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I am a foreign exchange student

Exchange stu­dents are forei­gn stu­dents, French-spea­king or not, coming to UTC-Com­piegne for a stu­dy per­iod of 1 or 2 semes­ters, and to whom UTC diplo­ma can­not be deli­ve­red. These stu­dents come thanks to the exchange pro­grammes or net­works in which UTC is involved. 

Types of stay

Types of stay

Stu­dents fol­low UTC courses (bet­ween 5 and 6 credits/semester) for 6 months or one year. The ECTS cre­dits obtai­ned are then sent to their home uni­ver­si­ty to obtain their equivalences.

Stu­dents fol­low the UTC courses (bet­ween 5 and 6 Units of Value) for 6 months. The ECTS cre­dits obtai­ned are then sent to their home uni­ver­si­ty to obtain their equi­va­lences. They can then do an inter­n­ship in a com­pa­ny (TN09 or TN10) pro­vide they have obtai­ned 2CS/2TM + 2TSH during the first semes­ter.

The stu­dents car­ry out a pro­ject in a labo­ra­to­ry of UTC. The sub­ject must be consistent with the student's pro­file and must be vali­da­ted, before the student's arri­val, by the UTC tutor. The cre­dits obtai­ned can be 20 (3 months stay) or 30 (6 months stay).

The stu­dents hos­ted in the fra­me­work of our double degree agree­ments are regis­te­red at the UTC for 4 semes­ters (3 semes­ters of courses and 1 semes­ter for a placement/ inter­n­ship in a com­pa­ny). They obtain the UTC diplo­ma (under the condi­tions of their aca­de­mic results) and the diplo­ma of their uni­ver­si­ty of origin.

Choices of courses and languages

Choice of language courses

The edu­ca­tio­nal pro­grammes are flexible thanks to a cumu­la­tive sys­tem of courses: Course Cre­dits (CCs), spread over 2 semes­ters. The diver­si­ty of the CCs pro­po­sed is impor­tant and each CC counts for 4 or 6 ECTS (Euro­pean Cre­dit Trans­fer and Accu­mu­la­tion Sys­tem). The annual load of a UTC student amounts to 60 ECTS (i.e., approxi­ma­te­ly 12 CCs).

Exchange stu­dents can select Core Pro­gramme and/or Major CC pro­vi­ded that these courses are actual­ly taught during the semes­ter concer­ned and that the selec­tion is com­pa­tible with the university's timetable.

The student's final choice must be appro­ved by both his/her host uni­ver­si­ty and the UTC. Although most courses are taught in French, some are taught direct­ly in English.

English language courses

Each depart­ment offers a set of courses in English to allow non-French spea­king inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents to under­take a stay at UTC and to vali­date cre­dits. These courses are acces­sible to exchange stu­dents as well as to stu­dents of the Engi­nee­ring and Master’s degrees.

Mechanical engineering

  • MP03 – Sup­ply chain mana­ge­ment (Automne)

Computer engineering

  • NF16 (tuto­rial) – Data struc­tures, Algo­rithms (Automne + Printemps)
  • LO21 (tuto­rial) – Object orien­ted pro­gram­ming and desi­gn (Automne + Printemps)

Biological engineering

  • BT21 – Mole­cu­lar bio­tech­no­lo­gies and gene­tic engi­nee­ring (Prin­temps)
  • BT03 – Mani­pu­la­tion of cells, tis­sues and organs – immu­no­lo­gy (Automne)
  • BM07 – Bio­com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty (Automne)
  • BL17 – Pro­tein engi­nee­ring (Automne)
  • BG06 – Mas­ter Mole­cu­lar inter­ac­tion, supra­mo­le­cu­lar recog­ni­tion and bio­mi­me­tics (Automne)

Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences

  • EI03 - Inter­cul­tu­ral com­mu­ni­ca­tion in cor­po­rate, mul­ti­na­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­tions (English and French) (Automne + Printemps)
  • EI05 – Euro­pean Union socie­ty and science poli­cy (Automne + Printemps)
  • LA93 – French as a forei­gn lan­guage level III (dedi­ca­ted to inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents) (Automne + Printemps)

Internship Lab Project

  • PR/TX – Pro­ject work (Automne + Printemps)
  • TN09 – Long term indus­trial placement/lab pro­ject (Automne + Printemps)

Note: Urban Sys­tems engi­nee­ring and Che­mi­cal engi­nee­ring fields do not pro­vide any courses taught in English for the moment.

