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Co-supervision of PhD Thesis Studies

Inter­na­tio­nal co-super­vi­sion of a doc­to­ral (PhD) the­sis implies that the work is fol­lo­wed and joint­ly by two co-super­vi­sors in two dif­ferent coun­tries, the­re­by requi­ring a double matri­cu­la­tion by the stu­dents concerned.

Main conditions

  • The the­sis pre­pa­ra­to­ry work will be spread over both host esta­blish­ments, with alter­nate per­iods in each coun­try (total­ling at least one year each).
  • A prior and indi­vi­dual agree­ment will be signed bet­ween the two host esta­blish­ments for each student in which the matri­cu­la­tion clauses will be set out clear­ly (regis­tra­tion fees, social secu­ri­ty, accom­mo­da­tion, allot­ted length of research stu­dies (not excee­ding 3 aca­de­mic years) and the peda­go­gi­cal condi­tions – iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the two the­sis co-super­vi­sors, moda­li­ties for the choice of the­sis asses­sors and mem­bers of the jury for the for­mal pre­sen­ta­tion, coun­try and lan­guage for the lat­ter, condi­tions for award of a double PhD diploma.
  • The fina­li­zed the­sis will be draf­ted in one of the natio­nal lan­guages of the two coun­tries, com­plete with an exe­cu­tive sum­ma­ry in the other language(s).
  • The for­mal pre­sen­ta­tion will only be orga­ni­zed once, before a mixed jury. The pre­sen­ta­tion, if dee­med satis­fac­to­ry by the jury, will lead to the award of the uni­ver­si­ty rank of doc­tor for the French Uni­ver­si­ty and of the equi­va­lent diplo­ma (often the Anglo-Saxon PhD) in the host country.

Doctoral (PhD) application procedure

  • Can­di­dates will be requi­red to regis­ter a doc­to­ral stu­dies appli­ca­tion file, duly signed and com­ple­ted by an offi­cer of the École Doc­to­rale (in the case of UTC-Compiegne).
  • Can­di­dates will car­ry out wha­te­ver equi­va­lent steps are requi­red for regis­tra­tion of a doc­to­ral (PhD) appli­ca­tion with the appro­priate office of the other host esta­blish­ment (uni­ver­si­ty).
  • The Direc­tor cho­sen for PhD stu­dies at UTC will inform UTC's Ecole Doc­to­rale as to the iden­ti­ty of the cor­res­pondent in the forei­gn esta­blish­ment in order that the two aca­de­mic autho­ri­ties agree to the terms of the co-super­vi­sion (PhD) agree­ment (in com­pliance with any and all spe­ci­fic requi­re­ment of each coun­try for uni­ver­si­ty awards, etc. This agree­ment will be legal­ly equi­va­lent either in the French or English languages.
  • The agree­ment of the PhD stu­dies autho­ri­ties of both host esta­blish­ments must be obtai­ned prior to signing copies thereof.

Registration at the École doctorale (UTC)

Once the agree­ment in prin­ciple out­li­ned above has been secu­red bet­ween the two host esta­blish­ments, the can­di­dates can regis­ter with UTC's Ecole Doctorale.

The stu­dents must be matri­cu­la­ted simul­ta­neous­ly at both esta­blish­ments, for the full dura­tion of the the­sis work. Aca­de­mic fees (if appli­cable) will be due once per year, and at least once during the the­sis stu­dies at UTC.

The doc­to­ral student must be able to attest to having a per­so­nal finan­cial cover at least on a par with a doc­to­ral contract, during his/her per­iods of stay in France. They may claim vali­di­ty of their ECTS cre­dit points in both host countries.

For a first regis­tra­tion, the Ecole Doc­to­rale will regis­ter the appli­cants under an inter­na­tio­nal co-super­vi­sion pro­to­col throu­ghout the first year of doc­to­ral studies.

Please take note that the­sis co-super­vi­sion in not appli­cable to theses co-super­vi­sed by aca­de­mics of two French universities.

Contact and documentation

Direc­trice de l'école doc­to­rale
Chris­tine Prelle
 +33 (0)3 44 23 52 86
Res­pon­sable admi­nis­tra­tive
Marion Kacz­kows­ki
 +33 (0)3 44 23 44 10

Joint inter­na­tio­nal super­vi­sion UTC

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