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Specialty – Thermal Energy Control (TE)

This spe­cial­ty is to be found in all indus­trial sec­tors and GPI-TE gra­duates can find ope­nings quite rea­di­ly with their Ther­mal Engi­nee­ring skills.


Ratio­na­li­zed use of ener­gy calls for in-depth know­ledge of:

  • opti­mi­sa­tion of ener­gy consump­tion in pro­cesses invol­ving ther­mal trans­fers (exchan­gers, fur­naces, turbines …)
  • control of elec­tric cycles-co-gene­ra­tion, heat network…)
  • impro­ve­ment of ener­gy effi­cien­cy levels (use of low tem­pe­ra­ture calo­ries, inter­me­diate sto­rage, low consump­tion buil­ding standards)
  • deve­lop­ment of new vec­tors (rene­wable energies …)
  • evo­lu­tion of pro­cesses given indu­ced pol­lu­tion (green­house gases)

For GPI-TE stu­dents the pro­gramme covers arrange of topics, the details of which are set out in the French site, from the basics of Pro­cess Engi­nee­ring to conver­sion and mana­ge­ment of rene­wable ener­gy sources.


Some 50% of the GP-CPI stu­dents, over and above the pla­ce­ments over­seas spend a full semes­ter in Uni­ver­si­ty exchange pro­gramme (in Ger­ma­ny, Spain, Cana­da, Bra­zil, the UK, Fin­land, Sweden …).

Professional openings

45 % of the recruit­ment offers to GPI-CPI stu­dents fol­low suite to an end-of-stu­dies pro­ject. They are often recrui­ted by the major indus­trial groups.

Contact and documentation

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