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  • Applying for the bachelor’s program

    Admis­sion criteria

    Admission criteria for those graduating from a French high school with the baccalauréat

    • Man­da­to­ry: mathe­ma­tics as a spe­cia­list sub­ject in appli­cants’ two last years of high school
    • Desi­rable: mathe­ma­tics as a spe­cia­list sub­ject in appli­cants’ final year of high school
    • Other desi­rable spe­cia­list sub­jects: Eco­no­mics and Social Science, His­to­ry-Geo­gra­phy, Poli­tics, Geo­po­li­tics, or Digi­tal and Com­pu­ter sciences
    • Appli­ca­tions are pro­ces­sed in Sep­tem­ber only
    • Appli­ca­tions (where appli­cable) to be made via Par­cour­sup (appli­ca­tion port­fo­lio and interview) 
      • Search for “EDHEC” then select “Double diplôme ingé­nie­rie digi­tale et mana­ge­ment"
      • Appli­cants will be inter­vie­wed after they have confir­med their choices

    Can­di­dates who fall out­side the French Par­cour­sup sys­tem for applying to ins­ti­tu­tions of higher edu­ca­tion should send their appli­ca­tion port­fo­lio direct­ly to, making it clear that they are applying for the UTC and EDHEC Bachelor’s degree in Digi­tal Engi­nee­ring and Mana­ge­ment (ID&M).

    Admission panel

    As well as loo­king at the grades obtai­ned during the last two years of high school, the admis­sions panel will focus on appli­cants’ ideas and inten­tions in rela­tion to their higher edu­ca­tion, and on their extracur­ri­cu­lar inter­ests, whe­ther these be in sport, in the arts, or an eclec­tic mix of acti­vi­ties. All these are indi­ca­tive of the kind of curio­si­ty and adap­ta­bi­li­ty that are essen­tial for anyone see­king to acquire skills simul­ta­neous­ly in digi­tal engi­nee­ring and in mana­ge­ment and commerce.

    Fees and scholarships

    Fees and scholarships

    • Admi­nis­tra­tive charge: €100
    • Tui­tion fees: €15 400 per year
    • Scho­lar­ships for excellence
    • Scho­lar­ships awar­ded on social criteria

    Optional additional charges

    • Sports asso­cia­tion mem­ber­ship: €30
    • Stu­dents' union (BDE) mem­ber­ship: €20
    Time­table for applications

    Timetable for applications in line with the Pacoursup calendar

    • From Janua­ry to mid-March: put­ting toge­ther your appli­ca­tion port­fo­lio and for­mu­la­ting your choices
    • Ear­ly April: last day for sub­mit­ting your com­ple­ted application
    • April and May: interviews
    • Begin­ning of June onwards: results
    Use­ful information

    Useful information

    The web­sites lis­ted below pro­vide infor­ma­tion about:

    You might also find UTC’s “Life on the UTC cam­pus” pages use­ful for infor­ma­tion about the various UTC sites, student asso­cia­tions, sports at UTC, libra­ries, allo­wances obtai­nable from the CROUS orga­ni­za­tion or from regio­nal bodies, loans for stu­dents, and so on.

    ID&M co-direc­tor at EDHEC/UTC
    Natha­lie Darene
     +33 (0)3 44 23 44 23
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