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International partnerships

Stra­te­gic partnerships

Strategic partnerships 

A stra­te­gic inter­na­tio­nal part­ner­ship is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by the fol­lo­wing consti­tuent elements

  • a cri­ti­cal size in terms of stu­dents, lec­tu­rers, resear­chers and staff involved
  • seve­ral aspects ran­ging from trai­ning to research and innovation
  • visi­bi­li­ty at the ins­ti­tu­tio­nal level and by the part­ner concerned;
  • the­ma­tic trans­ver­sa­li­ty and poten­tial to open up to seve­ral depart­ments, branches and trai­ning and research themes;
  • deve­lop­ment tra­jec­to­ry sha­red and accep­ted by the two part­ners, which may take the form of joint plat­forms and laboratories.

The fol­lo­wing are the part­ner­ships that have been iden­ti­fied at this stage as being of signi­fi­cant size and having the poten­tial for stra­te­gic partnership:

  • Tech­nische Uni­ver­sität Braun­sch­weig (Ger­ma­ny)
    • The Tech­nische Uni­ver­sität Braun­sch­weig (20 000 stu­dents and 3 700 staff) is a Ger­man public uni­ver­si­ty loca­ted in the Land of Lower Saxo­ny in the city of Braun­sch­weig, Ger­ma­ny. The main research themes are: 1) Mobi­li­ty, 2) Metro­lo­gy, 3) Infec­tion and The­ra­peu­tics and 4) Future City. (Read more at (about thematics))
    • TUBS is one of UTC's his­to­ri­cal part­ners. Since 1989, 130 Ger­man stu­dents have come to the UTC, for 350 UTC stu­dents who have done a stu­dy per­iod or a double degree at the TU Braun­sch­weig. In research, the col­la­bo­ra­tion concerns in par­ti­cu­lar mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring and pro­cess engi­nee­ring, which have led to the­sis co-super­vi­sion and Euro­pean pro­jects. Bet­ween 2013 and 2019, there have been 11 co-publi­ca­tions, invol­ving 13 co-authors, signed by the two institutions.
  • July 16, 2020: first vir­tual work­shop – A first vir­tual research work­shop with the TU Braun­sch­weig was held on Thurs­day 16 July 2020. Mode­ra­ted by Pro­fes­sor Diet­zel, Dean of the Mecha­ni­cal Engi­nee­ring Facul­ty of the TU Braun­sch­weig and Ger­man head of the double degree, it brought toge­ther 20 col­leagues from the two ins­ti­tu­tions. The topics of mobi­li­ty, the city of the future and infec­tions and their treat­ment were dis­cus­sed. A second semi­nar will be held in Ger­ma­ny in autumn 2020.
So-cal­led pri­vi­le­ged partners

So-called privileged partners 

Pre­fer­red (or pri­vi­le­ged) inter­na­tio­nal part­ner­ships are dis­tin­gui­shed by the fol­lo­wing consti­tuent elements:

  • The part­ner­ship has a cri­ti­cal size in terms of stu­dents, tea­chers, research scien­tists and staff involved;
    • It covers seve­ral aspects ran­ging from trai­ning to research and innovation;
    • The part­ner­ship is iden­ti­fiable and visible at the ins­ti­tu­tio­nal level and by the part­ner concerned.

The objec­tive of these part­ner­ships is to allow for a large num­ber of tar­ge­ted mobi­li­ties, inclu­ding, if pos­sible, the option of gai­ning a double degree or a work pla­ce­ment abroad. It can be mono­the­ma­tic, but pre­sents a strong, but tar­ge­ted, inter­est of a labo­ra­to­ry or depart­ment. These pri­vi­le­ged part­ner­ships are coor­di­na­ted by a lec­tu­rer-cum-research scien­tist, a resear­cher or by qua­li­fied refe­rence staff members.

As examples of such a part­ner­ship, we can cite the col­la­bo­ra­tions with

  • the Uni­ver­si­ty of Val­pa­rai­so (Chile),
  • the Uni­ver­si­ty of Water­loo (Cana­da),
  • the Poli­tec­ni­co di Tori­no (Ita­ly)
  • and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Sara­je­vo (Bos­nia).
Double degrees

Double degrees 

The notion of an inter­na­tio­nal, so cal­led “double degree” pro­gramme covers the pos­si­bi­li­ty for a French or forei­gn student engi­neer to receive diplo­mas from two HE ins­ti­tu­tions in the same field, one in France and the other abroad, in which he or she has com­ple­ted a suf­fi­cient part (accor­ding to natio­nal or ins­ti­tu­tio­nal regu­la­tions) of the programme.

