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TSH, an innovative pedagogy and a pluridisciplinary research

UTC-TSH offers an inno­va­tive tea­ching approach based on the dif­ferent situa­tions faced by today's engi­neers. This peda­go­gy is deployed both in the tea­ching (inclu­ding appren­ti­ce­ships) and in the inter­n­ships and end-of-stu­dy projects.

Human and Social Sciences

The department's pro­ject aims to high­light the irre­du­cible inter­t­wi­ning bet­ween tech­no­lo­gy and the socio-eco­no­mic world, and also bet­ween work situa­tions and ethi­cal, socie­tal and poli­ti­cal res­pon­si­bi­li­ty. The aim is to build, teach and promote:

  • know­ledge and research para­digms that renew the ana­ly­sis and unders­tan­ding of today's engi­nee­ring situa­tions (desi­gn, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, organisation/management). As an inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry depart­ment, it draws on and com­bines know­ledge from cog­ni­tive sciences, from the his­to­ry of science and tech­no­lo­gy, from infor­ma­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion sciences, eco­no­mics and mana­ge­ment, the social sciences, phi­lo­so­phy, etc.
  • approaches and tools for acting in these situa­tions (desi­gn of inter­faces and inter­ac­tion devices, mana­ge­ment of inno­va­tive pro­jects, inter­cul­tu­ra­li­ty, etc.).

In the context of an unpre­ce­den­ted eco­lo­gi­cal cri­sis, the place of tech­no­lo­gy and engi­nee­ring in our socie­ty needs to be rethought. Today's and tomorrow's engi­neers face at least three new inter­con­nec­ted challenges:

  • How can we ima­gine new tech­no­lo­gi­cal alter­na­tives and how do they relate to ethi­cal, poli­ti­cal, eco­no­mic, cog­ni­tive and orga­ni­sa­tio­nal issues?
  • How can we posi­tion our­selves in rela­tion to new socio-tech­ni­cal nar­ra­tives such as sobrie­ty, fru­ga­li­ty, low-tech, sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty and sus­tai­nable development?
  • What would be an inclu­sive and caring for­mat of engi­nee­ring in rela­tion to other living beings and the planet?

The key role played by the TSH depart­ment at UTC can be seen in the fol­lo­wing key figures:

Key figures

The pri­mor­dial posi­tion held by the UTC-TSH depart­ment can be bet­ter underts­tood with the fol­lo­wing key figures:

  • 115 ECTS cre­dits offered;
  • 30% of the courses taken by all UTC gra­duate engi­neers are TSH CC’s;
  • 2 500 stu­dents per semester;
  • More than 500 gra­duates from the UTC's MPI (mana­ge­ment of inno­va­tive pro­jects) pro­gramme since 2000;
  • 35 resear­chers in the UTC-Cos­tech research unit;
  • 1 UxD master's speciality;
  • 5 minors (the­ma­tic courses).

The pedagogical offer

TSH aims to train engi­neers whose tech­no­lo­gi­cal excel­lence is enhan­ced by other skills. Its tea­ching is struc­tu­red around three engi­nee­ring situa­tions: desi­gn, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, orga­ni­sa­tion & management.

During their stu­dies, stu­dents must focus on at least two of these three areas and, for each of these, must com­bine know­ledge of the 'approaches and prac­tices' type with know­ledge of the 'know­ledge' type.

In each of these situa­tions, it is pos­sible to make choices based on:

  • The 5 ("minor") TSH path­ways cove­ring: digi­tal cultu­ral tech­no­lo­gies; sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment; inno­va­tion and glo­bal cor­po­rate rela­tions; phi­lo­so­phy, tech­no­lo­gy and cog­ni­tion; contro­ver­sy, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and technology.
  • The Inno­va­tive Pro­ject Mana­ge­ment cross-dis­ci­pli­na­ry pathway
  • Courses that are part of the "TSH Chal­lenges" approach. Today's engi­neers face three spe­ci­fic chal­lenges: ima­gi­ning new alter­na­tives, crea­ting a desi­rable future, and inclusion/care. A num­ber of the department's courses aim to pro­vide expli­cit refe­rence points and tools to help stu­dents meet these challenges.


