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Types of stay abroad

So, you want to go abroad? Dis­co­ver below the dif­ferent types of stays avai­lable at UTC-Compiegne!

Spen­ding a semes­ter abroad

Spending a semester abroad 

You can go to one of the many part­ner uni­ver­si­ties of UTC to stu­dy for one or more semesters.

What is the format?

As part of one or more semes­ters of stu­dy abroad, you will usual­ly take courses with native stu­dents in their native lan­guage or in English. These courses are cre­di­ted in ETCS like UTC courses. For those who wish to do so, you can take the neces­sa­ry steps to then under­take a placement/internship in the coun­try of the part­ner university.

Whe­ther it is for an inter­n­ship or a semes­ter of stu­dy, do not hesi­tate to consult the scho­lar­ships avai­lable in the fra­me­work of a depar­ture abroad.

When should you apply?

You can apply to go abroad in TC03 (for the com­mon core) and from GX02 (if you have com­ple­ted the com­mon core) or GX03 (if you have arri­ved in the major course).

The request is made in the "My file" tab of your space in ENT.

What are the advantages of a stay abroad for your personal professional project?

An expe­rience abroad usual­ly brings a lot to a student. In addi­tion to lear­ning new lan­guages and dis­co­ve­ring a new culture, you will gain a lot in terms of ini­tia­tive and open-min­ded­ness; not to men­tion that you will obvious­ly be able to add the name of the uni­ver­si­ty where you stu­died for one or seve­ral semes­ters to your CV.

How should one choose the host university?

Choo­sing a uni­ver­si­ty is an impor­tant choice, so don't over­look it!

Stu­dents usual­ly look at the lan­guage of the coun­try and its geo­gra­phi­cal loca­tion when making their choice. But don't for­get to take into account the level of the uni­ver­si­ty and the courses you can take at the uni­ver­si­ty in ques­tion so that it best suits your career plans.

Atten­tion: the choice of des­ti­na­tions is dif­ferent accor­ding to your level of stu­dy (Core cur­ri­cu­lum or Major).

Placements/internships abroad

Placements/internships abroad 

During your cur­sus, there are many per­iods allo­ca­ted to placements/internships that you can car­ry out abroad.

Identifying a suitable placement/internship

As part of your course, you must complete:

  • one month of work expe­rience (TN05) OR one month of work expe­rience abroad (TN07) only for those who regis­te­red in the core curriculum;
  • one semes­ter as an assis­tant engi­neer (TN09);
  • one semes­ter of inter­n­ship as an engi­neer (TN10) or End of stu­dies pro­ject.

UTC-Com­piegne gives you the pos­si­bi­li­ty to do these inter­n­ships abroad.

Be care­ful! It is not because you have found an inter­n­ship abroad that it will neces­sa­ri­ly be accep­ted: the sub­ject of your inter­n­ship must com­ply with your aca­de­mic cur­ri­cu­lum and your per­so­nal pro­fes­sio­nal pro­ject. The per­son in charge of inter­n­ships in your branch or the TC/branch mana­ger must give his agree­ment by signing the conven­tion bet­ween the com­pa­ny in ques­tion and UTC.

How should one search for the right placement/internship ?

  • By regu­lar­ly loo­king at the site sec­tion concer­ning the inter­n­ship offers on the ENT, you will have direct access to the inter­n­ship offers, abroad, alrea­dy vali­da­ted in your branch and/or field.
  • By consul­ting the inter­n­ship his­to­ry on the ENT, you will be able to send spon­ta­neous appli­ca­tions to com­pa­nies which have alrea­dy wel­co­med UTC stu­dents on internship.
  • By joi­ning the alum­ni net­work at UTC Alum­ni, you will be able to contact for­mer stu­dents who are now wor­king abroad.
  • Final­ly, by can­vas­sing com­pa­nies on their web­site, you will be able to get in touch with them directly.

Help available to prepare a CV and a letter of motivation

UTC’s lan­guage tea­chers offer you ses­sions at the begin­ning of the semes­ter to review and cor­rect any mis­takes in your cur­ri­cu­lum vitae and cover let­ter with you.

Financial aid

You may also be eli­gible for finan­cial aid such as the Mer­moz grant from the Hauts-de-France Regio­nal Coun­cil or the Eras­mus+ inter­n­ship grant (if you go to ano­ther EU country).

Coor­di­na­trice des stages courts (stage ouvrier)
Lau­riane Dupuis
 +33 (0)3 44 23 52 38
Coor­di­na­trice des stages à l'international (stage interculturel)
Anne-Louise Lamon­tagne
 +33 (0)3 44 23 73 84

A double degree abroad

A double degree abroad 

UTC, in its choices of depar­tures abroad, also pro­poses you to do a double degree with one of its part­ner uni­ver­si­ties. This gene­ral­ly consists in regis­te­ring for one or seve­ral semes­ters of stu­dies in this uni­ver­si­ty, fol­lo­wed by a placement/ inter­n­ship, in order to be awar­ded, in addi­tion to the UTC diplo­ma, the diplo­ma of the uni­ver­si­ty in question.