What advantages is there in doing a "double degree"?

The key advan­tage it to gain a bet­ter unders­tan­ding of a dif­ferent sys­tem and to increase the attrac­ti­ve­ness of the future engi­neer for the job mar­ket in the second coun­try and for glo­bal­ly ope­ra­ting indus­trial groups.

Double degrees thus extend the dura­tion of stu­dies by about one semes­ter, i.e., by six months or even one year.

Please be advi­sed: some double degrees require the pay­ment of forei­gn tui­tion fees, for more infor­ma­tion, please contact us.

More infor­ma­tions about double degrees



For many years, the UTC has upheld the Eras­mus+ char­ter for higher edu­ca­tion. This dis­tinc­tion allows the ins­ti­tu­tion to deve­lop its Euro­pean part­ner­ships, as well as to rein­force the qua­li­ty of the mobi­li­ty of its stu­dents, tea­chers and staff.

Moreo­ver, UTC's invol­ve­ment in the Eras­mus+ pro­gramme is ful­ly in line with its inter­na­tio­nal stra­te­gy aimed at sup­por­ting moder­ni­za­tion and internationalization.

Legal notice: This pro­ject is fun­ded with the sup­port of the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion. This publi­ca­tion reflects the views of the author only, and the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion is not res­pon­sible for any use that may be made of the infor­ma­tion contai­ned therein.

Erasmus+ accompagnies handicapped persons

The demo­cra­ti­za­tion of the Eras­mus+ pro­gramme is one of the objec­tives of the pro­gramme for the per­iod 2014–2020. Eras­mus+ aims to pro­mote equi­ty and inclu­sion by faci­li­ta­ting "access for par­ti­ci­pants from disad­van­ta­ged back­grounds and with fewer oppor­tu­ni­ties than their peers, where their situa­tion limits or pre­vents their par­ti­ci­pa­tion in trans­na­tio­nal acti­vi­ties". Fac­tors limi­ting the mobi­li­ty of these people include socio-eco­no­mic bar­riers, but also disa­bi­li­ty or health problems:

  • disa­bi­li­ty (i.e., par­ti­ci­pants with spe­cial needs): people with men­tal disor­ders (intel­lec­tual, cog­ni­tive, or lear­ning disa­bi­li­ties), phy­si­cal, sen­so­ry, or other disa­bi­li­ties;
  • health pro­blems: people with chro­nic health pro­blems, serious ill­nesses or psy­chia­tric condi­tions.

Full coverage of additional disability-related costs

This is of par­ti­cu­lar inter­est to poten­tial bene­fi­cia­ries of the Eras­mus+ pro­gramme, as the pro­gramme pro­vides for spe­cial fun­ding to cover the addi­tio­nal costs direct­ly rela­ted to par­ti­ci­pants with disa­bi­li­ties and their accom­pa­nying per­sons. The pro­gramme also pro­vides for addi­tio­nal fun­ding to enable the par­ti­ci­pants concer­ned to have access to adap­ted tech­ni­cal and peda­go­gi­cal sup­port. All costs direct­ly rela­ted to the disa­bi­li­ty of the par­ti­ci­pant and, where appro­priate, of an accom­pa­nying per­son are cove­red by the pro­gramme, inclu­ding tra­vel and sub­sis­tence costs of accom­pa­nying persons.

Erasmus + or AMI: available grants, student loans and other aid packages

When pre­pa­ring for your depar­ture abroad, it is impor­tant to bud­get for each month to avoid any sur­prises. You can count on avai­lable grants to sup­port you, such as the Eras­mus grant or AMIO grant, but if you are not eli­gible for these grants or if you need to sup­ple­ment your living expenses, you can find out about the various student loans. Dif­ferent banks offer student loans that can be obtai­ned without a gua­ran­tee or without having a gua­ran­tor. It is also pos­sible for young people to open a bank account  without a gua­ran­tee of income. Some of these banks offer free cre­dit cards and effi­cient mana­ge­ment of your needs and procedures.

