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  • Specialty – Data Handling and Reliability for Industry (DFI)

    UTC engi­neers who qua­li­fy from the spe­cia­list option "Data hand­ling and Relia­bi­li­ty for Indus­try" (DFI) pro­gramme will have acqui­red the know­ledge neces­sa­ry to exploit mas­sive data (products/processes), for the unders­tan­ding and reso­lu­tion of pro­blems ari­sing from indus­trial sys­tems in desi­gn and pro­duc­tion acti­vi­ties. Within the fra­me­work of a robust and sus­tai­nable engi­nee­ring approach, they are capable of deve­lo­ping robust models (com­pa­ri­son of tests/numerical cal­cu­la­tions) based on data, of car­rying out ope­ra­ting safe­ty stu­dies (Pre­li­mi­na­ry Risk Ana­ly­sis, FMEA, Fault Trees, etc.) and of opti­mi­zing the per­for­mance of a pro­duct or pro­duc­tion pro­cess (6 sig­ma, Sta­tis­ti­cal Pro­cess Control, pre­dic­tive main­te­nance) by exploi­ting all the data available.

    Course contents

    The basic trai­ning in mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring is com­ple­men­ted by courses in the fields of data ana­ly­sis, ope­ra­tio­nal safe­ty, main­te­nance and the mana­ge­ment of intel­li­gent indus­trial pro­cesses.

    Within the fra­me­work of the DFI course, stu­dents will address the fol­lo­wing topics

    • Control and super­vi­sion of intel­li­gent pro­duc­tion processes;
    • Real and nume­ri­cal expe­ri­men­tal desi­gns, test/calculation confrontation;
    • Robust engi­nee­ring;
    • Safe­ty of sys­tems, indus­trial reliability;
    • Pro­duct-pro­cess data ana­ly­sis (data-ana­ly­sis);
    • Pre­dic­tive main­te­nance, PHM.

    In addi­tion to these courses, stu­dents are offe­red pro­jects within the fra­me­work of tech­no­lo­gi­cal plat­forms and indus­trial simu­la­tion tools. This allows stu­dents in the DFI spe­cia­list pro­gramme to adapt to a real-life situa­tions, through prac­ti­cal work, “serious games” and real com­pa­ny pro­jects.

    The courses offe­red are also avai­lable in an appren­ti­ce­ship for­mat and offer the pos­si­bi­li­ty of a sand­wich course, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the final year.

    The academic teaching team

    This team com­prises lecturer-cum—research scien­tists who deve­lop research acti­vi­ties in the fields of robust engi­nee­ring (expe­ri­men­tal desi­gns, control and super­vi­sion of intel­li­gent pro­duc­tion pro­cesses) and ope­ra­tio­nal safe­ty (relia­bi­li­ty, pre­dic­tive main­te­nance, etc.).

    This research is conduc­ted in close col­la­bo­ra­tion with indus­tria­lists in various fields (auto­mo­tive, aero­nau­tics, etc.). In addi­tion, an exter­nal team of spe­cia­lists from the indus­trial and eco­no­mic worlds are invol­ved in tea­ching prac­ti­cal approaches.


    DFI stu­dents have access to the "Agile Manu­fac­tu­ring Sys­tem" tech­no­lo­gi­cal plat­form (conveyor belt with robo­tic detec­tion cell) and indus­trial pro­cess simu­la­tors to put into prac­tice the concepts deve­lo­ped during the courses.

    In addi­tion, the soft­ware used is main­ly that used in indus­trial envi­ron­ments: for indus­trial relia­bi­li­ty and main­te­nance (Relia­soft), for robust engi­nee­ring and desi­gn of expe­ri­ments (Mini­tab) and for the super­vi­sion and control of intel­li­gent indus­trial pro­cesses (Python, R).

    Placements/internships and industrials relations

    The end-of-stu­dy pro­ject is car­ried out in an indus­trial envi­ron­ment – las­ting 6 monthsin the auto­mo­bile sec­tor (Renault, PSA, Toyo­ta, Valeo, PO, Fau­re­cia, Saint Gobain), in aero­nau­tics (Safran, Ste­lia, Air­bus Heli­cop­ters, Rolls Royce, MBDA, Thales), cos­me­tics (Col­gate Pal­mo­live, Cha­nel, L'Oréal), ener­gy (EDF, Total, Tech­nip), trans­port (RATP, SNCF, Air France) and other sec­tors (Decath­lon, Cartier… ).


    DFI stu­dents can spend at least one semes­ter abroad with part­ner uni­ver­si­ties in Bra­zil (Uni­ver­si­dade Fede­ral Do Para­na), South Korea (Kaist Korea Advan­ced Ins­ti­tute Of Science And Tech­no­lo­gy), Spain (Gra­na­da, Val­la­do­lid, Navar­ra), Fin­land (Tam­pere Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy…), Nor­way (Nor­we­gian Uni­ver­si­ty Of Science And Tech­no­lo­gy), the Uni­ted King­dom (Cran­field, Glas­gow, Lough­bo­rough), the Czech Repu­blic (Brno), Swe­den (Gothen­burg, Linkö­ping, Lulea).

    They also have the pos­si­bi­li­ty to do their end-of-stu­dies inter­n­ship in an indus­trial envi­ron­ment abroad.

    Professional openings

    The job oppor­tu­ni­ties are main­ly in the mecha­ni­cal indus­try (auto­mo­tive, equip­ment manu­fac­tu­rers, aero­nau­tics, consu­mer goods, ener­gy, etc.): indus­tria­li­za­tion engi­neers (methods office), pro­duc­tion, qua­li­ty, pro­ject and consul­ting engineers.

    Recent­ly, ser­vice com­pa­nies in the fields of "Data science" have ope­ned up to this pro­fes­sion and also offer a signi­fi­cant num­ber of jobs for DFI stu­dents who have a dual com­pe­tence in mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring and data analysis.

    Examples of jobs: ope­ra­ting safe­ty engi­neer, methods and qua­li­ty mana­ger, pro­ject mana­ger, logis­tics engi­neer, manu­fac­tu­ring engi­neer, logis­tics qua­li­ty mana­ger, etc.

    Contact and documentation

    Res­pon­sable de filière
    Nas­sim Boudaoud
     +33 (0)3 44 23 79 41
    Syl­vie Lefebvre
     +33 (0)3 44 23 45 54
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