Peda­go­gi­cal acti­vi­ties pro­jects (API – Acti­vi­tés péda­go­giques à l'intersemestre) take place eve­ry year from Februa­ry and July 2020 and may be taught in English and/or Ger­man. More info here

More infor­ma­tions

AOS – Understanding complex systems in order to better model and optimize them

  • AOS1 – Advances in sta­tis­ti­cal machine learning 
  • AOS3 – Model­ling and opti­mi­zing dis­crete systems 

ARS – Designing "smart" automat and robotic systems 

  • ARS1 – Advan­ced control of dyna­mi­cal systems 
  • ARS3 – Algo­rithms and pro­to­cols for the sys­tems of systems 
  • ARS4 – Esti­ma­tion for robo­tic navigation 
  • ARS5 – Control of auto­no­mous robots in cooperation 

BMI – Innovating our understanding and actions with regard to the human body 

  • BMI0 – Mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties of bio­lo­gi­cal systems 
  • BMI1 – Engi­nee­ring of bio­lo­gi­cal and bio­ar­ti­fi­cial systems 
  • BMI2 – Micro­flui­dics and micro­sys­tems for bio­lo­gi­cal and heal­th­care applications
  • BMI3 – Model­ling neu­ro­mus­cu­lar and mus­cu­los­ke­le­tal sys­tems in interaction 
  • BMI4 – Model­ling osteoar­ti­cu­lar and mus­cu­los­ke­le­tal sys­tems in interaction 
  • BMI5 – Nano­tech­no­lo­gies and nano­me­cha­nics of com­plex bio­lo­gi­cal systems
  • BMI6 – Mul­ti­phy­sics model­ling of the vas­cu­lar system

SMC – Designing and optimizing mechanical structures and systems 

  • SMC1 – Com­por­te­ments méca­niques de complexes 
  • SMC3 – Méthodes d'identification et de carac­té­ri­sa­tion du com­por­te­ment des matériaux
  • SMC4 – Cou­places mul­ti-phy­siques, opti­mi­sa­tion et réduc­tion des modèles 
  • SMC5 – méthodes numé­riques avancées 

SMT – Designing and optimizing innovative mechatronic systems 

  • SMT1 – Sys­tems model­ling and simulation 
  • SMT4 - Concep­tion et com­mande de sys­tems méca­tro­niques à éner­gie embarquée 
  • SMX6 - Smart materials 

UTC courses in English

Placement/internship projects in enterprises

UTC like­wise pro­poses a cer­tain num­ber of CCss which call for prac­ti­cal know­ledge and which are orga­ni­zed on a pro­ject basis. The stu­dents who choose to fol­low these CCs work in small groups in close col­la­bo­ra­tion with a lec­tu­rer-super­vi­sor. The content of these courses is publi­shed before each semes­ter and stu­dents are free to enrol. 

In addi­tion, stu­dents who wish to do so can do a pro­fes­sio­nal work pla­ce­ment in a com­pa­ny. The inter­n­ship must neces­sa­ri­ly be pre­ce­ded by a semes­ter of stu­dies at UTC.

French language courses

An inten­sive 4‑week French lan­guage course is offe­red to stu­dents hos­ted in the fra­me­work of inter­na­tio­nal part­ner­ships, before the begin­ning of each semes­ter. This lan­guage trai­ning is also sup­ple­men­ted throu­ghout the semes­ter by week­ly lan­guage classes of 3 to 4 hours.

