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UTC-Compiegne celebrates its Jubilee!

UTC-Com­piegne was esta­bli­shed in 1972 as France’s first expe­ri­men­tal uni­ver­si­ty of tech­no­lo­gy and lis­ted as a natio­nal scien­ti­fic, cultu­ral and pro­fes­sio­nal esta­blish­ment. It ope­ned to receive its first class of stu­dents in 1973.

01 | 05
Epi­sode 1: A com­mit­ted school

To cele­brate 50 years of UTC-Com­piegne, we deci­ded to take a look at the values that make this ins­ti­tu­tion so strong. 

In the first epi­sode of this series, we explore inclu­sion, the envi­ron­ment, social diver­si­ty and pari­ty in the com­pa­ny of UTC stu­dents, aca­de­mic lec­tu­rers and staff.

We dis­cuss the impact of these values on student life, research pro­grammes and the future of the school. Whe­ther you are a mem­ber of the UTC com­mu­ni­ty or sim­ply inter­es­ted in these issues, this epi­sode will give you a unique insight into the vision and ambi­tions of this renow­ned university.

With the par­ti­ci­pa­tion of Colin Mat­tey, Claire Ros­si, Etienne Arnoult, Hugues Cho­plin, Marie-Hélène Abel and Vir­gi­nie Leviel.
Writ­ten and direc­ted by Anne-Fleur Andrle, audio-mixed by Alice Krief.
Epi­sode n°2
02 | 05
Epi­sode 2: Behind the scenes at a school on the move

Dis­co­ver what goes on behind the scenes at UTC in the second epi­sode of our series dedi­ca­ted to the school's 50th Jubi­lee anni­ver­sa­ry. Here we explore the inner wor­kings of this constant­ly chan­ging school. 

We inter­view the stu­dents who crea­ted UTC's very first musi­cal, the logis­tics team, the main­te­nance staff who work at night while the school is asleep, the Direc­tor of Edu­ca­tion and Trai­ning and the Mas­ter of cere­mo­nies for one of the gra­dua­tion ceremony. 

Each of the inter­vie­wees offers us a unique insight into his/her work and their cru­cial role they all play in the smooth run­ning of UTC. You will also dis­co­ver the most sur­pri­sing anec­dotes about student life and the behind-the-scenes orga­ni­sa­tion of events that have mar­ked the his­to­ry of the school.

Whe­ther you're a cur­rent under­gra­duate, an alum­nus, a parent, a mem­ber of the tea­ching staff or sim­ply curious to dis­co­ver what goes on behind the scenes at this renow­ned uni­ver­si­ty, this epi­sode is for you.

With the par­ti­ci­pa­tion of Cécile Legal­lais, Guillaume Ouat­ta­ra, Pas­cal Berthe, Yolande Fou­quet, Antoine Palan­gier and Etienne Arnoult.
Writ­ten and direc­ted by Anne-Fleur Andrle, audio-mixed by Alice Krief.
Epi­sode n°3
03 | 05
Epi­sode 3: A school roo­ted in its local area

Find out how UTC is roo­ted in its local areas and connec­ted to nume­rous local, natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal net­works in this third epi­sode of our series dedi­ca­ted to the 50 years of the institution.

We explore the dif­ferent net­works to which this ins­ti­tu­tion roo­ted in its ter­ri­to­ries belongs. We inter­view the Head of Groupe UT, an inter­na­tio­nal student, a local jour­na­list and the direc­tor of Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions to unders­tand how the UTC forges strong links with its local, natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal part­ners, but also to explore the close ties UTC main­tains with its sur­roun­ding com­mu­ni­ties and part­ners around the world. We dis­cuss how the school acti­ve­ly engages in local and natio­nal ini­tia­tives to enhance tea­ching, research and indus­trial collaboration. 

We also look at how UTC pro­motes inter­na­tio­nal student mobi­li­ty and cultu­ral diver­si­ty on cam­pus to enrich the expe­rience of all mem­bers of the uni­ver­si­ty community. 

Whe­ther you're a student, lec­tu­rer or sim­ply curious about how the UTC is connec­ted to its ter­ri­to­ries, this epi­sode offers you a glo­bal view of the UTC's invol­ve­ment in local, natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal networks.

With the par­ti­ci­pa­tion of Joan­na Daa­boul, Dhi­ve­nya Raja­ra­thi­nam, Pier­rig Guen­nec and Benoît Eynard.
An epi­sode writ­ten and direc­ted by Anne-Fleur Andrle, audio-mixed by Alice Krief.
Epi­sode n°4
04 | 05
Epi­sode n°4: A school with inno­va­tive tea­ching methods

Dis­co­ver how UTC is at the cut­ting edge of edu­ca­tio­nal inno­va­tion in this fourth epi­sode of our pod­cast series cele­bra­ting its 50th Jubi­lee anniversary.

Find out how the school encou­rages inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ri­ty, student col­la­bo­ra­tion and hands-on prac­tice to enhance learning.

We also look at the chal­lenges faced in imple­men­ting these inno­va­tive tea­ching methods and the impres­sive results they have generated. 

Whe­ther you're a lec­tu­rer, student or sim­ply inter­es­ted in deve­lop­ments in higher edu­ca­tion, this epi­sode will give you an over­view of inno­va­tive tea­ching prac­tices at UTC.

With the par­ti­ci­pa­tion of Etienne Arnoult, Manuel Maja­da, Anne-Vir­gi­nie Sal­sac, and Natha­lie Darenne.
Writ­ten and direc­ted by Anne-Fleur Andrle, audio-mixed by Alice Krief.
Epi­sode n°5
05 | 05
Epi­sode 5: A school at the cut­ting edge of research

In this pod­cast epi­sode, we explore UTC and its uni­que­ness as a lea­ding engi­nee­ring school and research-inten­sive university.

We dis­cuss the school's dif­ferent areas of research, inno­va­tion and the impact of their work on the world.

By lis­te­ning to this epi­sode, you will dis­co­ver how the UTC has mana­ged to stand out and become one of the most pres­ti­gious research ins­ti­tu­tions in France and Europe.

With the par­ti­ci­pa­tion of Serge Bou­char­don, Marie Chris­tine Ho Ba Tho, Mad­jid Bouab­dal­lah, Jérôme Faver­geon, Claire Ros­si and Cécile Legallais.
Writ­ten and direc­ted by Anne-Fleur Andrle, audio-mixed by Alice Krief.
Epi­sode n°1
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