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The HDR certification

An aca­de­mic research cer­ti­fi­ca­tion (HDR) or accre­di­ta­tion, is a recog­ni­tion of the high scien­ti­fic level, their capa­ci­ty to control and direct research stra­te­gies. UTC is empo­we­red to deli­ver the HDR.

Preparing for an 'HDR' certification

Preparation for an 'HDR' certification (to act as Thesis supervisor) comprises 3 phases:

  • lod­ging an HDR appli­ca­tion with the UTC Doc­to­ral School
  • an assess­ment of the appli­ca­tion by the Scien­ti­fic Advi­so­ry Coun­cil of the uni­ver­si­ty fol­lo­wed by a deci­sion of the Pre­sident to autho­rize or not regis­tra­tion of the applicant 
  • regis­tra­tion at the UTC Doc­to­ral School and orga­ni­za­tion of the applicant's presentations

Applicants must be holders of:

  • a PhD (or equi­va­lent doc­to­ral degree) ;
  • a diplo­ma awar­ded for research work or expe­rience dee­med equi­va­lent to a PhD.

The requests for regis­tra­tion are asses­sed by the Pre­sident and after advice of the scien­ti­fic coun­cil, approves or disap­pro­ved the registration.

Autho­ri­za­tion to present the the­sis to the Jury is given by the Pre­sident after recei­ving advice from 3 asses­sors, 2 of whom have the HDR cer­ti­fi­ca­tion to super­vise PhD work. Two of the asses­sors should not be mem­bers of the aca­de­mic staff and must not have co-signed a scien­ti­fic publication.

The Jury is com­po­sed of at least 5 mem­bers cho­sen among the aca­de­mic staff, each with the HDR cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, direc­tors and senior research scien­tists at public research esta­blish­ments and, at least half of the mem­bers who are French or forei­gn per­so­na­li­ties who are exter­nal to UTC and reco­gni­zed experts in the field of the thesis.

Contact and documentation

Char­gée des dos­siers HDR
Julie Jarek
 +33 (0)3 44 23 44 71
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