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Specialty – Bioprocesses and renewable resources (B2R)

The Bio­pro­cesses and Rene­wable Resources (B2R) pro­gram trains gene­ral engi­neers with a tho­rough unders­tan­ding of indus­trial pro­cesses and bio­pro­cesses for the trans­for­ma­tion of agro-food pro­ducts and the valo­ri­sa­tion of rene­wable biomass.


The aim of this pro­gramme is to com­ple­ment solid trai­ning in the various fields of pro­cess engi­nee­ring and bio­pro­ces­sing with spe­ci­fic courses in the valo­ri­sa­tion of rene­wable bio­mass, both food and non-food. Engi­neers trai­ned in this way will be able to rapid­ly apply their know­ledge and know-how in the agro-indus­trial, envi­ron­men­tal and bio­tech­no­lo­gy sec­tors. They will be able to:

  • Desi­gn and size-scale agro-indus­trial operations;
  • Desi­gn and size pro­cesses for the valo­ri­sa­tion of non-food rene­wable resources;
  • Selec­ting and sizing tech­no­lo­gies to limit bio­lo­gi­cal and food safe­ty risks.

As part of the B2R pro­gram, stu­dents will take the fol­lo­wing courses:

  • Bio­mass ener­gy and mate­rials reco­ve­ry processes;
  • Struc­ture and phy­si­co-che­mis­try of bio­lo­gi­cal molecules;
  • Col­loi­dal sys­tems – agro-food applications;
  • Meta­bo­lic engi­nee­ring, cell cultures and bioreactors;
  • Agro-indus­trial processes;
  • Ana­ly­sis of bio­lo­gi­cal and food products;
  • Food safe­ty factors.

Academic staff

The trai­ning is pro­vi­ded by a tea­ching team brin­ging toge­ther tea­cher-resear­chers, indus­trial spea­kers and exter­nal experts, in order to gua­ran­tee qua­li­ty trai­ning adap­ted to the needs of com­pa­nies and the chal­lenges of society.


Stu­dents have expe­ri­men­tal and digi­tal plat­forms. Pilot ins­tal­la­tions allow stu­dents to put into prac­tice the fun­da­men­tal notions of pro­cess engi­nee­ring (sepa­ra­tion pro­cesses, heat exchan­gers, reac­tors, fluid mecha­nics, etc.). Stu­dents also have access to dif­ferent digi­tal tools for pro­cess simu­la­tion and optimization.

Professional openings

Nume­rous natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal indus­trial part­ner­ships have been deve­lo­ped with nume­rous com­pa­nies lin­ked to pro­cess engi­nee­ring, nota­bly: Alstom, Avril, Bon­duelle, Engie, EDF, Fra­ma­tome, Nest­lé, Ora­no, Sano­fi, Suez, Tech­nip, Tereos, Total, Veo­lia, etc.


During their trai­ning, engi­nee­ring stu­dents must demons­trate their abi­li­ty to evolve in an inter­na­tio­nal context. To do this, they have the pos­si­bi­li­ty of fol­lo­wing one or more semes­ters of stu­dy and/or inter­n­ship abroad (around for­ty des­ti­na­tions around the world: Argen­ti­na, Bra­zil, Cana­da, Chile, Chi­na, Colom­bia, South Korea , Spain, Uni­ted States, Fin­land, Ita­ly, Japan, Por­tu­gal, Uni­ted King­dom, Swe­den, Tai­wan, etc.).

A double engi­nee­ring degree can be pre­pa­red with dif­ferent esta­blish­ments: uni­ver­si­ties of Braun­sch­weig (Ger­ma­ny), Cran­field (UK), Ita­ju­ba (Bra­zil), Escue­la colom­bia­na de inge­niería (Colom­bia), Uni­ver­si­dad del Sur (Argen­ti­na), Poly­tech­nique Mont­réal (Que­bec), École de Tech­no­lo­gie Supé­rieure de Mont­réal (Que­bec), etc.

Contact and documentation

Res­pon­sable de filière
Xiao­jun Liu
 +33 (0)3 44 23 46 67
Assis­tante administrative
Chris­telle Snoeck 
 +33 (0)3 44 23 46 61
À lire dans Interactions

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