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  • Student led initiatives

    UTC's very intense com­mu­ni­ty life bears wit­ness to a strong com­mit­ment to SD&RSE. Nume­rous actions are ini­tia­ted and car­ried out by students.

    Commitment of UTC student associations

    20% of the UTC's student asso­cia­tions have a posi­tive impact, i.e., they are invol­ved on a dai­ly basis in eco­lo­gi­cal tran­si­tion and socie­tal commitment.

    The Pole Soli­da­ri­ty & Citi­zens at UTC (PSEC-UTC) of the Bureau Des Etu­diants (BDE*student union) fede­rates around thir­ty of these asso­cia­tions. Through them, stu­dents can car­ry out a wide range of soli­da­ri­ty pro­jects, both in France and abroad, in line with the eco­lo­gi­cal tran­si­tion. The PSEC sup­ports and accom­pa­nies these asso­cia­tions and orga­nises its own events, such as the day in aid of the Tele­thon. It has also crea­ted the "wiki DD (SD)", a tool avai­lable to all the asso­cia­tions and all the stu­dents to sup­port them in the sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment approach during their asso­cia­tive com­mit­ments, such as : 

    • Redu­cing the amount of fri­vo­lous goo­dies and waste, 
    • Favou­ring soft modes of transport, 
    • Favou­ring local, low-car­bon meals,

    UTC asso­cia­tions inte­grate the eco-res­pon­sible dimen­sion into the orga­ni­sa­tion of their events. Most of them have been awar­ded the 'Eco-évé­ne­ments' label by the Oise department's mixed syn­di­cate SMDO (which is res­pon­sible for trans­por­ting and pro­ces­sing waste and simi­lar mate­rials). This label implies res­pec­ting com­mit­ments such as the sor­ting of waste, the use of reu­sable retur­nable cups and the recy­cling of ciga­rette butts.

    UTC's asso­cia­tions uphold the values of inclu­sion and diversity.

    The entire fede­ra­tion is com­mit­ted to inclu­ding all stu­dents in each of its asso­cia­tions and events. This applies, for example, to forei­gn stu­dents, stu­dents with disa­bi­li­ties, etc. Eve­ry­thing is done to ensure that eve­ryone feels inclu­ded. Our pre­mises and events are acces­sible to all.

    Avril 2021 | Second-hand, hand­made, washable… When UTC stu­dents get their hands dir­ty! Second-hand items, home-made clothes, washable sani­ta­ry towels… More and more of us are get­ting invol­ved. Meet some of the UTC asso­cia­tions invol­ved and Anne Gue­nand, lec­tu­rer and resear­cher at the UTC Cos­tech laboratory!

    Back to society

    The Conver­gence asso­cia­tion also orga­nises the "Back to socie­ty", which takes place over ten days in the autumn and brings toge­ther various acti­vi­ties, confe­rences, scree­nings and work­shops rela­ting to soli­da­ri­ty, the eco­no­my, the envi­ron­ment, disa­bi­li­ty and digi­tal technology.

    During the “Ren­trée socié­tale”, a varie­ty of events (confe­rences, work­shops, free film scree­nings, sha­red meals, serious games, etc.) will be offe­red, lin­ked to socie­tal issues and living toge­ther, as well as its links to engi­neers and citi­zens. Soli­da­ri­ty, the eco­no­my, gen­der, the envi­ron­ment, art, disa­bi­li­ty, digi­tal tech­no­lo­gy and a host of other themes are addressed.

    The “Ren­trée socié­tale” is an ini­tia­tive orga­ni­sed and run by stu­dents to show the various ways in which they can get invol­ved, accor­ding to their values, inter­ests and moti­va­tions, in the fight against all forms of dis­cri­mi­na­tion and inequality.


    student asso­cia­tions
    Some of the many associations:

    EPI, EPi­ce­rie Inno­vante is a student asso­cia­tion set up in 2011 to open a soli­da­ri­ty gro­ce­ry shop for stu­dents in pre­ca­rious situa­tions. The gro­ce­ry shop gives stu­dents in need access to food­stuffs and hou­se­hold pro­ducts at 10% off the nor­mal price. The shop is open to all stu­dents from Com­piègne: UTC, ESCOM, ESC and IFSI.

