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Applying for a stay abroad

Find all the infor­ma­tion you may need concer­ning the appli­ca­tion for a trip abroad. Whe­ther you are in the core cur­ri­cu­lum or in one of the majors, the appli­ca­tion pro­ce­dure is the same.

Steps in the application process

Step 1: To apply

You must express 3 wishes for des­ti­na­tions in line with:

  • your aca­de­mic results,
  • your lan­guage level,
  • your pro­fes­sio­nal project,
  • the num­ber of places in rela­tion to the num­ber of applications.

Step 2: Selection 

The selec­tion is made by a jury com­po­sed of the UTC Trai­ning and Peda­go­gy Depart­ment, the inter­na­tio­nal mobi­li­ty mana­gers and the Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions Depart­ment, as per dif­ferent criteria:

  • your aca­de­mic results,
  • your lan­guage level,
  • the num­ber of places in the part­ner university,
  • your moti­va­tion,
  • equi­ty bet­ween majors.

Step 3: The application file

After confir­ma­tion of your selec­tion by UTC, you will have to fill in an appli­ca­tion file, the "Student Appli­ca­tion Form", which will be sent to the part­ner uni­ver­si­ty for deli­be­ra­tion. You will have to hand in this file in com­pliance the given deadline.

This is also the time to apply for scho­lar­ship grants..

Step 4: Instruction et Décision

The part­ner Uni­ver­si­ty decides whe­ther to accept or reject your application

Step 5: Risk of cancellation

There are two pos­sible cases in which regis­tra­tion can be cancelled:

  • the end-of-semes­ter assess­ment panel consi­ders that your aca­de­mic results are not satisfactory;
  • some pro­blem at the part­ner uni­ver­si­ty imposes a “force majeure” cancellation.

Validating and finalising

Once Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions informs you of your pos­sible des­ti­na­tion uni­ver­si­ty, you have one week to vali­date the choice (except if the part­ner uni­ver­si­ties has shor­ter deadlines).

Be care­ful! Once you have accep­ted your depar­ture, you can­not refuse it.

Moreo­ver, you must wait for the part­ner university's reply to find out whe­ther you have real­ly been accep­ted to stu­dy there. It is then up to you to pre­pare your trip.

Administrative documents

You need to find out if you need a visa, what docu­ments are requi­red to be able to stu­dy at the part­ner uni­ver­si­ty (resi­dence per­mit, for example) or if you need insu­rance, a bank account, trans­port cards, etc.

We stron­gly advise you to take out can­cel­la­tion insu­rance as it is dif­fi­cult to fore­see what can hap­pen at the des­ti­na­tion uni­ver­si­ty (strike, sud­den refu­sal of the uni­ver­si­ty, local strife and/or vio­lence in the country…).

Your arrival at the partner university

We stron­gly advise you to pre­pare well for your arri­val by thin­king in par­ti­cu­lar about

  • the trans­port means to be used to go from the air­port to the city where you will stay (bus, taxi, car…);
  • the exchange rate if you are going to be out­side the euro zone;
  • at least tem­po­ra­ry accom­mo­da­tion, so as not to find your­self without a roof over your head for the first few days.

During and after your stay abroad

Your role as Ambassador

Do not for­get that from the moment you go abroad, you become an ambas­sa­dor of UTC-Com­piegne. It is the­re­fore impor­tant to give a good image of your­self and UTC during your stu­dies and your exchanges with forei­gners. Indeed, in the contra­ry case, it is pos­sible that the uni­ver­si­ty of des­ti­na­tion refuses to extend the part­ner­ship which binds it with the UTC.

Should a problem arise in respect to your studies abroad

If the courses you have cho­sen are no lon­ger taught during your semes­ter of stu­dy, the pro­gramme has been modi­fied, the courses are given in ano­ther lan­guage than plan­ned, there is an incom­pa­ti­bi­li­ty in the time­table, etc.: please inform the per­son in charge of your course (core cur­ri­cu­lum, major branch or stream) of these changes and copying in your contact per­son at the DRI Depar­ture Office (see below).

Should an “admin” problem arise

Before, during or after the stay abroad, if you have any admi­nis­tra­tive pro­blem, do not hesi­tate to contact your referent in the part­ner uni­ver­si­ty but also at UTC (see the tab "Contact" below). These per­sons will address your ques­tion as soon as possible.

Contact and documentation

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