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  • Specialty – Modelling, Design, Process Optimization (MCOP)

    Based essen­tial­ly on in-depth know­ledge of indus­trial pro­cesses, the MCOP spe­cia­list course trains engi­neers capable of taking charge of a pro­duc­tion team. In addi­tion, the abi­li­ty to manage pro­jects and opti­mize pro­cess control condi­tions enables MCOP gra­duates to confirm their posi­tion within their indus­trial com­pa­nies and to move up the lad­der to hold posi­tions of res­pon­si­bi­li­ty and management.

    Course contents

    In the MCOP pro­gramme, stu­dents will cover the fol­lo­wing curriculum:

    • Basic pro­cess engi­nee­ring courses,
    • Che­mis­try of Nuclear Solids,
    • Che­mis­try of Cata­ly­tic Solids,
    • Nume­ri­cal model­ling of engi­nee­ring problems,
    • Pro­cess model­ling and simulation,
    • Clean pro­cess design,
    • Fuz­zy logic: concepts and applications,
    • Sepa­ra­tion processes,
    • Sys­tem safe­ty and human reliability.

    Placements/internships and industrial relations

    Stu­dents do a first 6‑month inter­n­ship, during semes­ter 3, as an assis­tant exe­cu­tive engi­neer. The choice of field of spe­cia­list stu­dies is made fol­lo­wing this internship.

    The trai­ning in the field ends with a 6‑month end-of-stu­dy pro­ject in a com­pa­ny. 40% of job offers come from these pro­jects.


    In addi­tion to inter­n­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties abroad, about 50% of the stu­dents spend a semes­ter abroad taking part in uni­ver­si­ty and HE exchanges (Ger­ma­ny, Uni­ted King­dom, Cana­da, Bra­zil, etc.).

    Professional openings

    The MCOP pro­gramme trains engi­neers in pro­cess engi­nee­ring. Engi­neers in the MCOP spe­cia­list pro­gramme find employ­ment in various large indus­trial groups.

    Examples of jobs: engi­neers in charge of pro­duc­tion, R&D, qua­li­ty mana­gers, indus­trial stu­dy engi­neer (desi­gn and concep­tion of inno­va­tive pro­cesses), pro­ject and indus­tria­li­sa­tion mana­gers, etc.

    Contact and documentation

    À lire dans Interactions

    Une jeune femme aux idées claires

    La chaire hydrau­lique : de la recherche aux applications

    Une nou­velle filière en génie des procédés
