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  • Specialty – Integrated Design in Mechanical Engineering (CMI)

    The objec­tive of the spe­cial­ty CMI is to train engi­neers in skills enabling them to coor­di­nate desi­gn and pro­to­ty­ping of com­plex sys­tems – they can draft spe­ci­fi­ca­tions, pro­pose and ana­lyses various solu­tions that take into account the tech­ni­co-com­mer­cial constraints (indus­tria­li­za­tion of pro­to­types, envi­ron­men­tal issues such as recy­cling); they can choose appro­priate CAD, CAA, CAM soft­ware packages, and for life-cycle mana­ge­ment (PLM).


    In CMI, the stu­dents cover the fol­lo­wing themes:

    • machine ana­ly­sis and design ;
    • control-com­mand sys­tems, actua­tors and sensors ;
    • power trans­mis­sion ;
    • digi­tal engi­nee­ring and vir­tual rea­li­ty (VR) ;
    • advan­ced CAD and GDT/PLM software ;
    • model­ling and engi­nee­ring of com­plex systems ;
    • indus­tria­li­sa­tion and prototyping.


    CMI have access to com­pu­ters and soft­ware made avai­lable by indus­trial part­ners: Ame­sim, Catia, Créo, Mat­lab, MSC, Adams… and test rigs tri­bo­lo­gy, wear, rugo­si­ty and fabri­ca­tion means, pro­to­type control (fabri­ca­tion work­shops and metro­lo­gy units).

    Placement and industrial relations

    Trai­ning in CMI ends with an end-of-stu­dies pro­ject las­ting 6 months. It can take place with a major group (Alstom, Das­sault Avia­tion, Das­sault Sys­tèmes, Decath­lon, EADS, EDF, Fau­re­cia, PSA, Renault, SAGEM, SNCF, Snec­ma, SNR, Valeo, Veo­lia, Tha­lès, …), an SME (mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, desi­gn of spe­cial tools, bio­me­di­cal equip­ment) or research ins­ti­tu­tions (CNRS, CEA, …). This final pro­ject can be car­ried out abroad.


    Over 50% of the CMI stu­dents bene­fit from at least a semes­ter at a host university's stu­dies: TU Ham­burg and Ber­lin (Ger­ma­ny), TU Delft (Nether­lands), Lau­sanne (Swit­zer­land), Gote­borg or Lin­ko­ping (Swe­den), Trond­heim (Nor­way), Lap­peen­ran­ta (Fin­land), Univ. Zara­go­za (Spain), Prague (Czech Repu­blic), Paraná, Sao Pao­lo, Rio de Janei­ro (Bra­zil), Aguas­ca­lientes (Mexi­co), Water­loo, Mon­treal (Cana­da) Sin­ga­pore and Shan­ghai (Chi­na).

    Professional openings

    CMI gra­duates are often recrui­ted in the fol­lo­wing sec­tors: auto­mo­bile, aero­nau­tics, consu­mer goods, the bio­me­di­cal sec­tor, ener­gy, rail­road, space … they can also work for research ins­ti­tu­tions, or with soft­ware edi­tors or a CAD/PLM integrator.

    Contact and documentation

    Res­pon­sable de filière
    Laurent Petit 
     +33 (0)3 44 23 45 87
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