To obtain a double degree, the UTC stu­dents have to fol­low 1 or 2 semes­ters of courses in the part­ner ins­ti­tu­tion and do their inter­n­ship or their end-of-stu­dies pro­ject in the coun­try of the uni­ver­si­ty concer­ned.

21 double degrees have been set up.

Who can apply for a double degree registration ?

  • All stu­dents who are at the end of their major course (GX04 5)

Prerequisites for a departure and stay abroad

  • Obtain the agree­ment of the major course direc­tor.
  • Obtain good results and a good assess­ment at the "fol­low-up jury" of the semes­ter before depar­ture. Don't for­get that you will have applied 6 months or even 1 year before!
  • You will have acqui­red a suf­fi­cient level of lan­guage skills, or the TOEFL (Test Of English as a Forei­gn Lan­guage) if it is a requi­site of the host institution.

Please note! A mini­mum TOEFL score is requi­red for the fol­lo­wing des­ti­na­tions: Uni­ted States, Cana­da (except Que­bec), Aus­tra­lia, New Zea­land. To have a good chance of suc­cess, you should be at least at LE03 level.

To pass the TOEFL 

For details of how to regis­ter and the cost of the test, check out the ETS (Edu­ca­tio­nal Tes­ting Ser­vice).

It takes about 3 weeks to be noti­fied as to the result. Don't for­get to ask for the results to be sent to UTC when you take the test.

The scores obtai­ned are valid for 2 years after the test date.

To do a Master’s degree in the USA, you need to sit and pass a GRE (Graduate Record Examination)

Consult the ETS (Edu­ca­tio­nal Tes­ting Ser­vice) for appli­ca­tion details

Please note: a score of 1000 points mini­mum on the GRE (in addi­tion to the TOEFL) is requi­red. Depar­tures depend on the num­ber of places avai­lable (depen­ding on rele­vant agree­ments and conventions).

Possible destinations


Tech­nische Uni­ver­sität Braun­sch­weig (TU-BS/UTC) Majors concer­ned:  (UTC-GB/GP/IM/GSU). Mini­mum dura­tion 18 months. Level of Ger­man requi­red: LA03 (B2). Stu­dents selec­ted for the double degree are eli­gible for finan­cial sup­port from the Fran­co-Ger­man Uni­ver­si­ty (UFA). Inter­cul­tu­ral semi­nars are also part of the pro­gramme (in Februa­ry in Braun­sch­weig; in June in Compiègne). –


Uni­ver­si­dad de Zara­go­za (CPS/UTC) – Majors concer­ned: UTC-GB/GP/GI/IM. Dura­tion: 18 months. Level of Spa­nish requi­red: LA23.


Poli­tec­ni­co di Tori­no – Majors concer­ned: UTC- GB/GP/IM/GSU. Dura­tion: 18 months. Level of Ita­lian requi­red : LA53 (depar­tures pos­sible in GX05). 

Uni­ver­si­ta degli stu­di di Geno­va – Major concer­ned: UTC- GI – Master’s degree level. Dura­tion: 12 months. 

United Kingdom

Cran­field Uni­ver­si­ty (CIT/UTC) – Majors concer­ned: UTC-GB/GP/GI/IM. Dura­tion: 12 mois (in paral­lel with the final year of stu­dy GX05 – GX06). English level requi­red: LA13).


Nor­th­wes­tern Poly­tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty – Majors: all UTC majors. Dura­tion: 24 months. 

Xi'an Jiao­tong Uni­ver­si­ty – Majors concer­ned: UTC-GB/GI/IM. Dura­tion 18 months. English level requi­red: LA13. Appli­ca­tion at the end of GX02.


Chi­ba Ins­ti­tute of Tech­no­lo­gy – Majors : UTC – GI/IM – Master’s degree. 


Uni­ver­si­té Liba­naise – Majors: UTC-GI/IM – Master’s degree. . 


Uni­ver­si­dad Nacio­nal del Sur – Major : UTC- GP. 

Uni­ver­si­dad Fava­lo­ro – Major: UTC- GB. 


Uni­ver­si­dade Fede­ral do Paraná – Major: UTC- IM. 

Uni­ver­si­dade Tec­noló­gi­ca Fede­ral do Paraná – Majors: UTC – GB/GP/IM – Dura­tion 18 months. 

Uni­ver­si­dade Fede­ral de Ita­jubá (UNIFEI) – Major :UTC- IM aero­nau­tics specialty. 

Esco­la Poli­tec­ni­ca da Uni­ver­si­dade de São Pau­lo (USP) – Majors: UTC – GI/GP/IM.


Uni­ver­si­dad de Val­pa­rai­so – Major : UTC- GB.


École de tech­no­lo­gie supé­rieure (ETS) – Majors: all UTC majors. 

École poly­tech­nique de Mont­réal – Majors: all UTC majors.

Uni­ver­si­té du Qué­bec à Chi­cou­ti­mi – Majors : UTC – GI/GSU/IM.

