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  • Specialty – Biomedical Technologies and Health Territories (TBTS)

    The field of bio­me­di­cal tech­no­lo­gies, evol­ving constant­ly all round the world as it is, requires the trai­ning of reac­tive, plu­ri­dis­ci­pli­na­ry actors with the abi­li­ty and skills to desi­gn, manage and main­tain top-level medi­cal plat­forms. And because of the high level of tech­no­lo­gi­cal inno­va­tion in the field, suc­cess­ful­ly inte­gra­ting inno­va­tive pro­cesses has become an essen­tial fac­tor to ensure main­tai­ning high qua­li­ty health-care sys­tems, both tech­ni­cal­ly and from a human stand­point. The ‘inte­gra­tion’ we refer to relates to both the medi­cal devices and equip­ment and the orga­ni­sa­tion of health-care sys­tems in what are cal­led ‘health ter­ri­to­ries’ in France. This TBTS Master’s course has been appro­ved and cer­ti­fied by the health inno­va­tion com­pe­ti­ve­ness pole, Medicen.


    UTC – and espe­cial­ly note­wor­thy its Depart­ment of Bio-engi­nee­ring – was and still is a pio­neer and ranks among the lea­ders in France in terms of bio­me­di­cal training.

    The TBTS Master's degree relies on the plu­ri­dis­ci­pli­na­ri­ty of its tea­ching teams and the way they convey new know­ledge contents and skills rela­ted to bio­me­di­cal tech­no­lo­gy mana­ge­ment. Pro­ject orien­ted work­shops and case stu­dies allow the stu­dents to deve­lop those skills nee­ded by the health sec­tor professionals.

    A consi­de­rable frac­tion of course time is given over to guest lec­tures, deli­ve­red by both health sec­tor and indus­trial specialists.

    Professional openings

    The TBTS course aims at trai­ning bio­me­di­cal field actors capable of asses­sing and addres­sing the impact of tech­no­lo­gi­cal inno­va­tions in health-care esta­blish­ments and asso­ciate orga­ni­za­tions, notably:

    • To deve­lop skills in desi­gn, orga­ni­za­tion, use and main­te­nance of medi­cal plat­forms ser­ving the patients' interests;
    • to deve­lop skills in inte­gra­ting inno­va­tive pro­cesses, both on the scale of par­ti­cu­lar medi­cal devices and equip­ment, and on that of the health-care sys­tem as a whole in each health ter­ri­to­ry defined;
    • to contri­bute to bet­ter com­mu­ni­ca­tion, to inter­ac­tion and coope­ra­tion among the various health sys­tem actors (health esta­blish­ment staff, health rela­ted indus­tries, regu­la­to­ry agencies;
    • to contri­bute to gua­ran­teeing qua­li­ty and safe­ty for these medi­cal devices and equip­ment in full com­pliance with regu­la­to­ry constraints for the entire expec­ted life cycle for the items concerned.

    Contact and documentation

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