Specialty – Bio-mechanics and Bio-engineering (BMI)
The Master’s degree specialty ‘Bio-Mechanics and Bio-Engineering’- (BMI) focuses on health technologies from a systemic angle; both branches call for multi-scale and multiphysical skills. Future devices and equipment in the health and medical sectors will combine the powers of miniaturized electronic components and micro- or even nano-scaled mechanical parts and biological elements. They constitute real breakthroughs compared with today’s equipment and facilities.
The BMI Master's specialty at UTC is based on the solid bio-mechanical and bio-medical training offered at UTC. It therefore groups together engineering sciences, life sciences, social sciences. Training contents focus on living system modelling, micro and nano bio systems, processing sparse data and knowledge extraction, fluid dynamics and turbulence … biomechanics, biomaterials and tissue engineering.
Micro-Nano-Technologies in Health and Biology
These technologies rely on a " bottom up " approach developed in nano-technological domains, based on the construction of structures assembled from atoms and molecules in a way that can be fully implemented in biological research and applications. A "bio"-system can be reconstituted from just a few elements and used for interaction studies.
At a micrometric level, we can design microstructure perfuse systems that approaches the organization of living matter. In short, it serves as a base for modern nano-medicine.
Bio-mechanical and Bio-engineering modelling
In this sort of modelling, we move from cell level to that of organs and the whole body. The approach call for experimental protocols but is essentially based on modelling, with inputs from life sciences (cell behaviour, integrative physiological modelling) and engineering sciences (fluid biomechanics, signal analysis). Through this research, investigations can be conducted on human physio-pathological disorders.
Professional openings
Graduates with the BMI specialty have a range of professional opportunities in both public and private sectors, biomedical – bio-engineering sectors (sports equipment, prostheses…), with bio-medical agencies, certification of equipment, research and education.
Contact and documentation
Plaquette master