  • 4 weeks in July: inten­sive French course (100 hours), plus excur­sions, cultu­ral and sports activities.
  • 4 weeks in August: inten­sive French course (100 hours), plus excur­sions, cultu­ral and sports activities.
  • 4 weeks from the end of Janua­ry to the end of Februa­ry: inten­sive French course (80 to 100 hours)

These pro­grammes are free for exchange stu­dents. Ear­ly regis­tra­tion is requi­red given the num­ber of places is limited.

French as a Forei­gn Lan­guage (FLE) courses are offe­red to all UTC stu­dents whe­ther they are core, branch or post­gra­duate stu­dents. After a pla­ce­ment test, stu­dents are direc­ted towards the UV of their level.

The pur­pose of the courses is as follows:

  • the prac­tice of the French lan­guage in order to be able to com­mu­ni­cate in social, aca­de­mic and pro­fes­sio­nal life
  • ope­ning up and enhan­ced awa­re­ness of contem­po­ra­ry and French Socie­ty and thought
  • get­ting acquain­ted with scien­ti­fic dis­course in French
  • acqui­ring aca­de­mic work methods

The tea­ching pro­grammes are defi­ned accor­ding to the levels of the Com­mon Fra­me­work of Refe­rence for Lan­guages pro­po­sed by the Coun­cil of Europe.

FLE certified

The Centre de Fran­çais Langue Etran­gère of the Uni­ver­si­té de Tech­no­lo­gie de Com­piègne obtai­ned the Qua­li­ty FLE Label in 2015, awar­ded by the Centre Inter­na­tio­nal d'Etudes Péda­go­giques.

This label gua­ran­tees high-qua­li­ty levels in the 5 fol­lo­wing areas:

  • Tea­chers
  • Trai­ning
  • Recep­tion and support
  • Pre­mises and equipment
  • Course mana­ge­ment

UTC's FLE Centre gua­ran­tees effec­tive lin­guis­tic pre­pa­ra­tion for engi­nee­ring stu­dies during the semes­ter in the TSH Depart­ment, while the Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions Depart­ment orga­nizes, before the start of each aca­de­mic year, inten­sive pro­grammes for inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents (Februa­ry, July, August, approxi­ma­te­ly 100 hours each).

The French courses are desi­gned in accor­dance with the lan­guage levels set out in the Com­mon Euro­pean Fra­me­work of Refe­rence for Lan­guages and aim to improve com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills in an inter­cul­tu­ral and pro­fes­sio­nal context.

Res­pon­sable péda­go­gique du centre de FLE
Anna Le Ver­ger
 +33 (0)3 44 23 44 23
Res­pon­sable péda­go­gique du centre de FLE
Carole Lefran­cois
 +33 (0)3 44 23 44 23

Bachelor of Science (BSc)

In the French fra­me­work of engi­nee­ring edu­ca­tion, UTC offers MSc-degrees ("Diplômes d'Ingénieur") while many of our inter­na­tio­nal part­ner ins­ti­tu­tions award BSc and MSc degrees. In order to enhance UTC's inter­na­tio­nal attrac­ti­ve­ness, UTC may excep­tio­nal­ly award a UTC-BSc degree to inter­na­tio­nal exchange students. 


The Uni­ver­si­té de Tech­no­lo­gie de Com­piègne Bache­lor of Sciences (UTC-BSc) (Diplôme Cer­ti­fi­cat d'Études Supé­rieures de Tech­no­lo­gie de l'UTC) can only be awar­ded to inter­na­tio­nal exchange stu­dents. Stu­dents having achie­ved 60 ECTS cre­dit points (ECTS-CP) in the fol­lo­wing cate­go­ries may apply for the UTC-BSc :

30 ECTS-CP from cour­se­work and 30 ECTS-CP from a project

  • Scien­ti­fic know­ledge and tech­niques and methods : ≥ 18 ECTS-CP
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, culture & tech­no­lo­gy, mana­ge­ment : ≥ 8 ECTS-CP
  • Inter­n­ship or lab pro­ject : ≥ 30 ECTS-CP

