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  • InnovENT‑E: a certified ‘excellence’ training course serving the needs of SMEs

    InnovENT‑E: a cer­ti­fied ‘excel­lence’ trai­ning course ser­ving the needs of SMEs for their inno­va­tion and inter­na­tio­nal development


    Inno­va­tion and a pre­sence in the export busi­ness go hand in hand: the more an SME is inno­va­tive, the more it can export goods and ser­vices (and reci­pro­cal­ly). Having taken good note of this, 4 uni­ver­si­ty part­ners (the UT Group, the INSA Group, the CESI (indus­trial HE stu­dies) and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Lor­raine), pro­pose trai­ning packages to SMEs hel­ping them deve­lop in both areas.

    The pro­ject goes by the code name InnovENT‑E and was selec­ted in 2012 by ANR (the main ope­ra­tor for asses­sing actions adop­ted under the French Govern­ment incen­tive pro­gramme 'Invest­ments for the Future' after the call for pro­jects entit­led and as such recei­ved a bud­get of 13 Meu­ros for a per­iod of 6 years.

    The InnovENT‑E projects relies on 5 major innovations:

    • the recent­ly appro­ved natio­nal refe­rence in terms of skills nee­ded in innovation
    • the crea­tion of spe­ci­fic skills trai­ning packages cer­ti­fied by InnovENT‑E
    • the evo­lu­tion of orga­ni­za­tions and peda­go­gi­cal trends, cal­ling for more inter­ac­tion bet­ween the tea­chers and the trainees
    • the consti­tu­tion of a centre for col­la­bo­ra­tive, dema­te­ria­li­zed peda­go­gy resource library
    • the imple­men­ta­tion of a natio­nal trai­ning ins­ti­tute enabling dis­se­mi­na­tion and impro­ve­ment the various trai­ning sys­tems pro­du­ced by InnovENT‑E


    This part­ner­ship covers all France and mutua­lizes desi­gn and media­tion efforts in trai­ning ques­tions. The ove­rall aim is to pro­pose – in both ini­tial and conti­nuous edu­ca­tion pro­grammes – courses that can be fol­lo­wed at a dis­tance by SMLEs and the 70 000 stu­dents matri­cu­la­ted in the four part­ners uni­ver­si­ties. For example, by com­bi­ning the trai­ning modules of INSA Rouen, the CESI Paris and UTC, InnovENT‑E pro­po­sed a trai­ning package for the tim­ber sec­tor, or again for an SME in the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal sector.

    In the long term, InnovENT‑E aims at buil­ding up a sys­tem based on part­ner net­works (com­pe­ti­ti­vi­ty clus­ters, spe­cia­li­za­tion sec­tors, trade unions, public esta­blish­ments and spe­cia­list reviews) to increase the visibility/notoriety of the new offer. To illus­trate, we can note that InnovENT‑E has alrea­dy signed an agree­ment with Mov'eo, spe­cia­li­zed in the mobi­li­ty sector.

    "The majors and main contrac­tors might also be inter­es­ted: when they sign inter­na­tio­nal contracts, there often expe­rience the need to upgrade the asso­ciate skills of their SME sup­pliers and this makes their asso­cia­tion more effi­cient", ana­lyses Pas­cal Alber­ti, who co-ordi­nates InnovENT‑E acti­vi­ties for the UT Group.

    The sys­tem is open to all France-based SMEs, and makes them more attrac­tive when it comes to hiring HE gra­duates. The SMEs will (at last) have an access to inno­va­tive trai­ning courses and will bene­fit from the peda­go­gi­cal work­shops proposed.

    InnovENT‑E intends to pur­sue both a natio­nal and an inter­na­tio­nal logic for its deve­lop­ment. "UTC has alrea­dy esta­bli­shed part­ner­ships in Bra­zil on the inno­va­tion theme. We know that InnovENT‑E will inter­est theme. We could also pro­vide SMEs with the capa­ci­ty to adapt inno­va­tion to forei­gn mar­ket places and pro­vide the pos­si­bi­li­ty to esta­blish secure posi­tions there", notes Pas­cal Alber­ti. Idem in the case of Chi­na, Chile, Moroc­co and with inter­na­tio­nal part­ners of other aca­de­mic (main­ly uni­ver­si­ty) ins­ti­tu­tions.

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