Integrated Transformation of Renewable Matter (TIMR)
This research team associates the skills and know-how of UTC in process engineering and those of the Compiègne based École Supérieure de Chimie Organique et Minérale (ESCOM) in the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering.
The objectives of TIMR are: to develop, validate and implement the knowledge and know-how intended for the processes and reactions of transformation of renewable material.
The unit's research activities are part of scientific and technological issues, and current societal issues related to the optimization of the use of resources and the renewal of industrial processes in connection with a sustainable development approach.
Research teams and thematics
TIMR's research activities revolve around 5 teams with complementary skills and the Chemistry and Green Processes Chair of Excellence:
- Microbial activities and bioprocesses (MAB)
Characterization, monitoring of microbial activities in complex natural and industrial environments, and control of bioprocesses via a multidisciplinary approach.
- Environmental Protection In Chemical Engineering (EPICE)
Participation in the design and development of industrial processes with the constraints of minimizing environmental impacts and controlling industrial risks.
- Interfaces and divided environments (IMiD)
Mastery of the behavior of complex dispersed systems in the processing and shaping processes, interface phenomena, behavioral properties of divided solids.
- Organic Chemistry and Alternative Technologies (OCAT)
Alternative techniques for synthesizing new molecules from biomass, clean and economical synthesis processes, valorisation of biomolecules and biobased materials.
- Agro-industrial technologies (TAI)
Mastery of biomolecule extraction and separation processes, implementation of unconventional physical transformations, emerging transfer intensification processes.
- Chair of excellence in chemistry and green processes
The objective of the chair is to amplify the integration between chemistry and process engineering through a multidisciplinary approach favoring the development of innovative processes.
Research projects and partnerships
- Involvement in many partnership research projects with academic laboratories in France and internationally: european programs Marie Curie Actions (Initial Training Networks), FUI projects, projects supported by the Hauts-de-France Region and the FEDER, by the Industries and Agro-Resources competitiveness cluster, by ADEME, by Sorbonne University…
- Strong investment in the Investments for the Future program, as part of the Institute for Energy Transition PIVERT (Picardie Innovations végétales, enseignements et recherches technologiques).
- Important componant of activities in relation to companies, in patnerships with large groups (Areva, groupe Avril, Maguin, L'Oréal, Nestlé, PCAS, PSA, Saint Gobain, Sanofi, SIAPP, Sofralab, Solvay, Tereos, Veolia, Weylchem…), research organizations and EPIC (CEA, CETIM, IFPEN, INERIS, ITERG, Terres Inovia…), but also SMEs (Aaqius, Metarom, CCL…) and start-ups (SAS PIVERT…).
- Active participation in many networks and research groups such as: ANCRE and AllEnvi alliances, ANSES, SFR Condorcet (FR CNRS 3417), European Federation of Chemical Engineering, GIS Solimetha, Société française de génie des procédés, Société chimique de France, Société française fluide-particules, programme MOCOPEE, actions COST…
Zoom on 2 projects
Contact and documentation
Contacts de la recherche à l'UTC