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  • Teaching courses and training

    Teaching courses

    UTC aims to pre­pare its stu­dents to become actors in socio-tech­ni­cal inno­va­tion for the eco­lo­gi­cal tran­si­tion towards sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment (ETSD). Thanks to its à la carte tea­ching model, it offers each student the oppor­tu­ni­ty to build a coherent and per­so­na­li­sed course of stu­dy that includes these new skills. Dif­ferent tea­ching methods are offe­red to achieve this, and the range is gra­dual­ly being expan­ded in line with the school's ove­rar­ching pro­ject and ambitions.

    Sept. 2022 | What place for sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment ?: Etienne Arnoult, direc­tor of trai­ning and peda­go­gy, and Antoine Jou­glet, res­pon­sible for the com­mon core, ans­wer this question.

    A baseline course

    All new­co­mers to UTC under­go inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry tea­ching desi­gned to enable them to acquire the 'core' know­ledge and skills rela­ting to TEDS.

    The first part of this course pre­sents the cur­rent situa­tion, the sys­te­mic nature of glo­bal changes (cli­mate change, col­lapse of bio­di­ver­sitý, deple­tion of resources, conse­quences of pol­lu­tion, ener­gy crises…).

    The second part addresses the issues of the role of humans, engi­neers and businesses.

    Action sce­na­rios and their eva­lua­tion are dis­cus­sed in the third part.

    This tea­ching is desi­gned as a cross-dis­ci­pli­na­ry foun­da­tion which can then be used to deve­lop a per­so­na­li­sed TEDS pathway.

    Ano­ther ori­gi­nal fea­ture of this 'core' pro­gramme is that it is part­ly run by stu­dents who have alrea­dy recei­ved training.

    Sept. 2023 | Intro­duc­tion to envi­ron­men­tal issues for the UTC engi­neer: Pre­sen­ta­tion of the CC inten­ded for all new TC (com­mon core) stu­dents. Led by lec­tu­rers from all spe­cia­li­ties and by stu­dents with expe­rience in the sub­ject, this tea­ching module is deve­lo­ped in seve­ral stages: par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the “cli­mate mural”, lec­tures and exchanges during regu­la­tion time to ana­lyse the know­ledge acqui­red and that to be developed.

    Personalised study path

    SISTER (French acro­nym for Sou­tai­na­bi­li­ty et Socio-Tech­ni­cal, Eco-Res­pon­sible Inno­va­tion) is the first per­so­na­li­sed course on the theme of sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment to be ope­ned at UTC, in 2020. It is a minor, in other words a path that the student builds (with gui­dance) within a set of huma­ni­ties and social sciences courses on the theme. Its aim is to deve­lop a reflec­tion on sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty based on an approach that clo­se­ly links tech­no­lo­gies and socie­tal implications.

    Since Sep­tem­ber 2021, ano­ther path­way has enabled stu­dents to obtain a 'sus­tai­nable engi­nee­ring' label (inclu­ded in the graduate’s diplo­ma sup­ple­ment). It is based on an approach deve­lo­ped by a group of stu­dents and tea­chers ("col­lec­tive for sus­tai­nable engi­nee­ring), which is defi­ned by three prin­ciples: "the sys­te­mic approach and model­ling, the low-tech­no­lo­gy approach, and cri­ti­cal reflec­tion on our own cultures". Stu­dents choose from courses iden­ti­fied as incor­po­ra­ting these prin­ciples and pro­duce a port­fo­lio in order to obtain the label.

    Sept. 2021 | Pre­sen­ta­tion of the Sus­tai­nable Engi­nee­ring label: stu­dents who have fol­lo­wed this course module will be able not only to contri­bute to the neces­sa­ry trans­for­ma­tion of com­pa­nies, but also to join orga­ni­sa­tions dedi­ca­ted to the eco­lo­gi­cal tran­si­tion or to create new acti­vi­ties in line with the chal­lenges of sustainability.

    Final­ly, stu­dents also have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to build modu­lar path­ways based on the range of courses offe­red on the TEDS theme, either within the branches or via free inter-branch path­ways, built on the basis of a pro­fes­sio­nal project.