OR 60 ECTS-CP from coursework

  • Scien­ti­fic know­ledge and tech­niques and methods : at least 36 ECTS-CP
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, culture & tech­no­lo­gy, mana­ge­ment : at least 16 ECTS-CP

In order to apply, stu­dents should first check whe­ther their home ins­ti­tu­tion has esta­bli­shed an exchange agree­ment with UTC and then send an appli­ca­tion via their local course coor­di­na­tor, e.g., the local Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions Office.

The stan­dard appli­ca­tion file has to be com­ple­ted. "I apply for the Uni­ver­si­té de Tech­no­lo­gie de Com­piègne Bache­lor of Sciences (UTC-BSc)" should be clear­ly writ­ten at the bot­tom of the cho­sen course list. 

› The UTC-BSc is free of extra charges

UTC does all it all can to assist moti­va­ted French begin­ners by offe­ring a wel­come-package, which consists of :

  • Assis­tance for air­port-trans­fer from Paris-air­ports to Com­piègne, i.e. per­so­na­li­zed trans­fer information
  • Assis­tance for housing
  • Free French inten­sive course (during 1 month prior to the semester)
  • Team of English-spea­king advi­sors for dai­ly pro­blems, e.g. admi­nis­tra­tion, visa, hou­sing, shopping 
Res­pon­sable de l'accueil des étu­diants étran­gers
Céline de Arau­jo
 +33 (0)3 44 23 73 99
Accueil des étu­diants en mobi­li­té inter­na­tio­nale
Sami­ra Lak­bir 
 +33 (0)3 44 23 43 14
Appli­ca­tion, tui­tion and aid

Six step guide to prepare your application

Step 1

First of all, you need to contact the Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions Office at your home uni­ver­si­ty to make sure that UTC has signed a bila­te­ral contract with your home university. 

Step 2

Down­load the appli­ca­tion form and com­plete it carefully

Step 3

Sub­mit your appli­ca­tion through the Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions Office at your home uni­ver­si­ty. Please note that the appli­ca­tion dead­line for the autumn semes­ter is May 1st and for the spring semes­ter is Novem­ber 1st.

Step 4

Your appli­ca­tion is being stu­died and vali­da­ted by the depart­ments' direc­tors. The UTC reserves the right to reject an appli­ca­tion if the french level isn't in ade­qua­tion with the aca­de­mic pro­file or the reques­ted edu­ca­tio­nal path. 

Step 5

You will receive an accep­tance let­ter from UTC enabling you to obtain our visa in one month. Please contact for the reser­va­tion of your room and the best iti­ne­ra­ry to arrive at Compiègne. 

Step 6  

Enjoy your trip and wel­come at UTC.

Tuition and financial aid

Tui­tion is paid at the home ins­ti­tu­tion and stu­dents incur the fol­lo­wing expenses : trans­por­ta­tion, room and board, wel­fare and insu­rance and lei­sure activities.

At UTC, tui­tion for inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents is total­ly free thanks to French govern­ment sub­si­dies, but each year stu­dents are requi­red to pay the admis­sion regis­tra­tion fees.


Exchange pro­grams :

  • No regis­tra­tion fees
  • Stu­dents' Social secu­ri­ty : free

As soon as the inter­na­tio­nal student arrives in France, he has to create his own per­so­nal account and regis­ter online to the French Social Secu­ri­ty here.

› Stu­dents from the Euro­pean Union or Qué­bec are not requi­red to pay the social secu­ri­ty in France, since their home coun­tries have a social secu­ri­ty agree­ment with France. Stu­dents over 28 years of age should regis­ter at CPAM and their social secu­ri­ty is total­ly free. 

Grants for international students

There are 2 types of grants for inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents : 1° for accom­mo­da­tion and 2° from student's home country. 

