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  • Federation of Research Heterogeneous Systems in Interaction (FR SHIC)

    The fede­ra­tion FR SHIC was offi­cial­ly crea­ted in Janua­ry 2009, bet­ween the UTC and the CNRS.


    It is atta­ched main­ly to INSIS (Ins­ti­tute of Sciences of Engi­nee­ring and Sys­tems Sciences) and secon­da­ri­ly to INS2I (Ins­ti­tute of Infor­ma­tion Sciences and Tech­no­lo­gies). It has been rene­wed in 2018 for five years.

    FR SHIC has sti­mu­la­ted a new dyna­mic for inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry tech­no­lo­gi­cal research within UTC:

    • The FR SHIC was at the heart of Col­le­gium UTC / CNRS, signed in Novem­ber 2009.
    • In 2011, FR SHIC was at the ori­gin of the Labex MS2T, with a new orien­ta­tion around an ori­gi­nal inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry pro­ject cen­te­red on "sys­tems of systems".

    The crea­tion of the Labex MS2T has resul­ted in a major change in the themes and the func­tio­ning of the federation.

    Organization, structure et operation

    The FR SHIC was ori­gi­nal­ly consti­tu­ted of three UMRS CNRS of the UTC:

    • UMR 7253 Heu­dia­syc : Heu­ris­tics and diag­no­sis of com­plex sys­tems, direc­ted by Phi­lippe Bon­ni­fait ;
    • UTC-Rober­val : research unit in mecha­nics, acous­tics and mate­rials, direc­ted by Jérôme. Faver­geon ;
    • UMR 7338 BMBI : Bio­me­cha­nics, Bioen­gi­nee­ring, direc­ted by Cécile Legal­lais.

    Since Janua­ry 2018, it has been exten­ded to a fourth UTC labo­ra­to­ry, spe­cia­li­zed in social and human sciences: EA 2223 Cos­tech, Know­ledge orga­ni­za­tion and tech­ni­cal sys­tems, direc­ted by Serge Bou­char­don.


    Since 2011, the direc­tor of FR SHIC, Ali Cha­ra­ra, is direc­tor of the Labex MS2T. He was direc­tor of Heu­dia­syc until Decem­ber 2017; the cur­rent direc­tors of Heu­dia­syc, BMBI and Rober­val are depu­ty direc­tors of the FR and mem­bers of the stee­ring com­mit­tee of the Labex, exten­ded to the direc­tor of Cos­tech. This confi­gu­ra­tion ensures consis­ten­cy bet­ween the fede­ra­tion / Labex and the units.

    The sec­tions of the natio­nal com­mit­tee of the scien­ti­fic research concer­ned are 6, 7 (main sec­tion), 9, 10 and 28. The sec­tions CNU are : 27, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65 et 66.

    Context and objectives

    The scien­ti­fic ver­sa­ti­li­ty concen­tra­ted on spe­ci­fic tech­no­lo­gi­cal axes is confron­ted in its evo­lu­tion with the dif­fi­cul­ty of dea­ling with sys­tems whose rea­li­ty requires the inte­gra­tion of hete­ro­ge­neous com­po­nents: the orga­nic with the inor­ga­nic, the living and the non-living, the macro and the nano, etc.

    The tech­no­lo­gy today is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by a com­plexi­ty that not only is the beha­vior more or less des­cri­bable of its models but espe­cial­ly by the varie­ty and varia­bi­li­ty of the ele­ments it consi­ders and makes it inter­act. This com­plexi­ty of a new genre must be approa­ched and stu­died to iden­ti­fy models to unders­tand them or to deter­mine how to control, control and decide on them. The pur­pose of FR SHIC was ini­tial­ly to stu­dy this new com­plexi­ty, lin­ked to the mobi­li­za­tion of dif­ferent types of models neces­sa­ry for unders­tan­ding and using of hete­ro­ge­neous and inter­ac­ting components.

    The Labex MS2T, cen­te­red on the "sys­tems of sys­tems" is thus deri­ved from the genes of the FR. Indeed, a sys­tem of sys­tems (SoS) is an orga­ni­zed meta-sys­tem whose com­po­nents are, them­selves, hete­ro­ge­neous and auto­no­mous sys­tems, inter­ac­ting to per­form cer­tain tasks; the glo­bal sys­tem can reveal emer­ging beha­viors, not defined.

    In its inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry and inte­gra­tive approach, tack­ling scien­ti­fic chal­lenges and tech­no­lo­gi­cal locks, the Labex MS2T is com­mit­ted to deve­lo­ping gene­ric methods, adap­table to dif­ferent socio-eco­no­mic sectors.

    Scientific project

    The scien­ti­fic pro­ject is struc­tu­red around three the­ma­tic axes:

    • Inter­ac­tion and coope­ra­tion bet­ween system;
    • Uncer­tain­ty mana­ge­ment, risk management;
    • From sys­tem com­ponent to sys­tem of sys­tems: ana­ly­sis, mul­ti-scale and mul­ti-phy­sics desi­gn and modeling.

    and a trans­ver­sal axis:

    • Dyna­mics of sys­tems of sys­tems: emer­gence and agility.

    The first three axes are in line with the cur­rent axes of the Labex MS2T. The fourth trans­ver­sal axis is new: it will build on the expe­rience gai­ned since the launch of the fede­ra­tion and the Labex. It will aim to contri­bute to the way of thin­king about Sds, to their com­plexi­ty cha­rac­te­ris­tics, and the "man-sys­tem" inter­ac­tion, espe­cial­ly those that ope­rate SdSs.

    The main socio-eco­no­mic sec­tors tar­ge­ted are: trans­port and mobi­li­ty, safe­ty, health engi­nee­ring, indus­try of the future.

    Contact and documentation

    Contacts de la recherche à l'UTC

    Direc­teur de la FR SHIC
    Thier­ry Denoeux
     +33 (0)3 44 23 44 96
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