    The range of courses offe­red by the dif­ferent branches and streams of UTC is constant­ly evol­ving so that stu­dents can acquire the know­ledge, skills, cri­ti­cal thin­king and adap­ta­bi­li­ty that will enable them to face the chal­lenges of the eco­lo­gi­cal tran­si­tion and the trans­for­ma­tions of the professions.

    Janv. 2023 | "Sus­tai­nable engi­nee­ring skills in tech­no­lo­gy-inten­sive trai­ning" was the sub­ject of Cathe­rine Perpignan's the­sis, car­ried out joint­ly in the UTC Rober­val labo­ra­to­ry, under the super­vi­sion of Benoit Eynard, and at the Ins­pé in the Bor­deaux aca­de­my under the super­vi­sion of Vincent Robin (IMS Bordeaux).
    Janv. 2023 | Eco-desi­gn Pro­cess Safe­ty – Pro­cess Engi­nee­ring pro­gramme: engi­neers in this pro­gramme are able to desi­gn pro­cesses that limit the envi­ron­men­tal impact and risks asso­cia­ted with these pro­cesses and mini­mise the consump­tion of raw mate­rials and energy.

    Project oriented pedagogy

    Pro­ject-based tea­ching is a favou­red tea­ching method at the UTC, par­ti­cu­lar­ly for mobi­li­sing know­ledge and deve­lo­ping and demons­tra­ting the acqui­si­tion of skills. This method concerns all the dis­ci­plines taught at the UTC.

    Nume­rous varia­tions of this peda­go­gy are offe­red to stu­dents on the TEDS theme, through pro­ject work­shops, labo­ra­to­ry work made acces­sible to stu­dents, work­shop rea­li­sa­tions (nota­bly in a Fablab) and "sum­mer school" type activities.

    Several examples de projects and API (application programming interfaces

    • Pro­cess life cycle ana­ly­sis (LCA )applied to processes ;
    • Inten­sive inter­se­mes­ter semi­nar on sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment & technology;
    • Low-tech alter­na­tives;
    • Low-tech­ni­ci­sa­tion and digitisation ;
    • Serious games on sus­tai­nable innovation;
    • Reflec­tion on sus­tai­nable prac­tices in the field of health research and engineering;

    Janv. 2021 | RDV bio­mé­di­cal – sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment for hos­pi­tal ste­rile medi­cal devices : A pio­neer and lea­der in the trai­ning of players in the bio­me­di­cal sec­tor in France, UTC-Com­piegne is at the ori­gin of the pro­fes­sion of bio­me­di­cal engi­neer, whe­ther in the hos­pi­tals or in industry.

    Several examples of realisations

    • Construc­tion of a plas­tic grin­der and desi­gn of an injec­tion moul­ding machine;
    • Manu­fac­ture of a dew reco­ve­ry column;
    • Desi­gn of a pilot pro­cess for the reco­ve­ry of bio-waste gene­ra­ted on the UTC campus;
    Sept. 2022 | Tran­si­tionS, an eco­lo­gi­cal and social serious game: Tran­si­tionS is a stra­te­gy board game desi­gned to raise awa­re­ness of eco­lo­gi­cal, social and demo­cra­tic actions.
    Jan. 2021 | UTC in prac­tice: Pro­cess engi­nee­ring prac­ti­cal work: Oli­vier Bals, tea­cher-resear­cher in pro­cess engi­nee­ring, pre­sents the dif­ferent forms of prac­ti­cal work car­ried out by pro­cess engi­nee­ring students.

    Master Erasmus Mundus degrees and associate teaching chairs

    Master Erasmus Mundus EPOG+

    Le mas­ter conjoint Eras­mus Mun­dus (MCEM) EPOG+ (Poli­tiques éco­no­miques pour la tran­si­tion glo­bale), diri­gé par David Fla­cher, Maître de confé­rences et pro­fes­seur au labo­ra­toire Cos­tech, et sou­te­nu par l’Union euro­péenne, pro­pose un pro­gramme sur les pro­ces­sus de tran­si­tion (numé­rique, socio-éco­no­mique, éco­lo­gique) selon une approche en éco­no­mie com­plé­tée par des pers­pec­tives interdisciplinaires. 

    L’objectif prin­ci­pal est de for­mer des experts inter­na­tio­naux, capables de défi­nir et d’évaluer les poli­tiques éco­no­miques et d’évoluer dans les dif­fé­rents contextes poli­tiques, sociaux, régio­naux et internationaux.