  • an accom­mo­da­tion grant (APL): pro­vi­ded by the French govern­ment accor­ding to student's finan­cial situa­tion. It is mana­ged by CAF (Caisse d'Allocations Fami­liales). More info
  • Grants from the student's coun­try of ori­gin: for more infor­ma­tion, please contact the Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions Office of your home uni­ver­si­ty or your Embas­sy or Consu­lar repre­sen­ta­tives in France.

Contribution Vie Étudiante et Campus

Since 2018, all the French and inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents regis­te­red in a first trai­ning course have to pay the CVEC (Contri­bu­tion Vie Étu­diante et Cam­pus). The CVEC costs 90 euros. This contri­bu­tion only concerns stu­dents who will get a French diploma.

Higher Education and accommodation grants

These grants are based on social cri­te­ria and are appli­cable to:

  • french stu­dents
  • forei­gn students
  • poli­ti­cal refu­gees who have a valid poli­ti­cal refu­gee card or whose parents have been living in France for more than 2 years

The grant and/or accom­mo­da­tion scho­lar­ship are based on a scale upta­ded annual­ly accor­ding to finan­cial resources and fami­ly res­pon­si­bi­li­ties (infor­ma­tion at the CROUS in Amiens or at the recep­tion of the Uni­ver­si­ty Residence). 

Whe­ther it be a first appli­ca­tion or a rene­wal, requests have to be made via inter­net before the end of April for the fol­lo­wing aca­de­mic year (check this date at the Registrar's Office). Forms for pre-regis­tra­tion are avai­lable at the Registrar's office. Stu­dents will be noti­fied notice direct­ly by the CROUS.

Specific Loans

Any student of French natio­na­li­ty or poli­ti­cal refu­gees may apply for this type of loan. A com­mis­sion convenes annual­ly, ear­ly December. 

This type of loan can­not be awar­ded concur­rent­ly with a Higher Edu­ca­tion grant, and being limi­ted in num­ber, only a few stu­dents will be allo­wed to benefit.

Res­pon­sable de l'accueil des étu­diants étran­gers
Céline de Arau­jo
 +33 (0)3 44 23 73 99
Accueil des étu­diants en mobi­li­té inter­na­tio­nale
Sami­ra Lak­bir 
 +33 (0)3 44 23 43 14
Pre­pa­ring the stay abroad

Preparing the stay abroad

"Admin" documents

A student visa is com­pul­so­ry for all inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents who stay more than 3 months in France.

A "D" student visa is requi­red to enter France for forei­gn stu­dents who are not from the Euro­pean Union or the Euro­pean Eco­no­mic Area. Swiss natio­nals are also exempt. To find out how to obtain a visa, contact the nea­rest French consu­late or embas­sy in your coun­try.

In all cases, a let­ter of admis­sion from UTC is the first docu­ment nee­ded to obtain a visa. Atten­tion: the resi­dence per­mit is also neces­sa­ry to apply for hou­sing assis­tance. Howe­ver, there is an excep­tion: when the VISA D is mar­ked "Exemp­tion from resi­dence per­mit requi­re­ment", stu­dents are not entit­led to hou­sing assistance

When you arrive in France, you must regu­la­rize your stay direct­ly on the web­site via this link

 (please change your brow­ser if this does not work)

You will need:

  • A valid e‑mail address,
  • The infor­ma­tion on your visa,
  • Your date of entry into France,
  • Your address of resi­dence in France,
  • Your pay­ment card to pay the tax stamp online (60 euros)

A medi­cal exa­mi­na­tion will be orga­ni­zed by UTC during the semes­ter of your arri­val. A convo­ca­tion will be sent to you by the Pre­ven­tive Medi­cine ser­vice of UTC.

Medi­cal cer­ti­fi­cates (from your coun­try) are no lon­ger accep­ted since Octo­ber 1, 2007.

If you are coming to Compiègne

Avoid arri­ving on Sun­days, there is very lit­tle public trans­port to Com­piègne and you will not be able to pick up the keys to your hall of residence.

