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The international dimension

UTC-ED is a stron­gly invol­ved part­ner in various Euro­pean and inter­na­tio­nal net­works and is sup­por­tive of any request to car­ry out a the­sis-orien­ted pla­ce­ment out­side France.


An example is the UL/UT-INSA pro­gramme the objec­tive of which is to train Leba­nese PhD stu­dents in the labo­ra­to­ries atta­ched to the UT (the group of 3 French uni­ver­si­ties of tech­no­lo­gy UTC Com­piegne, UTBM Bel­fort Mont­be­liard and UTT Troyes) and INSA net­works. The themes to be stu­died in prio­ri­ty are defi­ned by the part­ner ins­ti­tu­tions. The Uni­ver­si­ty of Leba­non is in charge of pro­mo­ting the research offers and sub­jects for its stu­dents. The pro­gramme also imple­ments co-super­vi­sors for the theses regis­te­red.

There is an alter­na­ting pro­gramme for the lab work to be car­ried out either in a Leba­nese or in an UT-INSA net­work labo­ra­to­ry as agreed in the contract signed by the ins­ti­tu­tions invol­ved. The theses are finan­ced over 3 years, by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Leba­non for the Leba­nese stay and by the host French ins­ti­tu­tion for the stay in France.

A second example is the UT-INSA-CSC pro­gramme that groups the UTs (see above), the INSA schools of engi­nee­ring and the Chi­na Scho­lar­ship Coun­cil (Chi­na). The objec­tive of this pro­gramme is to train Chi­nese PhD stu­dents in research metho­do­lo­gy in the UT and INSA net­work of labo­ra­to­ries. The pro­gramme is finan­ced by the Chi­na Scho­lar­ship Coun­cil and focuses on 32 themes cur­rent­ly taught or stu­died at UTC.

The european PhD

The Euro­pean PhD is an ini­tia­tive of the Liai­sing Com­mit­tee of the Confe­rence of Vice-Chan­cel­lors and Pre­si­dents of the Uni­ver­si­ties of the EU coun­tries. It is consi­de­red as a "label of qua­li­ty" coming in addi­tion to the each natio­nal PhD award.

  • The doc­to­rate must be pre­pa­red in part (at least 3 months) in ano­ther coun­try of the Euro­pean Union;
  • the autho­ri­za­tion to for­mal­ly present the the­sis to a Jury on the basis of reports by at least two uni­ver­si­ty pro­fes­sors belon­ging to two HE EU esta­blish­ments, other than that where the the­sis is regis­te­red and presented.
  • At least one mem­ber of the Jury must belong to an HE esta­blish­ment of a Euro­pean mem­ber state other than that where the doc­to­ral the­sis is presented.
  • Part of the the­sis pre­sen­ta­tion must be given in a Euro­pean lan­guage other than that (or those) of the coun­try where the the­sis is regis­te­red and pre­sen­ted.

Co-supervised thesis

In the fra­me­work of doc­to­ral stu­dies, a co-super­vi­sion was set up and agreed to by the French uni­ver­si­ties and their forei­gn coun­ter­parts. The objec­tive is to ins­tall and deve­lop scien­ti­fic coope­ra­tion bet­ween French and forei­gn research teams, encou­ra­ging the mobi­li­ty of PhD students.

  • The total time allot­ted to the the­sis is sub­di­vi­ded bet­ween the two host esta­blish­ments, to be spent alter­na­te­ly in each country.
  • A contract is set up bet­ween the 2 host uni­ver­si­ties detai­ling the regis­tra­tion pro­cess and fees, social secu­ri­ty, accom­mo­da­tion as pres­cri­bed in the March 30, 1992 govern­ment HE deci­sion that des­cribe the pro­vi­sions appli­cable to "3rd cycle" stu­dies (doc­to­rate) and asso­ciate peda­go­gi­cal mea­sures: iden­ti­ty of the two co-super­vi­sors, method for choice of jury mem­bers, coun­try and lan­guage in which the the­sis will be pre­sen­ted and award of the two diplomas.
  • The the­sis, draf­ted in one of the EU natio­nal lan­guages will be accom­pa­nied by an oral sum­ma­ry in the other language. 
  • There will only be one pre­sen­ta­tion of the the­sis, to a joint jury. The student will be awar­ded the degree of Doc­tor for the French Uni­ver­si­ty and that of the equi­va­lent diplo­ma of the other host country.

Before the co-super­vi­sion contract is ini­tia­ted, care lust be taken that the candidate's pre­vious diplo­mas qua­li­fy him/her for PhD stu­dies. In par­ti­cu­lar, for forei­gn diplo­mas, a dero­ga­to­ry appli­ca­tion must be lod­ged with the Scien­ti­fic Advi­so­ry Coun­cil (cf. deci­sion taken by the Advi­so­ry Board of the doc­to­ral school UTC-ED, Oct. 3, 1996).

More about co-super­vi­sed thesis

Contact and documentation

Direc­trice de l'école doc­to­rale
Chris­tine Prelle
 +33 (0)3 44 23 52 86
Res­pon­sable admi­nis­tra­tive
Marion Kacz­kows­ki
 +33 (0)3 44 23 44 10
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