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  • Specialty – Urban Engineering, Mobility and Transportation (AMT)

    The ambi­tion enter­tai­ned by student-engi­neers regis­te­red for the UTC Urban engi­nee­ring, Mobi­li­ty and Trans­por­ta­tion ( AMT) spe­cial­ty course, is to respond to the chal­lenges of urban pro­jects, mobi­li­ty and trans­port, at the dif­ferent scales of deve­lop­ment (dis­trict, city, ter­ri­to­ry), inte­gra­ting the notions of plan­ning, tech­ni­cal mana­ge­ment, control of use and sus­tai­nable development.

    Teaching contents

    In addi­tion to gene­ral urban engi­nee­ring courses (model­ling, urban tech­ni­cal sys­tems, digi­tal tools and pro­ject mana­ge­ment), the GU-AMT urban engi­nee­ring student will conso­li­date scien­ti­fic, tech­ni­cal, legal and socie­tal know­ledge and skills through

    • Urban poli­cies and urban plan­ning rules, regu­la­tions and law;
    • Urban pro­jects ;
    • Urban trans­port systems;
    • Mobi­li­ty and transportation.

    The pedagogical team

    The AMT spe­cia­li­ty course is par­ti­cu­lar­ly open to the pro­fes­sio­nal world, both through its tea­ching team, which includes a dozen pro­fes­sio­nals who are invi­ted as to par­ti­ci­pate in the course as guest lec­tu­rers and who contri­bute case stu­dies based on their pro­fes­sio­nal prac­tices. This is nota­bly the case for courses in trans­port, urban plan­ning law (ARVAL urba­nisme), urban pro­jects (A Et Cete­ra, Ate­lier 123, Atti­tudes urbaines, Nexi­ty) and land­sca­ping (Phy­to­res­tore).


    • Software spe­ci­fic to the trai­ning: CAD (Illus­tra­tor), CAD (Auto­CAD), geo­gra­phic infor­ma­tion sys­tem (ArcGIS/ QGIs), sta­tis­ti­cal soft­ware ®, SQL lan­guage (Spa­tia­Lite), spe­ci­fic soft­ware (ModAc­cess), etc.
    • Demons­tra­tive expe­ri­men­tal devices: Urb'Act serious game using the TATIN tables deve­lo­ped at the Digi­tal Hall of the UTC Daniel Tho­mas Inno­va­tion Centre; Obser­va­to­ry of trans­port and mobility.

    Placements/internships and industrial relations

    GU-AMT stu­dents arr requi­red to car­ry out a 24-week inter­n­ship (6 months) for their final pro­ject. This inter­n­ship, which is a real pro­fes­sio­nal expe­rience, contri­butes to the inte­gra­tion of future gra­duates into the wor­king world. The student-engi­neers bene­fit from a net­work of pro­fes­sio­nal and ins­ti­tu­tio­nal part­ners in the trans­por­ta­tion sec­tor (ARTELIA Ville et trans­port, EGIS conseil, INGEROP, STRATEC, etc.), in pro­ject mana­ge­ment and urban deve­lop­ment assis­tance (Alto Step Ingé­nie­rie, AREP, ARVAL urba­nisme, Atti­tudes urbaines, Fili­grane Pro­gram­ma­tion, Franck Bout­té consul­tant, Rouen Nor­man­die Amé­na­ge­ment, ZEFCO, etc.), in urban plan­ning agen­cies and in local authorities.


    The Urban Engi­nee­ring depart­ment (UTC-GU) is invol­ved in four double degrees with the Ecole de Tech­no­lo­gie Supé­rieure de Mont­réal, Poly­tech­nique Mont­réal in Cana­da and the Braun­sch­weig Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy (TUBr) in Ger­ma­ny. Student-engi­neers are encou­ra­ged to go on exchange for a semes­ter of stu­dy at a uni­ver­si­ty in Europe (Bel­gium, Ger­ma­ny, Ita­ly, Lithua­nia, Poland, Por­tu­gal, Spain, Swe­den, etc.), in Ame­ri­ca (Bra­zil, Cana­da, Chile, Mexi­co, Uni­ted States, Rhode Island, etc.) or in Asia (Chi­na, South Korea, Sin­ga­pore, Tai­wan, etc.)They also have the pos­si­bi­li­ty to do one of their inter­n­ship per­iods abroad.

    Professional openings

    The majo­ri­ty of urban engi­neers who have com­ple­ted the AMT pro­gramme are res­pon­sible for the tech­ni­cal mana­ge­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of pro­jects. The young engi­neers work as pro­ject mana­gers, then as pro­ject mana­gers in pro­ject mana­ge­ment, pro­ject mana­ge­ment assis­tance, urban plan­ning, archi­tec­tu­ral and urban pro­gram­ming, trans­port and mobi­li­ty consul­tan­cies, etc.

    Near­ly half of the student engi­neers are hired at the end of their inter­n­ship per­iod and 90% find a job within a month.

    Examples of jobs: desi­gn mana­ger, desi­gn engi­neer, pro­ject engi­neer, etc.

    Contact and documentation

    Res­pon­sable de la pédagogie
    Eduard Anta­lu­ca
     +33 (0)3 44 23 49 09
    Res­pon­sable de la filière AMT
    Carine Hen­riot
     +33 (0)3 44 23 42 16
    À lire dans Interactions

    « Une vie pro­fes­sion­nelle, ça se construit pas à pas »

    Agir sur le monde en chan­geant le regard sur l’innovation

    Desi­gn sonore made in UTC sur Radio France

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