Transfer to Compiègne by train

  • Take either the RER B (stop at Gare du Nord) or the air­port bus to the centre of Paris and then by taxi, métro or bus to the Gare du Nord-rail­way sta­tion-RER (Metro inside Paris)
  • Take a train from Paris Gare du Nord to Compiègne 
  • The last train leaves Paris at 10:30pm (except weekends)
  • Esti­ma­ted time : 2 hours and single trip price around 25€ 

Transfer to Compiègne by bus

Take the Picar­diy-Rois­sy and the 10 Express Bus

Pour obte­nir les horaires : 

Transfer to Compiègne by train

  • Take either Orly­val connec­tion to line RER B (stop at Gare du Nord) or the air­port bus to the centre of Paris (then as above after arri­val CDG)
  • Take a train from Paris Gare du Nord to Compiègne
  • The last train leaves Paris at 10:30pm (except weekends)
  • Esti­ma­ted time : 2 hours and single trip price around 25€ 

Transfer to Compiègne by bus

Take the Picar­diy-Rois­sy and the 10 Express Bus

Time­tables are avai­lable for trans­por­ta­tion by train from Paris air­port at :

Take either the TUC bus 12 or the Navette Aéro­port and stop at the gare rou­tière of Beau­vais or Gare SNCF

Inter­na­tio­nal trains arrive in one of the four train sta­tions in Paris. The easiest way to get to Com­piègne is to take the sub­ur­ban train from the Gare du Nord that goes to Com­piègne. The Paris métro allows easy connec­tion among the dif­ferent stations.

The first train from Paris is at 6:30 am and the last one is at 9:30 pm. Check at for fur­ther infor­ma­tion and timetables.

For Bri­tish natio­nals (or stu­dents arri­ving from Lon­don), the Euros­tar is an affor­dable alter­na­tive (offe­ring dis­counts for stu­dents) to the plane and arrives direct­ly at Gare du Nord.

Be care­ful when picking your train. The TER takes lon­ger as they stop at eve­ry sta­tion on the way. It's bet­ter to use Corail Inter­ci­tés as they are the same price and quicker.

From train station of Compiègne to UTC or your residence

Bus from rail­way sta­tion to UTC . Buses in Com­piègne are total­ly FREE.

You can find the map and time­table at: 

  • UTC Ben­ja­min Frank­lin Cen­ter : Line 5, bus stop Rue Cout­to­lenc (4 minutes)
  • UTC Research Cen­ter or Pierre Guillau­mat Cen­ter : Line 5, bus stop Denié­lou (17 minutes)
  • Student resi­dence ROBERVAL : Line 34, bus stop Rési­dence Uni­ver­si­taire (9 minutes)
  • Student resi­dence CLOS DES ROSES : Line 5, bus stop Les Jar­dins (11 minutes)
  • Student resi­dence PARC : Line 34, bus stop Centre de Recherches (13 minutes)
  • Student resi­dence PEUPLIERS : Line 34, bus stop Blaise Pas­cal (16 minutes)
  • Student resi­dence ROYALLIEU : Line 34, bus stop Blaise Pas­cal (16 minutes)


Résidence Poincaré

Résidence Internationale 

ETAP Hôtel

  • Adresse : 1, rue Pierre Sau­vage – 60200 Compiègne
  • Tél : 03 44 86 00 66
  • Fax : 00 33 3 44 20 27 90
  • Site : 

Résidence Universitaire Roberval

There 2 types of accom­mo­da­tion are available :

  • student resi­dences mana­ged by the French govern­ment (CROUS)
  • pri­vate residences.

Student resi­dences are gene­ral­ly situa­ted at a wal­king dis­tance from the cam­pus faci­li­ties and aca­de­mic departments.

