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  • Specialty – Embedded Computing and Equipment and Autonomous Systems (INES)

    The objec­tive of the INES pro­gramme (Embed­ded Com­pu­ting and Auto­no­mous Sys­tems) is to train future mana­gers capable of spe­ci­fying, desi­gning, deve­lo­ping and vali­da­ting archi­tec­tures and soft­ware for embed­ded sys­tems that inter­act with the phy­si­cal world through sen­sors and actua­tors. This course offers metho­do­lo­gi­cal and prac­ti­cal tea­ching on cyber-phy­si­cal sys­tems (a close link bet­ween phy­si­cal sys­tems and their inter­ac­tions via appro­priate com­mu­ni­ca­tion and algo­rithms, cf. Figure below). The aim of the INES course is also to make stu­dents aware of the concept of sys­tems ope­ra­tion under constraints: real-time, sys­tem secu­ri­ty, com­pu­ting power, ener­gy consump­tion, etc.

    Course contents

    6 PSF (Pro­fil Spé­ci­fique de Filière) CC Modules

    Spring session

    • MI11: Real-Time Com­pu­ting Sys­tems and Embed­ded Deve­lop­ment (TM: Tech­niques and Methods)
    • SY15: Auto­ma­tion for robo­tics (CS: Scien­ti­fic knowledge)
    • SY32: Vision and Learning ™

    Autumn session

    • MI12 : Ingé­nie­rie des sys­tèmes embarqués ™
    • SY27 : Machines intelligentes ™
    • SY28 : Sys­tèmes cyber-physiques

    7 UVs PCB (Pro­fil Com­mun de Branche, for­te­ment recom­man­dées pour la filière INES)


    • MI01 : Struc­ture of an ECU
    • SY31 : Sen­sors for Intel­li­gent Systems
    • SY08 : Model­ling of dis­crete event systems
    • SY14 : Intro­duc­tion to Automation

    GI04-GI05 (which complete the course modules)

    • RV01: Vir­tual Rea­li­ty, 3D
    • SR05: Dis­tri­bu­ted Systems
    • SR08: IoT (Inter­net of things)

    The academic teaching team

    The INES aca­de­mic tea­ching team com­prises 10 lec­tu­rer-cum-research scien­tists, 1 junior CNRS research offi­cer and 2 research engi­neers. This UTC team also bene­fits from input from exter­nal indus­trial spea­kers.


    The INES aca­de­mic tea­ching team comes main­ly from CNRS UTC Heu­dia­syc UMR7253 research labo­ra­to­ry and, in par­ti­cu­lar and mas­si­ve­ly from the Heu­dia­syc Lab’s SyRI ranks (Robo­tic Inter­ac­ting Sys­tems) Robo­tiques en Inter­ac­tion). SyRI has a lea­ding national/international level of noto­rie­ty and visi­bi­li­ty in the field of auto­no­mous mobile systems.

    Access to UTC’s research plat­forms is faci­li­ta­ted: robo­tic land and air­borne vehicles; an immer­sive vir­tual rea­li­ty (VR) room.

    Placements/internships and industrial relations

    End of stu­dies pro­ject (code named TN10):

    • A strong link with at least one of the themes of the sector
    • Large groups and SMEs

    Main fields

    • Auto­mo­tive (Renault, PSA, Continental, …)
    • Aero­nau­tics / defence (Safran, Thales, …)
    • Logis­tics and the Fac­to­ry of the Future (BA Sys­tems, Valéo, …)
    • Trans­port (Thales Rail, Alstom trans­ports, …), health, tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tions, etc.


    Staying abroad (TN10, stu­dy semes­ter, double degree, etc.):

    • is stron­gly encou­ra­ged and commended
    • there are seve­ral tar­get uni­ver­si­ties: Water­loo Univ. (Cana­da), Prin­ce­ton Univ. (USA), Cran­field Univ. (UK), Lin­ko­pings Univ. (Swe­den), Univ. of Artu­ro Prat (Chile), etc.

    Professional openings

    The main job oppor­tu­ni­ties lin­ked to the INES spe­cial­ty qua­li­fi­ca­tion lie in the fields of trans­port, aero­nau­tics, logis­tics and defence.

    Examples of jobs: deve­lop­ment engi­neer, research engi­neer, desi­gn engi­neer, tech­ni­cal direc­tor, pro­ject mana­ger, process/method expert, safety/security expert, consul­tant, etc.

    Contact and documentation

    Res­pon­sable de la filière
    Domi­tile Lourdeaux
     +33 (0)3 44 23 79 84
    Res­pon­sable pédagogique
    Meh­di Serairi
     +33 (0)3 44 23 44 75
    Coor­di­na­trice des stages
    Maryam Ly
     +33 (0)3 44 23 52 37
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