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  • Mechanics, energy and electricity (Roberval)

    The UTC Rober­val Labo­ra­to­ry pro­motes the deve­lop­ment of inno­va­tive com­pu­ta­tio­nal and expe­ri­men­tal pro­to­cols and tools for reliable and robust ana­ly­sis-based desi­gn, of mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring sys­tems and structures.


    The Rober­val Labo­ra­to­ry main­tains its stra­te­gic objec­tive to become a 'pole of excel­lence' (in the French HE incen­tives awards nomen­cla­ture) in the research, desi­gn and control assess­ment in mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring and sciences. In order to attain this objec­tive, a sys­te­mic and mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­na­ry approach has been adop­ted, taking into account the phy­si­cal, mecha­ni­cal, ther­mal, acous­tic and vibra­to­ry inter­ac­tions bet­ween the sub­com­po­nents of the sys­tems investigated.

    The research work focuses on the deve­lop­ment of expe­ri­men­tal, theo­re­ti­cal and mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­na­ry mathe­ma­ti­cal model­ling skills and know-how, to be imple­men­ted when desi­gning mate­rials, struc­tures and mecha­ni­cal sys­tems. The labo­ra­to­ry aims at deve­lo­ping exper­tise in desi­gn metho­do­lo­gies and manu­fac­tu­ring pro­to­cols com­plying with envi­ron­men­tal stan­dards and constraints.

    Research groups and themes

    The research car­ried out by the Rober­val labo­ra­to­ry is based on the fields of mate­rials science, mecha­nics of solids and fluids, acous­tics and vibra­tions, mecha­tro­nics, elec­tri­cal engi­nee­ring and sys­tems engineering.

    The unit is orga­ni­zed into 5 research teams:

    • Nume­ri­cal methods in mecha­nics,
    • Acous­tics and vibra­tions,
    • Mate­rials and surfaces,
    • Mecha­tro­nics, ener­gy, elec­tri­ci­ty, inte­gra­tion,
    • Indus­trial sys­tems: producst/process.

    These 5 teams contri­bute to 2 trans­ver­sal themes defi­ned within the laboratory:

    • Uncer­tain­ties and varia­bi­li­ties,
    • Mate­rials and struc­tures with inte­gra­ted func­tions.


    The UTC Rober­val labo­ra­to­ry is deve­lo­ping 7 plat­forms:

    • Inten­sive calculations,
    • Vir­tua­li­zed servers,
    • Vibro-acous­tics,
    • Cha­rac­te­ris­za­tion of materials,
    • Imple­men­ta­tion of materials
    • Mecha­tro­nics,
    • Elec­tric energy.

    Joint laboratories

    Crea­ted in 2019, the Fuse­Me­tal joint labo­ra­to­ry is the result of more than 20 years of col­la­bo­ra­tion bet­ween the Rober­val labo­ra­to­ry and the com­pa­ny Arce­lor­Mit­tal France (whose auto­mo­tive research cen­ter is loca­ted in Montataire).

    The Rober­val labo­ra­to­ry is also invol­ved with the com­pa­ny Del­ta­CAD in the joint labo­ra­to­ry DIMEXP (Digi­tal Mockup for mul­ti-EXPer­tises inte­gra­tion).


    Projets d'investissement d'avenir (PIA)

    • Ins­ti­tut de recherche tech­no­lo­gique IRT RAILENIUM dédié au fer­ro­viaire. Le labo­ra­toire est prin­ci­pa­le­ment impli­qué dans les thé­ma­tiques maté­riaux et pro­cé­dés, sui­vi de l'état des infra­struc­tures fer­ro­viaires et méthodes de pro­to­ty­page vir­tuel et pré-cer­ti­fi­ca­tion par calcul.
    • Labo­ra­toire d'Excellence Labex MS2T (Maî­trise des sys­tèmes de sys­tèmes tech­no­lo­giques). Le labo­ra­toire est impli­qué dans les sys­tèmes méca­tro­niques, la prise en compte des incer­ti­tudes ou encore l'optimisation mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­naire des sys­tèmes mécaniques.
    • Équi­pe­ment d'Excellence Équi­pex FIGURES, por­tant sur le déve­lop­pe­ment d'une pla­te­forme de recherche et de for­ma­tions chi­rur­gi­cales dédiées au visage. Le labo­ra­toire est impli­qué dans la carac­té­ri­sa­tion du com­por­te­ment des maté­riaux du vivant.
    • Pro­jet ESSENCYELE sur la moto­ri­sa­tion des véhi­cules propres dans le cadre du pôle MOV'EO et de l'ITE VEDECOM.

    Competitveness clusters

    The unit is par­ti­cu­lar­ly active in the glo­bal com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness clus­ters i-Trans, MOV'EO and SYSTEMATIC.