UTC and French-spea­king countries

French as a Foreign Language (FLE)

Inter-semester session: intensive French language courses

An inten­sive 4‑week French lan­guage course is offe­red to stu­dents hos­ted in the fra­me­work of inter­na­tio­nal part­ner­ships, before the begin­ning of each semes­ter. This lan­guage trai­ning is also sup­ple­men­ted throu­ghout the semes­ter by week­ly lan­guage classes of 3 to 4 hours.

  • 4 weeks in July: inten­sive French course (100 hours), plus excur­sions, cultu­ral and sports activities.
  • 4 weeks in August: inten­sive French course (100 hours), plus excur­sions, cultu­ral and sports activities.
  • 4 weeks from the end of Janua­ry to the end of Februa­ry: inten­sive French course (80 to 100 hours)

These pro­grammes are free for exchange stu­dents. Ear­ly regis­tra­tion is requi­red given the num­ber of places is limited.

During the semester: French as a Foreign Language (FLE)

French as a Forei­gn Lan­guage (FLE) courses are offe­red to all UTC stu­dents whe­ther they are core, branch or post­gra­duate stu­dents. After a pla­ce­ment test, stu­dents are direc­ted towards the UV of their level. 

The pur­pose of the courses is as follows:

  • the prac­tice of the French lan­guage in order to be able to com­mu­ni­cate in social, aca­de­mic and pro­fes­sio­nal life
  • ope­ning up and enhan­ced awa­re­ness of contem­po­ra­ry and French Socie­ty and thought
  • get­ting acquain­ted with scien­ti­fic dis­course in French
  • acqui­ring aca­de­mic work methods

The tea­ching pro­grammes are defi­ned accor­ding to the levels of the Com­mon Fra­me­work of Refe­rence for Lan­guages pro­po­sed by the Coun­cil of Europe.

FLE certified

The Centre de Fran­çais Langue Etran­gère of the Uni­ver­si­té de Tech­no­lo­gie de Com­piègne obtai­ned the Qua­li­ty FLE Label in 2015, awar­ded by the Centre Inter­na­tio­nal d'Etudes Péda­go­giques.

The Centre de Fran­çais Langue Etran­gère of the Uni­ver­si­té de Tech­no­lo­gie de Com­piègne obtai­ned the Qua­li­ty FLE Label in 2015, awar­ded by the Centre Inter­na­tio­nal d'Etudes Péda­go­giques.

This label gua­ran­tees high-qua­li­ty levels in the 5 fol­lo­wing areas:

  • Tea­chers
  • Trai­ning
  • Recep­tion and support
  • Pre­mises and equipment
  • Course mana­ge­ment

UTC's FLE Centre gua­ran­tees effec­tive lin­guis­tic pre­pa­ra­tion for engi­nee­ring stu­dies during the semes­ter in the TSH Depart­ment, while the Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­tions Depart­ment orga­nizes, before the start of each aca­de­mic year, inten­sive pro­grammes for inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents (Februa­ry, July, August, approxi­ma­te­ly 100 hours each).

The French courses are desi­gned in accor­dance with the lan­guage levels set out in the Com­mon Euro­pean Fra­me­work of Refe­rence for Lan­guages and aim to improve com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills in an inter­cul­tu­ral and pro­fes­sio­nal context.

Exploratory strategies in French speaking African countries 

Since June 2019, the UTC has been enga­ged in a stra­te­gic explo­ra­to­ry approach to sub-Saha­ran French spea­king Afri­ca. Through an inter­nal wor­king par­ty (WP) but also thanks to the par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the Afri­ca wor­king par­ty within the fra­me­work of the Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty Alliance, large-scale pro­jects are gra­dual­ly taking shape and should soon come to frui­tion. One of them would be based on the exper­tise of the IRD – Ins­ti­tut fran­çais de Recherche pour le Déve­lop­pe­ment – and would concern the Côte d’Ivoire, also invol­ving other mem­ber ins­ti­tu­tions of the Alliance Sor­bonne University.

Guide de l'étudiant

Pla­quette des rela­tions internationales

Direc­tion aux Rela­tions Inter­na­tio­nales
Gaëlle Dac­q­mine
 +33 (0)3 44 23 49 63
Res­pon­sable des par­te­na­riats
Gabrie­la de Saint-Denis
 +33 (0)3 44 23 73 90
À lire dans Interactions

« Une vie pro­fes­sion­nelle, ça se construit pas à pas »

Agir sur le monde en chan­geant le regard sur l’innovation

Desi­gn sonore made in UTC sur Radio France

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