent logics, for appli­ca­tions in indus­try and entre­pre­neur­ship ven­tures.

    More infor­ma­tions are set out on the french site version

    Target candidates for Hutech

    Can­di­dates for Hutech must first­ly present excellent bac­ca­lau­reate marks, then must demons­trate their sen­si­ti­vi­ty to mixed cultu­ral-tech­ni­cal issues, their inter­est for the his­to­ry of tech­niques and tech­no­lo­gies an awa­re­ness of pos­sible impacts on Socie­ty, have a pro­pen­si­ty for abs­tract thin­king, self-ques­tio­ning, concep­tua­li­za­tion, refor­mu­la­tion of pro­blems encoun­te­red and a pre­dic­tion as future com­mit­ted actors in tomorrow's tech­no­lo­gi­cal deve­lop­ments.

    Contact and documentation

    Res­pon­sable du cur­sus
    Nico­las Salz­mann
     +33 (0)3 44 23 52 09
    Ser­vice des admis­sions
    Valé­rie Kopins­ki
     +33 (0)3 44 23 43 15
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    « Une vie pro­fes­sion­nelle, ça se construit pas à pas »

    Agir sur le monde en chan­geant le regard sur l’innovation

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