    With the gro­wing awa­re­ness of the conse­quences of cli­mate change, Com­piègne en Tran­si­tion aims to act as a cata­lyst for eco­lo­gi­cal and social tran­si­tion in Com­piègne. The asso­cia­tion is made up of seve­ral teams focu­sing on dif­ferent pro­jects: com­post, soft mobi­li­ty, cli­ma­thon, awa­re­ness-rai­sing in schools and at the UTC, bee­hives, run eco team, zero waste, recy­cling, bulk gro­ce­ries, local cui­sine, “repair cof­fee machines”, etc.

    Secourut's is a first aid asso­cia­tion within UTC and ESCOM, fede­ra­ted by the BDE and the Secou­ristes Fran­çais Croix Blanche (an appro­ved civil secu­ri­ty asso­cia­tion reco­gni­sed as being of public uti­li­ty). Secourut's regu­lar­ly offers stu­dents first aid trai­ning courses for the gene­ral public. Secourut's is also present at all major gathe­rings (UTC under­grads included).

    N'UTrition is a student AMAP (short cir­cuit food shop­ping). Its aim is to pro­mote a heal­thy and varied diet by offe­ring low-cost local pro­duce from orga­nic and sus­tai­nable far­ming, as well as bulk orga­nic pro­duce from France. As well as sel­ling these pro­ducts (honeys, teas, spices, eggs, vege­tables, fruit, cheeses, fruit juices, breads, brioches, pas­ta, semo­li­na, rice, etc.), its die­ta­ry sec­tion offers seve­ral recipes each week to help you dis­co­ver new ways of cooking vege­tables. It also offers cooke­ry classes and work­shops to teach all stu­dents how to cook with what they have, espe­cial­ly when they don't have all the neces­sa­ry kit­chen equipment.

    Véloc is a bicycle self-repair asso­cia­tion. It pro­vides stu­dents with pre­mises, tools and parts so that, with our help, they can learn how to repair their bikes. Véloc also has a fleet of recy­cled bikes, which are hired out to stu­dents for €15 per semes­ter (inclu­ding acces­so­ries and any repairs nee­ded during the semes­ter). But Véloc is also open to all kinds of bike-rela­ted pro­jects: repair trai­ning, buil­ding a scoo­ter and hiring a two-whee­ler for stu­dents and associations!

    Toit pour le Népal is an inter­na­tio­nal soli­da­ri­ty asso­cia­tion that fights illi­te­ra­cy in Nepal by see­king to par­ti­ci­pate in the demo­cra­ti­sa­tion of access to school. Foun­ded by UTC stu­dents in 2006, the asso­cia­tion has alrea­dy hel­ped to build a school in the town of Bhak­ta­pur. The school is now com­plete and can accom­mo­date more than 180 chil­dren aged bet­ween 6 and 14. The association's stu­dents are invol­ved in pro­jects in France and direct­ly in Nepal, with the aim of conti­nuing to raise awa­re­ness of inter­na­tio­nal soli­da­ri­ty issues and contri­bu­ting their skills to enable schools to be set up, main­tai­ned or developed.

    Uté­rus is an asso­cia­tion that fights against mens­trual inse­cu­ri­ty. We set up free mens­trual pro­tec­tion dis­pen­sers in BF's toi­lets and orga­nise free dis­tri­bu­tions of washable cups and towels.

    UTC Staff and student collective structures

    The IS Collective

    The Sus­tai­nable Enghi­nee­ring  Col­lec­tivbe struc­ture (CIS) is made up of stu­dents and staff who wish to invest in the trans­for­ma­tion of the UTC trai­ning sys­tem in order to inte­grate Sus­tai­nable Engi­nee­ring into the cur­ri­cu­la. The IS Col­lec­tive is the culmi­na­tion of seve­ral years of work and ini­tia­tives to trans­form the UTC, both in terms of trai­ning and student life.

    Low Tech Collective

    This col­lec­tive struc­ture was crea­ted in the context of the pre­vious­ly afo­re­men­tio­ned IS struc­ture and the Sus­tai­nable Engi­nee­ring label at UTC. Its aim is to make stu­dents more aware of cur­rent envi­ron­men­tal and social issues so that they can unders­tand the eco­lo­gi­cal situa­tion and take action in their future professions..

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