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  • Applying for doctoral (PhD) studies at UTC

    The PhD is a pro­fes­sio­nal expe­rience that consists of under­ta­king 3 years of research in a uni­ver­si­ty labo­ra­to­ry, a large research orga­ni­za­tion or a research-deve­lop­ment-inno­va­tion centre within a company.

    Requi­re­ments to a PhD registration

    Requirements to a PhD registration

    To be eli­gible to enrol for a the­sis, can­di­dates must hold a master’s degree from a French uni­ver­si­ty or an equi­va­lent master’s‑level qua­li­fi­ca­tion awar­ded fol­lo­wing an edu­ca­tio­nal pro­gramme demons­tra­ting an abi­li­ty for research

    Can­di­dates who have achie­ved an equi­va­lent level in a forei­gn uni­ver­si­ty and can­di­dates bene­fi­ting from accre­di­ta­tion for work expe­rience (VAE) may enrol by pro­vi­ding evi­dence of master’s‑level stu­dies appro­ved by the Direc­tor of the Doc­to­ral School (request for a spe­cial dis­pen­sa­tion to make at the application). 

    Can­di­dates must have a cer­ti­fied B1 level of pro­fi­cien­cy in English (Com­mon Euro­pean Fra­me­work of Refe­rence for Lan­guages). Ce niveau est attes­té par la pré­sen­ta­tion du résul­tat à un test offi­ciel (voir la liste des tests recon­nus par l’UTC). UTC stron­gly recom­mends that can­di­dates have a B2 level of pro­fi­cien­cy in English.

    English test

    Sub­mit your application:

    • for a spe­ci­fic the­sis topic (see the tab Fin­ding a the­sis sub­ject)
    • a spe­ci­fic the­sis super­vi­sor (or super­vi­sors) from UTC Doc­to­ral School (see the tab Fin­ding a the­sis sub­ject)
    • a UTC research unit (labo­ra­to­ry) (even if the the­sis is part­ly done out­side UTC)
    • the doc­to­ral candidate’s fun­ding for the the­sis dura­tion (at least 3 years). (see Finan­cial sup­port for PhD studies)

    Tuition fees

    By deci­sion of the French Minis­try of Edu­ca­tion, the tui­tion fees for the aca­de­mic year 2024–2025 are set at:

    • Doc­to­rate, HDR: 391 €.
    • CVEC (contri­bu­tion to student and cam­pus life): 103 €
      Consult / to pay this contri­bu­tion. To help you with this pro­cess, the CROUS pro­vides free tele­phone assis­tance ser­vice on +33 or +33 (for English-spea­king inter­na­tio­nal students).
    • Sports asso­cia­tion (optio­nal): €30
    • The “Trem­plin” UTC alum­ni net­work (optio­nal): 14 €.
    • Stu­dents’ Union BDE-RED (optio­nal): 20 €.
    • The “Trem­plin” UTC alum­ni net­work (optio­nal): 14 €.
    • Stu­dents’ Union BDE-RED (optio­nal): 20 €.

    The awarding of a UTC doctorate

    The condi­tions rela­ting to the awar­ding of a UTC doc­to­rate are set out in detail in the Doc­to­ral School Inter­nal Regu­la­tions (Règle­ment inté­rieur de l’école doc­to­rale), article 13:

    • Wri­ting of a the­sis manus­cript and defence before a PhD exa­mi­ning board
    • Having had some trai­ning courses vali­da­ted by the Doc­to­ral School (scien­ti­fic and tech­ni­cal skills, pro­fes­sio­nal skills and lan­guage skills)
    • Having attai­ned the B2 level in English (cer­ti­fi­cate to be pre­sen­ted by the doc­to­ral candidate)
    • Having had his or her research work reco­gni­zed, either through a patent or through the publi­ca­tion of work in at least one top-level jour­nal or inter­na­tio­nal confe­rence.

    The award of a doctorate as a validation of professional experience (VAE)

    On the basis of pro­fes­sio­nal research expe­rience and ori­gi­nal research work you might apply for a vali­da­tion of pro­fes­sio­nal expe­rience (VAE in French) to get a doc­to­rate. Research work can have hap­pen out­side aca­de­mia (i.e. in a R&D office in a com­pa­ny). Can­di­dates should contact UTC’s VAE office.

