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  • LUTECH: a technology transfer company as a “filter for innovative projects”

    It was the obser­va­tion made by the State autho­ri­ties that the results of public research very rare­ly led to indus­trial valo­ri­sa­tions or to inno­va­tions, the rea­son being the too wide gap bet­ween the two worlds public/private, that led to the crea­tion of the SATTs, an acro­nym for tech­no­lo­gy trans­fer acce­le­ra­tors with an assi­gned mis­sion to enable matu­ra­tion of scien­ti­fic work and results. The SATTs the­re­fore stand at the cross­roads of the research and entre­pre­neu­rial worlds and, as such, consti­tute new eco­no­mic agents that could improve France’s sys­tem of research valo­ri­sa­tion, nota­bly acce­le­ra­ting research result trans­fer and their use by indus­trial sectors.

    Site web de la SATT


    SATTs can be seen as ser­vice pur­veyors ser­ving the aims of research valo­ri­sa­tion for the sta­ke­hol­ders and pos­sible poten­tial clients. The SATTs also avail of finan­cial means to sup­port pro­jects as they mature. The State ope­ra­tor here is the ANR (natio­nal research agen­cy).

    Their mis­sion, as "fil­ters for inno­va­tion and research", is to trans­late dis­co­ve­ries and skills in the public research esta­blish­ments into concrete appli­ca­tions that cor­res­pond to needs expres­sed by the cor­po­rate world. Their acti­vi­ties relate to lod­ging of patent claims, to pro­ving of desi­gn concepts, to start-up crea­tions, to licen­sing … The SATTs them­selves were set up in the frame work of the Govern­ment incen­tive pro­gramme "Invest­ments for the Future" and dis­pose of a spe­ci­fic fund amoun­ting to 900M euros.


    The SATT-Lutech was decla­red a lau­reate in the first round of calls for pro­jects under the Invest­ments for the Future scheme and spe­ci­fi­cal­ly is cal­led to inter­vene in all stages of tech­no­lo­gy trans­fer: detec­tion of inven­tions and ana­lyses of mar­ket needs, intel­lec­tual pro­per­ty stra­te­gies, matu­ra­tion, (invest­ment in desi­gn pro­ving pro­to­cols to decrease tech­no­lo­gi­cal, regu­la­to­ry and eco­no­mic risks), accom­pa­nying the trans­fer pro­cess to the indus­trial sec­tor by hel­ping the crea­tion of a start-up or nego­tia­tion of ope­ra­ting licenses. The SATT-Lutech can also be asso­cia­ted with com­pa­nies to ela­bo­rate, moni­tor and manage co-matu­ra­tion projects.

    The scientific potential and excellent international reputation of its stakeholders enables SATT-Lutech to propose a sizeable and varied portfolio of technologies, as follows:

    • Health
    • ICTs
    • Che­mis­try
    • Mate­rials
    • Pro­cesses
    • Engi­nee­ring and asso­ciate services
    • Envi­ron­ment and energy

    The SATTs also define the rele­vant intel­lec­tual pro­per­ty rights invol­ved and finance matu­ring pro­jects from tech­no­lo­gi­cal, man­po­wer and mar­ke­ting angles, with the objec­tive to lower the risks asso­cia­ted with the ven­ture and to encou­rage trans­fer to the indus­trial sec­tors. SATT Lutech accom­pa­nies research scien­tists when they desire to trans­fer their research results, from the inven­tion claim stage to the ope­ra­ting license, or crea­tion of a start-up, in part­ner­ships with cor­po­rate incu­ba­tor struc­tures (e.g., busi­ness nurseries).

    Project patrons

    The SATT Lutech's part­ners are the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris 6 (Pierre & Marie Curie), the Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris 2 (Pan­theon-Assas), INSEAD (Ins­ti­tut Euro­péen d'administration des Affaires), Ins­ti­tut Curie, the École natio­nale supé­rieure de créa­tion indus­trielle (ENSCI), the Muséum natio­nal d'Histoire Natu­relle (MNHN) and the CNRS, these ins­ti­tu­tions repre­sen­ting close to 10 000 research scien­tists wor­king in the areas of sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment, ser­vice sec­tors, living mat­ter tech­no­lo­gies and health, com­pu­ter sciences and asso­ciate applications.

    The contract signed by the SATT-Lutech and UTC has enabled seve­ral pro­ject to emerge and pro­gress, nota­bly IDCCM (Inte­gra­ted Dyna­mic Cell Cultures in Micro­sys­tems), based on work in micro-fluid mecha­nics and cel­lu­lar micro-sys­tems run by the UTC-BMBI Labo­ra­to­ry.

    The aim of the IDCCM pro­ject is to pro­pose a sys­tem for in vitro tes­ting of cells (human or ani­mal pri­ma­ry cells, can­ce­rous cells …) to actors in the cos­me­tics, che­mi­cal and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal sec­tors that repro­duce the in vivo condi­tions, the­re­by offe­ring a way to avoid in vivo ani­mal tes­ting. Not only does the sys­tem reduce costs, but also improves vali­di­ty, simu­la­ting blood flow, car­rying out real time, in situ ana­lyses enable hg a bet­ter level of extra­po­la­tion of in vitro/in vivo results.

    The Lutech SATT accom­pa­nies the pro­ject, inclu­ding issues of intel­lec­tual pro­per­ty rights, mar­ke­ting as well as in pos­si­bi­li­ties for fur­ther tech­no­lo­gi­cal deve­lop­ments. Lutech finan­cial­ly sup­ports the com­ple­men­ta­ry bio­lo­gi­cal tests nee­ded and the deve­lop­ment of a bet­ter inte­gra­ted ICCCM platform.

    "We shall be asso­cia­ted soon with new UTC-BMBI pro­jects and we shall cer­tain­ly move in the direc­tion also of COSTECH research efforts", notes Chan­tal Ver­nis, mana­ging direc­tor and CEO of the SATT. "UTC has become accus­to­med to wor­king with indus­tria­lists – a fair­ly rare situa­tion – and this makes our agree­ment to col­la­bo­rate a very plea­sant affair. I also hope that we shall be able to attract stu­dents to present various start-up pos­si­bi­li­ties. Alrea­dy two UTC gra­duates have set up shop on the basis of a pro­ject that was matu­red at the SATT, viz., TEM Pro­ject, in the field of musi­cal crea­tion. Stu­dents today have a real chance and oppor­tu­ni­ty here."

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