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  • MS2T: a Labex for Control of Systems of Technology-intensive Systems

    Deve­lop­ment of advan­ced com­mu­ni­ca­tions has today led to large scale inter-connec­tions among auto­no­mous tech­no­lo­gy-inten­sive sys­tems that can the­re­by col­la­bo­rate to imple­ment cer­tain tasks: in this case we talk about sys­tems of tech­no­lo­gy-inten­sive sys­tems. Scien­ti­fic and tech­no­lo­gi­cal advances in terms of sys­tems leads to new func­tions that have an impact on our dai­ly lives, an example to illus­trate being the smart mana­ge­ment of trans­por­ta­tion means (less wai­ting for the next train, bus …) or in the field of re-edu­ca­tion by pro­vi­ding access to new, minia­tu­ri­zed robot systems.

    Site web du Labex


    The MS2T Labex has as its assi­gned objec­tive to ope­rate in a wide range of appli­ca­tions, with very strong socio-eco­no­mic chal­lenges to resolve, in trans­por­ta­tion and mobi­li­ty (smart, all-elec­tric cars, mul­ti­mo­dal trans­port sys­tems), in secu­ri­ty (use of mini-drones), in health engi­nee­ring (func­tio­nal re-edu­ca­tion, micro-nano-tech­no­lo­gies for bio­lo­gi­cal sys­tems), in the envi­ron­ment (real-time mana­ge­ment to eva­cuate water from hea­vy rainfalls).


    The MS2T Labex aims at making UTC a refe­rence site in the field of "sys­tems of sys­tems". The ambi­tion of all those invol­ved is to acce­le­rate the remo­val of scien­ti­fic blo­cking points and hurdles and to encou­rage the emer­gence of an inter­na­tio­nal scien­ti­fic com­mu­ni­ty spe­cia­li­zed in sys­tems of sys­tems: recrui­ting high level research scien­tists via the aca­de­mic Chairs cer­ti­fied as 'of excel­lence', through a mul­ti­pli­ca­tion of co-direc­ted PhD theses, hos­ting stays by post-docs, orga­ni­zing an annual, inter­na­tio­nal work­shop, offe­ring spe­ci­fic trai­ning courses, the Club of socio-eco­no­mic part­ners, the crea­tion of inno­va­tive start-ups .…

    New approaches for the desi­gn and opti­mi­za­tion of hete­ro­ge­neous, mul­ti-scale sys­tems will be explo­red, with the objec­tive to improve safe­ty fac­tors and com­ponent rug­ged­ness, and there will be deve­lop­ment work on co-ope­ra­tive and inter-acting sys­tems, and bet­ween men and these systems.

    › The pro­ject will be built up round 4 main axes:

    • inter­ac­tion and co-ope­ra­tion among sys­tems: mana­ging the data flow in net­works, dis­tri­bu­ted data processing ;
    • mana­ging uncer­tain­ty fac­tors: model­ling uncer­tain­ty, sys­tem resi­lience to uncer­tain­ty fac­tors and inte­gri­ty, taking into account uncer­tain­ties gene­ra­ted by digi­tal modelling;
    • opti­mi­zed desi­gn of sys­tems of tech­no­lo­gy inten­sive sys­tems: mul­ti-level and mul­ti phy­si­cal fac­tor opti­mi­za­tion, sequen­cing and syn­chro­ni­za­tion of mobile sys­tems, safe ope­ra­ting modes for sys­tems of systems.
    • Dyna­mics of sys­tems of sys­tems : emer­gence and agility

    Project patrons

    Beyond the engi­nee­ring aspects, MS2T repre­sents a major scien­ti­fic chal­lenge in an area that is not exten­si­ve­ly explo­red as yet by aca­de­mic research scien­tists; indeed the approach can only be plu­ri­dis­ci­pli­na­ry. For this rea­son, UTC and the CNRS chose to build up the pro­ject round the UTC-Heu­dia­syc labo­ra­to­ry faci­li­ties (ICTs), asso­cia­ting teams from UTC-BMBI (Bio-engi­nee­ring sciences and tech­no­lo­gies) and UTC-Rober­val (Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, Acous­tics & Vibra­tions and Mate­rial sciences and engineering).

    These three labo­ra­to­ries alrea­dy consti­tute a fede­ra­tion of research known as SHIC (inter­ac­ting hete­ro­ge­neous sys­tems) with the struc­ture of the UTC-CNRS Col­le­gium. Nume­rous socio-eco­no­mic actors have also expres­sed inter­est in the pro­ject, sup­por­ted finan­cial­ly as it is by the Picar­die Regio­nal autho­ri­ties: the DGA (French armed forces research esta­blish­ment), Veo­lia Trans­port, Thales, Suez Envi­ron­ne­ment and Vitec Multimedia.

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