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All the condi­tions and pre­re­qui­sites for going abroad.

Why go abroad?

In a mar­ket which is beco­ming glo­bal (jobs, pro­ducts, ser­vices, research…), it is impor­tant to know how to manage inter­ac­tions with inter­na­tio­nal teams (dif­fe­rences in lan­guages, methods, culture…). UTC's ove­rar­ching objec­tive is to train crea­tive, inno­va­tive and "inter­na­tio­nal­ly min­ded" engineers.

This is why the UTC favours inter­na­tio­nal exchanges and trips abroad throu­ghout the 5 years of the cur­ri­cu­lum. This allows its stu­dents to per­fect their edu­ca­tion, to open up to the out­side world, to become acquain­ted with and learn more about new cultures, to prac­tice forei­gn lan­guages, to acquire new wor­king methods…

When can i go abroad?

  • In any semes­ter of the major branch for stu­dents who have com­ple­ted their core cur­ri­cu­lum at UTC.
  • In semes­ters 3, 4 or 5 for stu­dents who have not com­ple­ted the core cur­ri­cu­lum at the UTC.

This stay must be pre­pa­red. Lin­guis­tic and scien­ti­fic cri­te­ria are deci­sive to obtain the offi­cial agree­ment of UTC. The depar­tures take place in accor­dance with the dates of re-entry of the host universities:

  • in the autumn semes­ter (after the admi­nis­tra­tive re-regis­tra­tion at UTC with the Admi­nis­tra­tion des études (Dean’s Office).
  • in the spring semes­ter.

Cau­tion: if the Spring start date of the envi­sa­ged host uni­ver­si­ty comes before the Janua­ry exams at UTC, the student can­not go there. Only those stu­dents who are on pla­ce­ment in the pre­vious semes­ter, and who finish in Decem­ber, can go there.

During your stay abroad, if your edu­ca­tio­nal path­way allows it, you can extend your semes­ter of stu­dy with a semes­ter of inter­n­ship: you will get more out of a full year abroad.

What is the framework that allows the stay abroad?

There are many possibilities:

  • Stu­dy stay in a forei­gn uni­ver­si­ty: the stu­dy semes­ters (1 or 2 semes­ters) can be car­ried out during semes­ter 4 of the core cur­ri­cu­lum as well as during the 6 semes­ters of the major branches. The courses taken in the ins­ti­tu­tions are vali­da­ted in the form of CC equi­va­lences on return from the stay. Inter­es­ted stu­dents are invi­ted to apply the semes­ter before their departure.
  • Inter­n­ships and pro­jects: inter­n­ships in uni­ver­si­ty labo­ra­to­ries are regu­lar­ly offe­red by the ins­ti­tu­tions with which UTC is in contact.
  • Double degrees: 21 double degree courses are offe­red at the UTC.
  • Pre­pa­ra­tion of a Mas­ter of Science: stu­dents have the pos­si­bi­li­ty to apply for a Mas­ter of Science in the last year of their major. The Master's pro­gramme includes courses in the cho­sen spe­cial­ty and research work lea­ding to the the­sis. Courses and research are vali­da­ted in paral­lel for the engi­nee­ring degree. The TOEFL (Test of English as a Forei­gn Lan­guage) and GRE (Gra­duate Record Exa­mi­na­tion) tests are com­pul­so­ry and their requi­red level is high. For the USA, TOEFL and GRE are requi­red; for Swe­den only TOEFL is requi­red. The dura­tion of a Master's degree in the US and Swe­den varies from 18 to 24 months. Appli­ca­tions must be sub­mit­ted before the end of GX 02 (2nd semes­ter of the student’s cho­sen major branch).

Prerequisites for a departure and stay abroad

  • Obtainthe agree­ment of the major course direc­tor.
  • Obtain good results and a good assess­ment at the "fol­low-up jury" of the semes­ter before depar­ture. Please don't for­get that you will have applied 6 months before!
  • You will have acqui­red a suf­fi­cient level of lan­guage skills, or the TOEFL (Test Of English as a Forei­gn Lan­guage) if it is a requi­site of the host institution.

Please note! A mini­mum TOEFL score is requi­red for the fol­lo­wing des­ti­na­tions: Uni­ted States, Cana­da (except Que­bec), Aus­tra­lia, New Zea­land. To have a good chance of suc­cess, you should be at least at LE03 level.

For details of how to regis­ter and the cost of the test, check out the ETS (Edu­ca­tio­nal Tes­ting Ser­vice).

It takes about 3 weeks to be noti­fied as to the result. Don't for­get to ask for the results to be sent to UTC when you take the test.

The scores obtai­ned are valid for 2 years after the test date. 

To do a Master's degree in the USA you will also need to sit the GRE (Gra­duate Record Examination).

Please note: a score of 1000 points mini­mum on the GRE (in addi­tion to the TOEFL) is requi­red. Depar­tures depend on the num­ber of places avai­lable (depen­ding on rele­vant agree­ments and conventions).

Choosing your courses

The courses you would like to take must fit the trai­ning pro­file of your own degree. Your ini­tial choice must be vali­da­ted by your core, major or spe­cial­ty super­vi­sor, depen­ding on your situa­tion.

  • For stays in Europe: for 30 ECTS cre­dits pas­sed, 6 UTC CCs (30 ECTS cre­dits being the equi­va­lent of the nor­mal student load in Europe for one semes­ter. ECTS" cre­dits are points allo­ca­ted to each course taken).
  • For stays in North Ame­ri­ca: 4 courses pas­sed give 5 UTC CCs, 5 courses give 6 UTC CCs
  • Stays in Aus­tra­lia and Sin­ga­pore: 3 suc­cess­ful courses give 4 or 5 UTC CCs, 4 courses give 5 or 6 UTC CCs.

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