› Le Bureau des Rela­tions Inter­na­tio­nales aide les étu­diants étran­gers à réser­ver un loge­ment au CROUS. Un dos­sier de pré-réser­va­tion vous sera envoyé par les rela­tions inter­na­tio­nales de l’UTC. Les places étant limi­tées, vous devez ren­voyer dès que pos­sible votre dossier.


4 resi­dences are available:

  • Rober­val
  • Clos des Roses
  • Parc
  • Peu­pliers

› Thank you to contact us direct­ly for fur­ther infor­ma­tions. (

Private residences or private accomodation

For this type of accom­mo­da­tion, you must contact direct­ly the ALESC (UTC’s Student Hou­sing Ser­vice which helps the inte­gra­tion of new stu­dents within the city of Compiegne).

The VISALE deposit (ex Caution Locative Étudiante CROUS)

To obtain your accom­mo­da­tion, the CROUS or the land­lords will ask you to name a guarantor.

The French govern­ment has the­re­fore intro­du­ced the VISALE gua­ran­tee to faci­li­tate access to accom­mo­da­tion.This request must be made direct­ly on the web­site:

This gua­ran­tee is com­pul­so­ry to reserve an accom­mo­da­tion before your arrival.

Visale can be com­bi­ned with aid from cer­tain banks to help pay the first few months' rent (see this com­pa­ra­tor  for more information).

Visale also allows you to sign a lease contract gua­ran­teeing the owners to receive their month­ly pay­ments for 3 years, but also to insure the accom­mo­da­tion for any damage cau­sed by tenants (reim­bur­sed up to an amount cor­res­pon­ding to two months' rent, inclu­ding charges).

 More infor­ma­tion be obtai­ned by cal­ling  +33 970 800 800

Home insu­rance is com­pul­so­ry in France, you can get it through a student mutual insu­rance com­pa­ny (  or ) or at a bank if you open a bank account. (Insu­rance (Com­pa­ra­tor ) 

The amount depends on the size of the room and the risks cove­red (fire, theft, water damage, civil lia­bi­li­ty, etc.).

APL – “Aide Per­son­na­li­sée au Logement”(personalised accom­mo­da­ting grant) is pro­vi­ded by the French state. It is a retroac­tive sys­tem allo­wing finan­cial aid from the 2nd or 3rd month pf your stay which depends on your resi­dence permit.

You can apply for it on the CAF (Caisse d'Allocations Fami­liales) web­site:  

Before signing the contract

  • Exa­mine each room in detail and make a writ­ten note if there are any defects.
  • The flat must be retur­ned in the same condi­tion as when you arrived.
  • Do not for­get to ask for a receipt after paying the rent.

Paying the deposit

  • The depo­sit is usual­ly the equi­va­lent of 1 or 2 months' rent.
  • It will be retur­ned to you if you return the flat in good condition.
  • If there is damage, the land­lord can keep the depo­sit (or part of it) to cover expenses.

Written proof of income

  • The land­lord may ask you for “proof in wri­ting of suf­fi­cient income” before ren­ting a flat.
  • Stu­dents who are on a scho­lar­ship or sala­ry can pro­duce a cer­ti­fi­cate from the orga­ni­za­tion that pays them a sala­ry or scholarship.
  • Stu­dents who are finan­cial­ly sup­por­ted by their parents can give pho­to­co­pies of their sala­ries or writ­ten proof that they can afford the expenses.

Cost of living

The cost of student life in France is one of the lowest in the Wes­tern world.

To cal­cu­late your bud­get, you should divide your expenses into two cate­go­ries:

  • Regu­lar expenses on a month­ly basis: about 500 Euros.
    • Addi­tio­nal expenses rela­ted to tra­vel­ling, living and stu­dying in a forei­gn coun­try, which are not inclu­ded in the month­ly base (tou­rism, lei­sure acti­vi­ties, various depo­sits, regis­tra­tion at the Stu­dents’ Union fees …).

Make sure you have "Tra­vel­lers Cheques" (which are use­ful for ope­ning a bank account) or an inter­na­tio­nal cre­dit card (Visa or Mastercard).