    Industrial partners

    • Rail: ALSTOM, ARCELOR-MITTAL, Frai­ve­ley Transport
    • Aero­nau­tics and space: SAFRAN, EADS, AIRBUS, CNES, ONERA
    • Ener­gy: EDF, CEA
    • Defence: DGA
    • Soft­ware edi­tor: ESI Group
    • Tech­ni­cal cen­ters: Centre tech­nique pour les indus­tries méca­niques (CETIM), Centre d'études et d'expertise sur les risques, l'environnement, la mobi­li­té et l'aménagement (CEREMA)

    Academic partners

    NPU Nor­th­wes­tern Poly­tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty de X'ian (groupe de recherche com­mun Vir­tual Pro­to­ty­ping for Desi­gn and Fabri­ca­tion), École natio­nale des ingé­nieurs de Sfax, uni­ver­si­té de San­tia­go du Chi­li, École des Mines de Cra­co­vie, uni­ver­si­té de tech­no­lo­gie de Wro­claw, uni­ver­si­tés du Qué­bec, uni­ver­si­té libre de Bruxelles, Impe­rial Col­lege of Lon­don, ISVR Sou­thamp­ton, TU Braun­sch­weig


    The Rober­val labo­ra­to­ry is deve­lo­ping pro­jects in col­la­bo­ra­tion with other UTC labo­ra­to­ries and aca­de­mic part­ners in France and abroad.

    ANR projects

    The DIMEXP lab­com aims at faci­li­ta­ting the emer­gence of new refe­rences and desi­gn and indus­tria­li­za­tion stan­dards for mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring pro­ducts, through col­la­bo­ra­tive, mul­ti-scale mana­ge­ment of inno­va­tive digi­tal mock-ups and by taking into account various hete­ro­ge­neous data. DIMEXP was selec­ted in the first call for 'lab­com' pro­jects by the ANR (natio­nal assess­ment agen­cy for HE and research).

    The objec­tive of the ALVEO pro­ject is to deve­lop sys­tems for per­for­ming com­plex thee-dimen­sio­nal micro-conveying tasks in a micro-fac­to­ry context.

    The RESEED pro­ject is part of the field of reverse engi­nee­ring (or Reverse Engi­nee­ring in English) and allies itself with the needs and par­ti­cu­la­ri­ties lin­ked to heri­tage. Today, reverse engi­nee­ring is wide­ly used in the manu­fac­tu­ring indus­try to cap­ture 3D pro­duct information.

    The IPROD pro­ject aims to pro­pose an inte­gra­ted modu­lar pro­duct / pro­cess desi­gn method, and to deve­lop an inte­gra­ted pro­duct / pro­cess confi­gu­ra­tor that allows dif­ferent users to deve­lop pro­duct variants, or cus­to­mi­zable products.

    FUI projects

    The LUCID pro­ject deals with the issue of deve­lo­ping machi­ning pro­grams and asso­cia­ted strategies.

    The objec­tive of the ACCECOTP pro­ject (Impro­ve­ment of the crash and impact beha­vior of ther­mo­plas­tic com­po­site equip­ment) is to obtain a mass gain of around 20% of aero­nau­ti­cal and rail­way equip­ment having dimen­sio­ning cha­rac­te­ris­tics of crash resis­tance and / or shock.

    European projects

    SuPLight focuses on new indus­trial models to obtain sus­tai­nable solu­tions – with75% recy­cling of high qua­li­ty (for­ged alloy) struc­tu­ral com­po­nents. Rela­ti­ve­ly sophis­ti­ca­ted opti­mi­za­tion algo­rithms will be used for pro­ducts and pro­cesses with an expec­ted increase weight/performance of 50%.

    Refres­co aims at pro­du­cing fra­me­work regu­la­tions to be applied new struc­tu­ral mate­rials in rail­road pas­ser and freight trans­por­ta­tion rail-carriages.

    The HEXENOR pro­ject is deve­lo­ping noise aba­te­ment tech­no­lo­gies for heli­cop­ter engine exhaust systems.

    Investments for the Future incentives

    The labo­ra­to­ry is inves­ting in (and the Uni­ver­si­ty is strong com­mit­ted to) 4 "Invest­ments for the Future" incen­tives, as follows:

    • mate­rials and pro­cesses, the moni­to­ring of rail infra­struc­tures and direc­tion of the pro­gramme "vir­tual pro­to­ty­ping and com­pu­ta­tion pre-cer­ti­fi­ca­tion" for the RAILENIUM IRT (Ins­ti­tute for tech­no­lo­gi­cal research),
    • mecha­tro­nic sys­tems taking uncer­tain­ty fac­tors and mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­na­ry opti­mi­za­tion of mecha­ni­cal sys­tems into account in the fra­me­work of the MS2T Labex pro­gramme 'Control­ling sys­tems of systems",
    • mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties of agro-sour­ced mate­rials and model­ling of plant/yeast meta­bo­lism func­tions in the fra­me­work of the ITE PIVERT,
    • cha­rac­te­ri­sa­tion of mate­rial beha­viour for living mate­rials with the Equi­pex FIGURES.