    Fin­ding a the­sis subject

    Finding a thesis subject

    If you wish to apply for a the­sis sub­ject, here is the pro­ce­dure to follow:

    • Consult the pro­po­sals for the­sis sub­jects via the ADUM por­tal, that are alrea­dy fun­ded.
      Find here below, by research labo­ra­to­ry, the UTC the­sis pro­po­sals fun­ded by various sup­ports. If you are inter­es­ted in a topic in par­ti­cu­lar, appy via the ADUM por­tal and contact the the­sis super­vi­sor (see details in the proposal).
    • Contact a poten­tial the­sis super­vi­sor of a UTC research lab and dis­cuss about a research pro­ject (topic and fun­ding).
      The research load, hence the the­sis work, must be achie­ved in 3 years (full time).

    Research units:

    • Ave­nues (Sciences de la construc­tion, infra­struc­ture de trans­port, hydro­lo­gie / Génie élec­trique / Urba­nisme, amé­na­ge­ment et transports)
    • BMBI (Bio­mé­ca­nique / Bio­ma­té­riaux / Bioin­gé­nie­rie)  
    • Cos­tech (Phi­lo­so­phie, épis­té­mo­lo­gie, his­toire des sciences et des tech­niques / Desi­gn, sciences et tech­no­lo­gies cog­ni­tives / Sciences de l'information et de la com­mu­ni­ca­tion / Sciences éco­no­miques, sciences de ges­tion et socio­lo­gie des techniques)
    • GEC (Bio­tech­no­lo­gie / Ingé­nie­rie molé­cu­laire et inter­ac­tion / Bio­lo­gie végé­tale et environnement) 
    • LMAC (Mathé­ma­tiques appli­quées / Équa­tions aux déri­vées par­tielles et méthodes numé­riques / Statistique)
    • Rober­val (Méca­nique numé­rique / Génie élec­trique / Méca­tro­nique, pho­to­nique et sys­tèmes / Méca­nique et maté­riaux / Acous­tique et vibra­tions / Génie industriel)
    • TIMR (Génie des pro­cé­dés / Chi­mie / Éner­gé­tique /Bioprocédés)
    • Heu­dia­syc (Infor­ma­tique / Auto­ma­tique et robo­tique / Sciences et tech­no­lo­gies de l’information et des systèmes)

    CONTACT : Char­gée de com­mu­ni­ca­tion de l'école doc­to­rale – Sali­ma Aaras-Anda­lous­si : 03 44 23 43 86 –


    Application forms

    Regis­tra­tion to UTC Doc­to­ral School deve­lops in two sepa­rate phases:

    Appli­ca­tion (for admis­sion) to the Doc­to­ral School,

    2° Admi­nis­tra­tive regis­tra­tion once you have gai­ned admis­sion from the Doc­to­ral School.

    1° Application

    a. Appli­ca­tion pro­cess is online via the ADUM plat­form.
    Pre­pare the fol­lo­wing documents:

    • CV (cur­ri­cu­lum vitae)
    • cove­ring letter
    • copies of degree cer­ti­fi­cates pre­vious­ly obtai­ned, or where appli­cable, a cer­ti­fi­cate with details of the degree that you are cur­rent­ly stu­dying for
    • proof of grades awar­ded for your last degree (Mas­ter level)

    And seek for a refe­rence let­ter (at least one) from someone in a posi­tion to assess your past research work. This per­son will upload her/his let­ter  on the ADUM platform.

    b. The the­sis super­vi­sor gives her/his opinion.

    c. Appli­cants who receive an appro­val are inter­vie­wed by a jury. 

    2° Administrative registration

    If the jury decide in favour of the appli­ca­tion, the Doc­to­ral School is able to declare an admission.

    The appli­cant is then invi­ted to regis­trer on the ADUM platform.

    Please note that a cer­ti­fied B1 level of pro­fi­cien­cy in English (see the list of English tests reco­gni­zed by UTC) is requi­red to regis­trer to a doc­to­rate. The proof will be nee­ded to regis­trer, if you are admitted.

    English tests 2021 

    Fiche can­di­dat à une thèse à l'UTC en contrat doctoral 

    UTC Doc­to­rate Charter

    ED Inter­nal Regulations

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