Wha­te­ver type of accom­mo­da­tion you choose you will have to pay rent and a depo­sit when you move in.

  • a room in uni­ver­si­ty resi­dence 180€ or room near the city centre 350 to 450€.
  • meals at the uni­ver­si­ty res­tau­rant: lunch and din­ner 171€ (3,30 € per meal)
  • other expenses (course mate­rials, clothes, enter­tain­ment, etc.) 200 €.

The first month you will be requi­red to pay :

  • resi­dence rent + depo­sit (usual­ly 2 months rent) 1000 €.

Medical insurance coverage

If you are a non-European student

All non-Euro­pean Union stu­dents who come to the UTC must regis­ter with the Student Social Secu­ri­ty scheme (free of charge).

Upon arri­val, the inter­na­tio­nal student must create a space and regis­ter online with the Social Secu­ri­ty: Pri­vate insu­rance will not be accepted.

If you are a European student

All stu­dents from the Euro­pean Space wel­co­med at UTC within the fra­me­work of an exchange agree­ment must be in pos­ses­sion of an E111 or E128 form or a Euro­pean health card, other­wise you will have to regis­ter with the Student Social Secu­ri­ty sys­tem (free of charge).

If you are from Quebec

All stu­dents from Que­bec hos­ted at the UTC as part of an exchange agree­ment must be in pos­ses­sion of a SE40-Q106 form, other­wise you will have to regis­ter with the Student Social Secu­ri­ty sys­tem (free of charge).

Pri­vate insu­rance will not be accepted.

  • The cost of a medi­cal consul­ta­tion with a GP is 25 euros. A consul­ta­tion with a den­tist or a spe­cia­list (der­ma­to­lo­gist, oph­thal­mo­lo­gist…) costs about 28 euros.
  • Stu­dents affi­lia­ted to the student regime in France will be reim­bur­sed at the gene­ric coef­fi­cient set by the social secu­ri­ty (i.e., 70% of the doctor's fees, variable coef­fi­cient for pres­crip­tions). It is recom­men­ded that you take out com­ple­men­ta­ry health insu­rance in France (  or ), pre­fe­ra­bly in your home coun­try. This will ensure bet­ter cove­rage of any medi­cal expenses.
Res­pon­sable de l'accueil des étu­diants étran­gers
Céline de Arau­jo
 +33 (0)3 44 23 73 99
Accueil des étu­diants en mobi­li­té inter­na­tio­nale
Sami­ra Lak­bir 
 +33 (0)3 44 23 43 14
Label Wel­come to France

UTC-Com­pîegne has been awar­ded the label "Bien­ve­nue en France" level 2 stars for the qua­li­ty of the recep­tion of inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents, for the per­iod 2020–2024.

The "Wel­come to France" label dis­tin­guishes French higher edu­ca­tion ins­ti­tu­tions that have deve­lo­ped recep­tion faci­li­ties for inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents. A gua­ran­tee of confi­dence, the label attests to the qua­li­ty of the wel­come and os seen as a pro­mo­tio­nal tool for the institution.

The indi­ca­tors par­ti­cu­lar­ly reco­gni­zed for UTC are those of the qua­li­ty and acces­si­bi­li­ty of infor­ma­tion, the qua­li­ty and acces­si­bi­li­ty of the recep­tion faci­li­ties, the qua­li­ty and acces­si­bi­li­ty of the trai­ning offer and the sup­port of the tea­ching staff, accom­mo­da­tion and the qua­li­ty of life on cam­pus in Com­piegne, and the qua­li­ty of the post-gra­dua­tion fol­low-up of the inter­na­tio­nal students.

En savoir plus sur le label

Guide de l'étudiant

Pla­quette des rela­tions internationales

À lire dans Interactions

Par­ti­ci­per à la chaîne des valeurs

Sou­te­nir la dyna­mique étudiante

Le cercle ver­tueux et syner­gique des partenariats

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