    The UTC-Rober­val labo­ra­to­ry was also selec­ted to work on the 'Invest­ments for the Future' incen­tive pro­gramme with the calls to pro­ject laun­ched via the ADEME (Natio­nal Envi­ron­ment and Ener­gy Agen­cy), for example:

    • Com­po­fast (AMI covers Vehicle weight-saving, aero­dy­na­mics and archi­tec­ture) consists of deve­lo­ping ther­mo­plas­tic com­po­sites with conti­nuous strut­ting streng­the­ners that contri­bute very signi­fi­cant­ly to cost control and manu­fac­tu­ring time-to-assem­bly for mass pro­du­ced vehicles.
    • CERVIFER (AMI covers rail­road trans­por­ta­tion) has the prin­ci­pal objec­tive to increase the French rail­road indus­trial effi­cien­cy level, using vir­tual pro­to­ty­ping soft­ware packages and deve­lop­ment of robust, pre-cer­ti­fi­ca­tion test pro­to­cols, via a method of com­ponent and sys­tem com­pu­ta­tion in both rol­ling stock and in rail­road infrastructures.
    • BESTH (AAP-noise issues), in the fra­me­work of a hydrau­lic paral­lel hybrid trans­mis­sion bus, to bet­ter unders­tand the phy­sics that can be obser­ved in this pro­blem area and to define desi­gn evo­lu­tion for pro­ducts and sys­tems such that more silent trans­mis­sion solu­tions can be iden­ti­fied and found accep­table by the new mar­kets ope­ning today.

    Sorbonne universities cluster project

    The HV-Nano­Rob pro­ject is aimed at desi­gning and orde­ring a high speed nano­ro­bot sys­tem that enable an ope­ra­tor to, gene­rate rapid tra­jec­to­ries for a Local Probe Micro­scope (LPM). The sys­tem as pro­po­sed will dif­fer from exis­ting sys­tems by its capa­ci­ty to car­ry out high speed map­ping in a constrai­ned envi­ron­ment and for large surfaces.

    Zoom on 2 projects

    Today's (and tomorrow's) chal­lenges in terms of performance/cost ratios in aero­nau­tics, land and sea trans­por­ta­tion require the use of inno­va­tive mate­rials that com­ply with the latest struc­tu­ral and func­tio­nal standards.

    The deve­lop­ment of com­po­site mate­rials with 3D streng­the­ners – an area of exper­tise where UTC has an excellent track-record for the last 15 years – is an ans­wer to these new chal­lenges. Whe­reas pre­vious gene­ra­tions of com­po­sites had 1D or 2D strengtheners,and sub­se­quent­ly dis­played cer­tain struc­tu­ral weak­nesses in the 3rd dimen­sion, this new 3D approach with rein­for­ce­ment of so-cal­led tech­ni­cal sha­ped tis­sues gene­rates seve­ral pos­sible archi­tec­tu­ral confi­gu­ra­tions for com­po­site materials.

    The envi­ron­men­tal constraints today have also encou­ra­ged the indus­tria­lists in this sec­tor to focus on the deve­lop­ment of com­po­sites with vege­table streng­the­ners. The fibers typi­cal­ly incor­po­ra­ted are glass or car­bon with an increa­sing pre­fe­rence for cel­lu­lose-based extracts (wood, hemp, …) with inter­es­ting pro­per­ties such as low den­si­ty, excellent mecha­ni­cal cha­rac­te­ris­tics, low cost …

    Noise reduc­tion is a major chal­lenge for the mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring sec­tor. The Rober­val Labo­ra­to­ry is invol­ved in research in this area by the deve­lop­ment of com­pu­ta­tio­nal and expe­ri­men­tal tools for vibro-acous­tics and aero-acous­tic sin part­ner­ship with auto­mo­bile indus­tria­lists as part of the world-class "pole of com­pe­ti­ti­vi­ty" Itrans, and with the aero­nau­ti­cal sec­tor in the fra­me­work of the Research Ini­tia­tive for Acous­tic Opti­mi­sa­tion (IROQUA).

    In the fore­going context, the Labo­ra­to­ry research groups focus on seve­ral ori­gi­nal sys­tems inte­gra­ted in the air­craft engine pods or in the cooling sys­tems in cars in order to reduce and control trans­mit­ted noise. The research uses test bed arran­ge­ments and nume­ri­cal models deve­lo­ped by the Rober­val Labo­ra­to­ry in the fra­me­work of Euro­pean research pro­grammes, with conti­nuous sup­port from Valeo Ther­mique Habi­tacle, SAFRAN (SNECMA, TURBOMECA) and the CNRS. This research has resul­ted in a patent regis­tra­tion joint­ly lod­ged by Snec­ma, CNRS and UTC.

    Contact and documentation

    Contacts de la recherche à l'UTC

    Direc­teur du labo­ra­toire Rober­val
    Jérôme Faver­geon
     +33 (0)3 44 23 45 33
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