    Master Erasmus Mundus EMSSE

    The joint Eras­mus Mun­dus Master's degree pro­gramme (MCEM) EPOG+ (Eco­no­mic Poli­cies for Glo­bal Tran­si­tion), direc­ted by David Fla­cher, Senior Lec­tu­rer and Pro­fes­sor at the UTC-Cos­tech labo­ra­to­ry, and sup­por­ted by the Euro­pean Union, offers a pro­gramme on tran­si­tion pro­cesses (digi­tal, socio-eco­no­mic, eco­lo­gi­cal) using an eco­no­mics orien­ted approach com­ple­men­ted by inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry perspectives.

    The main objec­tive is to train inter­na­tio­nal experts capable of defi­ning and eva­lua­ting eco­no­mic poli­cies and ope­ra­ting in dif­ferent poli­ti­cal, social, regio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal contexts.

    Chaire Erasmus+ Jean Monnet

    Pro­fes­sor Mar­tin Mor­ge­neyer has been awar­ded the Jean Mon­net Chair for UTC, which focuses on the eco­lo­gi­cal tran­si­tion and the role of engi­nee­ring and the Euro­pean Union in faci­li­ta­ting it. This chair will enable new tea­ching content to be deve­lo­ped around the Euro­pean Union's poli­cy on sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment and the impor­tant role that our engi­neers play in this policy.

    From now on, the envi­ron­men­tal tran­si­tion will have to be car­ried out all at once, as part of an ove­rall pro­ject. Its prac­ti­cal rea­li­sa­tion depends, on the one hand, on the effec­tive and effi­cient imple­men­ta­tion of poli­cies on a conti­nen­tal and glo­bal scale and, on the other, on tech­no­lo­gi­cal know-how. Euro­pean engi­neers must play a cen­tral role in this pro­cess. The Jean Mon­net Chair 'Empo­we­ring Europe, Envi­ron­ment, Engi­nee­ring' at the UTC was crea­ted to pre­pare not only our gra­duates but also our fel­low citi­zens for the chal­lenge of tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly imple­men­ting the envi­ron­men­tal transition.

    Jean Mon­net Chairs aim to pro­vide in-depth tea­ching on Euro­pean stu­dies as part of the offi­cial cur­ri­cu­lum of a higher edu­ca­tion esta­blish­ment, as well as in-depth tea­ching on Euro­pean issues in fields that are increa­sin­gly in demand on the job market.

    UTC staff training

    Enhanced awareness workhops

    By 2022–2023, 20% of staff will have atten­ded an awa­re­ness-rai­sing work­shop. The work­shops cur­rent­ly on offer are the "Big conf.", the "Fresque du cli­mat" and the "2 tonne workshop".

    The plan is to extend the range of work­shops to include the fol­lo­wing themes:

    • digi­tal responsibility ;
    • bio­di­ver­si­ty ;
    • sus­tai­nable mobility.

    Juil. 2022 | What is the aim of this semi­nar on envi­ron­men­tal issues? In the sum­mer of 2022, the French UT group orga­ni­sed the first edi­tion of a 2‑day trai­ning course for its staff (tea­chers, resear­chers, admi­nis­tra­tive staff) to exa­mine toge­ther the tech­no­lo­gi­cal pos­ture of the four UTs (UTC, UTBM, UTT and UTSEUS, Shan­ghai) in the face of cur­rent and future socio-eco­lo­gi­cal chal­lenges. The course loo­ked at low-tech, the career pros­pects of gra­duates, changes in socio-eco­no­mic sec­tors, the role and impact of digi­tal tech­no­lo­gy, our rela­tion­ship with the living world, and the chan­ging role of engi­neers, tea­chers and researchers.

    Projects for innovative teaching methods

    The ET-LIOS pro­ject offers tea­ching courses on the theme of the com­pe­ti­tive and sus­tai­nable indus­try of the future. It includes a "sus­tai­nable and res­pon­sible engi­nee­ring" module desi­gned to train higher edu­ca­tion tea­chers to inte­grate socio-eco­lo­gi­cal issues into their tea­ching. It offers open source tea­ching materials.

