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The Investments for the Future Programme

The Invest­ments for the Future Pro­gramme has been laun­ched in 2010 to sup­port research and inno­va­tion in 6 stra­te­gic axes for the future of France. It aims to pro­mote " French excel­lence " from basic research to indus­trial inno­va­tion. A total of 47 bil­lion euros has been allo­ca­ted to this pro­gram, from which UTC has amply bene­fi­ted, thanks to its lea­ding involv­ment through 8 PIA labe­led structures.


This pro­gramme repre­sents a mobi­li­za­tion of French State fun­ding in Higher Edu­ca­tion and Voca­tio­nal trai­ning schemes, in research acti­vi­ties, indus­tries and SMEs, in sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment and in all future orien­ted areas such as 'digi­tal', 'bio­tech' or 'nuclear' sectors.

As a lau­reate esta­blish­ment for 8 of the pro­jects it pre­sen­ted 8 pro­jects, UTC the uni­ver­si­ty with the most Govern­ment Invest­ment for the Future awards (PIAs) pro rata the num­ber of research scien­tists which means that the Picar­die Region was ran­ked first in France:

  • one Excel­lence ini­tia­tive (IDEX)
  • one Ins­ti­tute for Ener­gy Tran­si­tion (ITE)
  • one Ins­ti­tute for Tech­no­lo­gi­cal Research (IRT)
  • one Excel­lence Labo­ra­to­ry (Labex)
  • two Excel­lence Equip­ments (Equi­pex)
  • one Tech­no­lo­gy Trans­fer Acce­le­ra­tor Com­pa­ny (SATT)
  • one Excel­lence Ini­tia­tive in Inno­va­tive Trai­ning (IDEFI)

All told, 14 pro­jects pre­sen­ted in Picar­die were selec­ted out of a total natio­nal 400 pro­jects. These ini­tia­tives allo­wed UTC to widen the scope and value add to its skills and know­ledge-base in a wide range of action domains and thus enable the esta­blish­ment to meet and ans­wer the major chal­lenges ahead, that we see deve­lo­ping today, in the ear­ly 21st century.

Mana­ging the French Govern­ment Invest­ments for the Future incen­tives is conco­mi­tant with UTC's invest­ment logic thrust, co-finan­cing the finan­cial efforts and means along with the State and other exter­nal part­ners' contributions.

Contacts de la recherche à l'UTC

Pla­quette des inves­tis­se­ments d'avenir à l'UTC

À lire dans Interactions

« Une vie pro­fes­sion­nelle, ça se construit pas à pas »

Agir sur le monde en chan­geant le regard sur l’innovation

Desi­gn sonore made in UTC sur Radio France

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