The excel­lence of UTC’s TSH research work is reco­gni­zed thanks to a spe­ci­fic research unit UTC-Cos­tech (Know­ledge, Orga­ni­za­tion and Tech­ni­cal Sys­tems). Focu­sing on the rela­tion­ships bet­ween humans, tech­niques and socie­ties, the Cos­tech labo­ra­to­ry com­bines ambi­tious concep­tual research with a concern for expe­ri­men­ta­tion and tes­ting in tech­ni­cal, orga­ni­za­tio­nal and social realizations.

It is invol­ved in nume­rous field stu­dies and tech­no­lo­gi­cal deve­lop­ment acti­vi­ties, cove­ring a very broad spec­trum of themes: health tech­no­lo­gies, digi­tal wri­ting, deve­lop­ment of per­cep­tual sup­port sys­tems, digi­tal demo­cra­cy, com­pu­ter science and trai­ning, mana­ge­ment of know­ledge and intan­gibles, eco­lo­gi­cal transition.

Pedagogical Aid

The Peda­go­gi­cal Sup­port Unit (CAP) is a sup­port ser­vice for tea­chers and UTC as a whole and is atta­ched to the UTC-TSH Depart­ment. It provides:

  • Sup­port for the use of tech­no-peda­go­gi­cal tools:
    • Peda­go­gi­cal platform
    • WebTV plat­form
    • Inter­ac­tive digi­tal tools
  • Peda­go­gi­cal sup­port approach for tea­chers:
    • Awa­re­ness enhanced
    • Trai­ning
    • Coa­ching
  • Sup­port approach for the ins­ti­tu­tion UTC:
    • Sup­port for the pre­ser­va­tion of the UTC peda­go­gi­cal model
    • Sup­port to the tran­si­tion from high school to university
    • Peda­go­gi­cal exe­ge­sis of UTC stra­te­gy (com­pe­tence approach)

Languages and language skills

The forei­gn lan­guage cur­ri­cu­lum offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty to learn the fol­lo­wing lan­guages face-to-face: English, Ger­man, Man­da­rin Chi­nese, Spa­nish, FLE (French as a forei­gn lan­guage), Ita­lian, Japa­nese, Portuguese.

The ongoing digi­tal tran­si­tion and recent peda­go­gi­cal changes encou­rage stu­dents to pur­sue lan­guage lear­ning with a view to achie­ving a level of C1 – Mas­te­ry in accor­dance with the CEFR (Com­mon Euro­pean Fra­me­work of Refe­rence for Lan­guages) during their course of study.

1. Lan­guage choices to be made as part of an ove­rall pro­ject.

2. The need to obtain a B2 level in English through an exter­nal test. (TOEIC – with a mini­mum 785 points in the lis­te­ning and rea­ding test) or other tests reco­gni­zed by French HE lan­guage skills regu­la­tions. This level is a condi­tion for gra­dua­tion, in accor­dance with the requi­re­ments of the Com­mis­sion des titres de l'ingénieur.

3. Towards mas­te­ry of lan­guages to faci­li­tate inter­na­tio­nal mobi­li­ty and the pos­si­bi­li­ty of lear­ning 3 or even 4 lan­guages during the engi­nee­ring course.

Uni­ver­si­ty exchanges take place on 5 conti­nents and in 43 coun­tries (140 uni­ver­si­ties and 17 double degrees): Alba­nia, Argen­ti­na, Aus­tra­lia, Aus­tria, Bel­gium, Bra­zil, Bul­ga­ria, Cana­da, Chile, Colom­bia, Czech Repu­blic, Den­mark, Ecua­dor, Fin­land, Ger­ma­ny, Greece, Ice­land, India, Ita­ly, Japan, Lat­via, Leba­non, Mexi­co, Moroc­co, the Nether­lands, Nor­way, Poland, Por­tu­gal, Roma­nia, Rus­sia, Sin­ga­pore, South Korea, Spain, Swe­den, Swit­zer­land, Tai­wan, Tuni­sia, Tur­key, Ukraine, Uni­ted King­dom, Uni­ted States, Vene­zue­la. (This list of coun­tries is constant­ly evolving).

For forei­gn stu­dents, the FLE (French as a forei­gn lan­guage) course consists of inten­sive pro­grammes during the inter-semes­ters and French lan­guage courses at 6 levels (A1=>C2) in accor­dance with the CEFR (Com­mon Euro­pean Fra­me­work of Refe­rence for Languages).

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« Une vie pro­fes­sion­nelle, ça se construit pas à pas »

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