    Nov. 2021 | ET-LIOS | Cross-dis­ci­pli­na­ry approach to pre­pare lear­ners for envi­ron­men­tal and socie­tal chal­lenges: the "Sus­tai­nable and res­pon­sible engi­nee­ring" module aims to pro­vide open source tea­ching mate­rials and to train higher edu­ca­tion tea­chers so that they can incor­po­rate socio-eco­lo­gi­cal issues into their teaching.
    Nov. 2021 | ET-LIOS | Hybri­di­za­tion of higher edu­ca­tion courses dedi­ca­ted to the Indus­try of the Future: The spe­ci­fic nature of tech­no­lo­gi­cal courses and the need for access to indus­trial machi­ne­ry and equip­ment make the issue of hybri­di­za­tion of courses cru­cial and impactful.


    UTC-Com­piegne wel­comes per­so­na­li­ties and orga­nises confe­rences for stu­dents and tea­cher-resear­chers on themes lin­ked to sus­tai­nable development.

    Fév. 2023 | Your Future confe­rence: Ethics and sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment, two fun­da­men­tal trends in digi­ti­sa­tion. With Marie-Hélène Abel, lec­tu­rer-cum-resear­cher and head of the com­pu­ter engi­nee­ring depart­ment and Domi­tile Lour­deaux, lec­tu­rer-cum-resear­cher and head of the arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and data science programme.
    Mars 2022 | Towards "green dia­ly­sis", more res­pect­ful of the envi­ron­ment: Hae­mo­dia­ly­sis, which affects three mil­lion kid­ney fai­lure patients around the world, is an ope­ra­tion that has a hea­vy envi­ron­men­tal impact. Cécile Legal­lais, a CNRS resear­cher at the BMBI labo­ra­to­ry (CNRS/UTC), and her team are wor­king to improve the pro­cess, first­ly by recy­cling the enor­mous quan­ti­ty of water lost during the operation.

    A num­ber of confe­rences are plan­ned in the near future.

    Octobre 2023 : "La tech au secours de la pla­nète ?", par Phi­lippe Bihouix.

    Phi­lippe Bihouix, Direc­teur géné­ral de l’AREP, Agence de concep­tion plu­ri­dis­ci­pli­naire enga­gée pour la tran­si­tion éco­lo­gique, filiale du groupe SNCF Gares & Connexions. Phi­lippe Bihouix qui nous fait l’honneur de venir à l’UTC ani­mer cette confé­rence a tra­vaillé comme ingé­nieur-conseil et diri­geant dans dif­fé­rents sec­teurs indus­triels, comme les trans­ports, l’énergie et la construc­tion. Depuis plus de 15 ans, il explore les enjeux liés à la tran­si­tion éner­gé­tique, à la consom­ma­tion de res­sources non renou­ve­lables et aux enjeux tech­no­lo­giques asso­ciés, notam­ment à tra­vers des ouvrages comme « L’Âge des low tech. Vers une civi­li­sa­tion tech­ni­que­ment sou­te­nable » (Le Seuil, 2014) et « Le bon­heur était pour demain. Les rêve­ries d’un ingé­nieur soli­taire » (Le Seuil, 2019).

    Novembre 2023 : Confé­rence sur le thème de la bio­di­ver­si­té (titre à venir), par Bru­no David.

    Bru­no David, paléon­to­logue, bio­lo­giste marin et ancien pré­sident du Museum natio­nal d'histoire natu­relle, conduit des recherches sur l’évolution de la bio­di­ver­si­té. Il a publié en 2021 un ouvrage inti­tu­lé « À l'aube de la 6ème extinc­tion : Com­ment habi­ter la Terre ».

    Graduate actions

    Our gra­duates are committed!

    Avril 2022 | Antoine, scien­ti­fic consul­tant envi­ron­ment and sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment: Antoine Palan­gié gra­dua­ted in 1997 in what is now pro­cess engi­nee­ring. He now works in Cana­da as a scien­ti­fic consul­tant on the envi­ron­ment and sus­tai­nable development.
    Janv. 2022 | Anne Le Guen­nec – Mana­ging Direc­tor, Recy­cling and Waste Valo­ri­sa­tion: Anne Le Guen­nec gra­dua­ted from the UTC in pro­cess engi­nee­ring in 1999. She cur­rent­ly works for Veo­lia as Gene­ral Mana­ger of Waste Recy­cling and Reco­ve­ry at Veo­lia France.
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