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Specialty – Agro-food Industries (AI)

The spe­cial­ty GPI-AI aims at trai­ning gene­ra­list engi­neers capable of also unders­tan­ding indus­trial pro­cesses and those that depend on bio­lo­gi­cal sour­ced products.


The pro­gramme covers all essen­tial aspects of agro-food processes:

  • trans­for­ma­tion of agri­cul­tu­ral pro­ducts inclu­ding non-food valorisation ;
  • pro­duc­tion and pro­duct management ;
  • ope­ra­tio­nal bio­tech­no­lo­gi­cal industries ;
  • QA, safe­ty of bio pro­ducts and bioprocesses.

Academic staff

The GPI-AI lec­tu­rers are per­son­nel in Bio Engi­nee­ring for the micro-bio­lo­gi­cal and mole­cu­lar phy­si­co-che­mi­cal ana­lyses aspects and from Pro­cess Engi­nee­ring for the mat­ter trans­for­ma­tion aspects. They are backed up by the UTC-TIMR (Inte­gra­ted trans­for­ma­tions of rene­wable mat­ter) research labo­ra­to­ry.


GPI-AI stu­dents can access:

  • large volume sterilisers ;
  • a pas­teu­ri­sa­tion pilot station ;
  • a crys­tal­li­za­tion sta­tion (by cooling band vacuum evaporation) ;
  • pul­sed air deep-freezers ;
  • as well as various presses, mem­brane fil­ter modules, dif­fu­sion units, extruders …


Some 50% of the GP-AI stu­dents, over and above the pla­ce­ments over­seas spend a full semes­ter in Uni­ver­si­ty exchange pro­gramme (in Ger­ma­ny, the UK, Cana­da, Bra­zil …). There is also a sha­red spe­cial­ty with the Ecole Poly­tech­nique de Mon­treal.

Professional openings

GPI-AI gra­duates usual­ly are recrui­ted in the major agro-food indus­tries (such as Danone, Nest­lé, Uni­le­ver, Cagill …) and some 90% secure their first posi­tion in the 6 months after their gra­dua­tion.

Contact and documentation

À lire dans Interactions

« Une vie pro­fes­sion­nelle, ça se construit pas à pas »

Agir sur le monde en chan­geant le regard sur l’innovation

Desi­gn sonore made in UTC sur Radio France

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