The international dimension
UTC-ED is a strongly involved partner in various European and international networks and is supportive of any request to carry out a thesis-oriented placement outside France.
An example is the UL/UT-INSA programme the objective of which is to train Lebanese PhD students in the laboratories attached to the UT (the group of 3 French universities of technology UTC Compiegne, UTBM Belfort Montbeliard and UTT Troyes) and INSA networks. The themes to be studied in priority are defined by the partner institutions. The University of Lebanon is in charge of promoting the research offers and subjects for its students. The programme also implements co-supervisors for the theses registered.
There is an alternating programme for the lab work to be carried out either in a Lebanese or in an UT-INSA network laboratory as agreed in the contract signed by the institutions involved. The theses are financed over 3 years, by the University of Lebanon for the Lebanese stay and by the host French institution for the stay in France.
A second example is the UT-INSA-CSC programme that groups the UTs (see above), the INSA schools of engineering and the China Scholarship Council (China). The objective of this programme is to train Chinese PhD students in research methodology in the UT and INSA network of laboratories. The programme is financed by the China Scholarship Council and focuses on 32 themes currently taught or studied at UTC.
The european PhD
The European PhD is an initiative of the Liaising Committee of the Conference of Vice-Chancellors and Presidents of the Universities of the EU countries. It is considered as a "label of quality" coming in addition to the each national PhD award.
- The doctorate must be prepared in part (at least 3 months) in another country of the European Union;
- the authorization to formally present the thesis to a Jury on the basis of reports by at least two university professors belonging to two HE EU establishments, other than that where the thesis is registered and presented.
- At least one member of the Jury must belong to an HE establishment of a European member state other than that where the doctoral thesis is presented.
- Part of the thesis presentation must be given in a European language other than that (or those) of the country where the thesis is registered and presented.
Co-supervised thesis
In the framework of doctoral studies, a co-supervision was set up and agreed to by the French universities and their foreign counterparts. The objective is to install and develop scientific cooperation between French and foreign research teams, encouraging the mobility of PhD students.
- The total time allotted to the thesis is subdivided between the two host establishments, to be spent alternately in each country.
- A contract is set up between the 2 host universities detailing the registration process and fees, social security, accommodation as prescribed in the March 30, 1992 government HE decision that describe the provisions applicable to "3rd cycle" studies (doctorate) and associate pedagogical measures: identity of the two co-supervisors, method for choice of jury members, country and language in which the thesis will be presented and award of the two diplomas.
- The thesis, drafted in one of the EU national languages will be accompanied by an oral summary in the other language.
- There will only be one presentation of the thesis, to a joint jury. The student will be awarded the degree of Doctor for the French University and that of the equivalent diploma of the other host country.
Before the co-supervision contract is initiated, care lust be taken that the candidate's previous diplomas qualify him/her for PhD studies. In particular, for foreign diplomas, a derogatory application must be lodged with the Scientific Advisory Council (cf. decision taken by the Advisory Board of the doctoral school UTC-ED, Oct. 3, 1996).
More about co-supervised thesis