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  • Specialty – Integrated Production and Logistics (PIL)

    Gra­duates from PIL will be gene­ra­lists but also spe­cia­list in indus­tria­li­za­tion of manu­fac­tu­red pro­ducts and mana­ge­ment of sys­tems under constraints (flow, deli­ve­ry, QA, resource and man­po­wer ques­tions). PIL gra­duates are also capable of inte­gra­ting com­ponent pro­cu­re­ment ana­ly­sis, pur­cha­sing, machine avai­la­bi­li­ty and fini­shed goods deli­ve­ry issues. To do so they acquires skills such as total qua­li­ty, 5S, kan­ban, lean manu­fac­tu­ring, relia­bi­li­ty, pre­dic­tive main­te­nance), flexible work­shop mana­ge­ment, GCAP, ERP …


    The basic engi­nee­ring courses on pro­duc­tion mana­ge­ment and orga­ni­za­tion, indus­tria­li­za­tion, qua­li­ty assess­ment and relia­bi­li­ty are enri­ched by team work to help them adapt to a future pro­fes­sio­nal context. In PIL, the stu­dents cover the fol­lo­wing themes:

    • orga­ni­sa­tion and indus­trial management ;
    • per­for­mance and conti­nuous impro­ve­ment management ;
    • sup­ply chain mana­ge­ment and ERP ;
    • flow model­ling and optimisation ;
    • sta­tis­tic control of pro­cesses and indus­trial relia­bi­li­ty factors ;
    • indus­tria­li­sa­tion and CAM ;
    • manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess mana­ge­ment digi­tal assem­bly plants.

    These themes are taught with envi­ron­men­tal constraints taken into account, hel­ping deve­lop stu­dents' pro­fes­sio­nal ethics.


    PIL main­ly use the same tools as those found in indus­trial appli­ca­tions – for indus­trial mana­ge­ment (Sage X3 and Pré­lude ERP), for conti­nuous work­shop impro­ve­ment (K‑SMED, serious games Lean), for indus­tria­li­sa­tion plans, for digi­ti­sed machi­ning, MPM, CAM (Wind­chill, DELMIA, NCSi­mul), for model­ling and flow opti­mi­sa­tion (QUEST, SIMIO).

    Placements and industrial relations

    The end of stu­dies pro­ject takes place in an indus­trial envi­ron­ment – often as a 6 month pla­ce­ment – e.g., the auto­mo­bile sec­tor (Fau­re­cia, PSA Peu­geot Citröen, Renault, Valeo), or in trans­por­ta­tion (Air France, RATP), cos­me­tics (Cha­nel, Col­gate, Pal­mo­live), aero­nau­tics (Air­bus et Aéro­lia), pro­cess spe­cia­lists (Arce­lor Mit­tal), consu­mer goods (Proc­ter & Gamble), and logis­tics … The pro­ject can also be car­ried out abroad.


    Over 60% of the PIL stu­dents bene­fit from at least a semes­ter at a host university's stu­dies: Braun­sch­weig (Ger­ma­ny), Ber­lin (Ger­ma­ny), Curi­ti­ba, Flo­ria­no­po­lis (Bra­zil), Mon­treal (Cana­da), Brno (Czech Repu­blic), Hel­sin­ki, Lap­peen­ran­ta, Oulu (Fin­land), Cran­field, Glas­gow Lough­bo­rough (UK) and Gote­borg, Lin­ko­ping or Luleå (Swe­den).

    Professional openings

    Gra­duates from PIL are often recrui­ted in various sec­tors (aero­nau­tics, auto­mo­bile, consu­mer goods, equip­ment makers, petro­che­mi­cal indus­tries …), ser­vice sec­tors (dis­tri­bu­tion, trans­por­ta­tion and logis­tics, …) and soft­ware edi­tors or integrators.

    Contact and documentation

    Res­pon­sable de filière
    Julien Le Duigou
     +33 (0)3 44 23 45 73
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