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Specialty – Bio-mechanics and Bio-engineering (BMI)

The Master’s degree spe­cial­ty ‘Bio-Mecha­nics and Bio-Engi­nee­ring’- (BMI) focuses on health tech­no­lo­gies from a sys­te­mic angle; both branches call for mul­ti-scale and mul­ti­phy­si­cal skills. Future devices and equip­ment in the health and medi­cal sec­tors will com­bine the powers of minia­tu­ri­zed elec­tro­nic com­po­nents and micro- or even nano-sca­led mecha­ni­cal parts and bio­lo­gi­cal ele­ments. They consti­tute real break­throughs com­pa­red with today’s equip­ment and facilities.


The BMI Master's spe­cial­ty at UTC is based on the solid bio-mecha­ni­cal and bio-medi­cal trai­ning offe­red at UTC. It the­re­fore groups toge­ther engi­nee­ring sciences, life sciences, social sciences. Trai­ning contents focus on living sys­tem model­ling, micro and nano bio sys­tems, pro­ces­sing sparse data and know­ledge extrac­tion, fluid dyna­mics and tur­bu­lence … bio­me­cha­nics, bio­ma­te­rials and tis­sue engineering.

Micro-Nano-Technologies in Health and Biology

These tech­no­lo­gies rely on a " bot­tom up " approach deve­lo­ped in nano-tech­no­lo­gi­cal domains, based on the construc­tion of struc­tures assem­bled from atoms and mole­cules in a way that can be ful­ly imple­men­ted in bio­lo­gi­cal research and appli­ca­tions. A "bio"-system can be recons­ti­tu­ted from just a few ele­ments and used for inter­ac­tion studies.

At a micro­me­tric level, we can desi­gn micro­struc­ture per­fuse sys­tems that approaches the orga­ni­za­tion of living mat­ter. In short, it serves as a base for modern nano-medicine.

Bio-mechanical and Bio-engineering modelling

In this sort of model­ling, we move from cell level to that of organs and the whole body. The approach call for expe­ri­men­tal pro­to­cols but is essen­tial­ly based on model­ling, with inputs from life sciences (cell beha­viour, inte­gra­tive phy­sio­lo­gi­cal model­ling) and engi­nee­ring sciences (fluid bio­me­cha­nics, signal ana­ly­sis). Through this research, inves­ti­ga­tions can be conduc­ted on human phy­sio-patho­lo­gi­cal disorders.

Professional openings

Gra­duates with the BMI spe­cial­ty have a range of pro­fes­sio­nal oppor­tu­ni­ties in both public and pri­vate sec­tors, bio­me­di­cal – bio-engi­nee­ring sec­tors (sports equip­ment, pros­theses…), with bio-medi­cal agen­cies, cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of equip­ment, research and education.

Contact and documentation

Res­pon­sable mas­ter
San­drine Moran­dat
 +33 (0)3 44 23 44 23
Res­pon­sable du par­cours
Olfa Tra­bel­si
 +33 (0)3 44 23 45 48
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