United States

Geor­gia Ins­ti­tute of Tech­no­lo­gy – Majors : UTC – GI/IM. TOEFL + suc­cess­ful mark at GRE.

Help available to prepare a CV and a letter of motivation

UTC’s lan­guage tea­chers offer you ses­sions at the begin­ning of the semes­ter to review and cor­rect any mis­takes in your cur­ri­cu­lum vitae and cover let­ter with you.

Financial aid

You may also be eli­gible for finan­cial aid such as Eras­mus+ stay (if your des­ti­na­tion is ano­ther EU coun­try), AMI from the French Minis­try for HE (MESR)UFA, or a Mer­moz grant from the Hauts-de-France Regio­nal Council

Eri­ca Pires Arru­da
 +33 (0)3 44 23 73 96
Valé­rie Mabile
 +33 (0)3 44 23 73 80

Sum­mer (or win­ter) school abroad

Summer (or winter) school abroad 

UTC-Com­piegne offers you the pos­si­bi­li­ty to do a sum­mer or win­ter school which can be on a theme in line with your per­so­nal trai­ning, on a pro­ject or on inten­sive lan­guage courses. The dura­tion of the sum­mer or win­ter school can be from 1 to 4 weeks depen­ding on the school.

Who can apply for this type of school?

Anyone can do one of these schools, even if they are recom­men­ded more for GX02 and above.

More details

Infor­ma­tion about sum­mer and win­ter schools varies from year to year.

It is impor­tant to look at the notice boards in the Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions Depart­ment (buil­ding G) or to ask the "Depar­tures Abroad" depart­ment for infor­ma­tion on the various courses taking place each semes­ter. Infor­ma­tion about sum­mer and win­ter schools varies from year to year.

Cost of a summer/winter schoolIn most schools, the cost is lar­ge­ly or enti­re­ly borne by the student.

École d'été / d'hiver
Eri­ca Pires Arru­da
 +33 (0)3 44 23 73 96
École d'été / d'hiver
Valé­rie Mabile
 +33 (0)3 44 23 73 80

Semes­ter of leave of abs­cence (break semester)

Semester of leave of abscence (break semester) 

UTC allows you to take one or seve­ral “break” semes­ters in order to car­ry out some per­so­nal pro­jects. This pro­ject does not need to be rela­ted to your trai­ning at the UTC to be appro­ved by the school.

Be care­ful, this cor­res­ponds to a real break in your stu­dies, so it is a paren­the­sis during your trai­ning at UTC.

If you wish, you can also take advan­tage of the gap per­iod to look for a placement/internship.

Any UTC student can apply.

For TC (core stu­dents): TC03 and above

For majo­ring stu­dents: GX02 and above

How do you apply for a “break” period?

A “break” form can be obtai­ned from the Student Admi­nis­tra­tion Ser­vice (SAE).

You then fill in and sub­mit this form, toge­ther with a 4 or 5 page docu­ment des­cri­bing in detail your pro­ject (des­crip­tion of the pro­ject, its context and pos­sible part­ner­ships, impact on your cur­ri­cu­lum, pro­vi­sio­nal time­table on your return to the UTC, finan­cing plan) to your peda­go­gi­cal super­vi­sor (head of the core cur­ri­cu­lum or head of the branch): he/she must sign the form. Once you have obtai­ned his/her agree­ment, you must return the signed form to the SAE.

Final step, the Direc­tor for UTC Trai­ning and Peda­go­gy (DFP) must vali­date your appli­ca­tion. The SAE is res­pon­sible for sub­mit­ting your appli­ca­tion to the DFP: you do not have to inter­vene at this stage.

You will know if your gap per­iod is defi­ni­ti­ve­ly vali­da­ted or not by UTC once you will see a

When should you apply?

The appli­ca­tion must be made during the semes­ter before your gap per­iod.

Financial aid

Given that the break per­iod is a paren­the­sis during your trai­ning at the UTC, you can­not claim any of the dif­ferent grants dedi­ca­ted to inter­na­tio­nal mobi­li­ty.

Howe­ver, depen­ding on your pro­ject, you can, with the Stu­dents’ Union (BDE), put toge­ther a file and obtain grants from the BDE, the FSDIE and/or viathe Februa­ry activities.

Please note: It is impor­tant to find out and contact the BDE or the rele­vant asso­cia­tion in order to know if your pro­ject can be assis­ted by them.

Direc­trice aux rela­tions inter­na­tio­nales
Gaëlle Dac­q­mine
 +33 (0)3 44 23 49 63
Res­pon­sable du ser­vice admi­nis­tra­tion des études
Marie-Anne Trais­nel
 +33 (0)3 44 23 49 40

Guide de l'étudiant

Pla­quette des rela­tions internationales

À lire dans Interactions

« Une vie pro­fes­sion­nelle, ça se construit pas à pas »

Agir sur le monde en chan­geant le regard sur l’innovation

Desi­gn sonore made in UTC sur Radio France

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