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Specialty – Sound and Vibration Engineering (AVI)

The “Sound and Vibra­tion Engi­nee­ring” spe­cial­ty (AVI) trains engi­neers capable of respon­ding to socie­tal issues rela­ting to sound and vibra­tions in many sec­tors: trans­port, buil­ding, ener­gy, envi­ron­ment, mul­ti­me­dia. An AVI engi­neer gra­duate can mas­ter all the ele­ments invol­ved in a sound emis­sion: vibra­ting mecha­ni­cal sys­tems, vibro-acous­tic cou­pling, acous­tic pro­pa­ga­tion in dif­ferent envi­ron­ments. Their skilled qua­li­fi­ca­tions enable them to model, desi­gn and dimen­sion a mecha­ni­cal sys­tem by mee­ting spe­ci­fi­ca­tions concer­ning its vibra­to­ry and sound qua­li­ties. It is based on both a foun­da­tion of fun­da­men­tal know­ledge and expe­ri­men­tal and nume­ri­cal skills, with an awa­re­ness of the per­cep­tion of the sound environment.


The AVI spe­cia­list pro­gramme offers courses in acous­tics and vibra­tions, com­bi­ning expe­ri­men­tal and nume­ri­cal approaches.

Stu­dents build their cur­sus around the fol­lo­wing themes

  • struc­tu­ral dynamics,
  • vibra­tion analysis,
  • model­ling and mea­su­re­ment in vibro-acoustics,
  • room acous­tics and sound­proo­fing materials,
  • envi­ron­ment and sound desi­gn.

In addi­tion to these courses, pro­ject work offe­red is desi­gned to pre­pare stu­dents for their future pro­fes­sio­nal fields and for teamworking.

Academic staff

The spe­ci­fic courses of this spe­cia­list pro­gramme are offe­red by a tea­ching team that also is enga­ged in research at the UTC-Rober­val labo­ra­to­ry. The mem­bers of the team are invol­ved in nume­rous pro­jects inclu­ding indus­trial part­ners in the fields of auto­mo­bile manu­fac­tu­ring (Renault, PSA Peu­geot Citroën), in aero­nau­tics (Air­bus), space (Air­bus Defence and Space), in construc­tion (Saint Gobain), etc. These forms of col­la­bo­ra­tion gua­ran­tee a good match bet­ween trai­ning and job opportunities.

This team is enri­ched by guest par­ti­ci­pants from the busi­ness world, who take part in the trai­ning course, through confe­rences and pro­ject-assi­gn­ments car­ried out with the students.


UTC-Com­piegne pro­vides the fol­lo­wing means for the AVI spe­cia­list trai­ning course:

  • a vibra­tion test plat­form (laser vibro­me­ter, modal ana­ly­sis, rota­ting machine);
  • rever­be­ra­tion and semi-ane­choic cham­bers for acoustic ;
  • sound desi­gn labo­ra­to­ry: recor­ding, pro­duc­tion, ana­ly­sis and replay.

Placements and industrial relations

In addi­tion to a 6‑month placement/internship as an assis­tant engi­neer in a com­pa­ny (Semes­ter 7), stu­dents com­plete a 6‑month final year end-of-stu­dies pro­ject (semes­ter 10) as a trai­nee exe­cu­tive engi­neer in com­pa­nies or with ins­ti­tutes offe­ring sub­ject-mat­ter in the field of acous­tics or vibra­tions. The AVI pro­gramme receives more than 3 pla­ce­ment offers per student.


Almost half of the AVI stu­dents take advan­tage of oppor­tu­ni­ties to go abroad either for stu­dy semes­ters at uni­ver­si­ties or for their final year pro­ject. The stu­dy semes­ters are spent at one of the many part­ner uni­ver­si­ties, such as Chal­mers Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy in Swe­den, Cran­field Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy in the UK, Tech­nishe Uni­ver­sität Ber­lin in Ger­ma­ny, Poly­tech­nique Mon­treal in Cana­da, Vir­gi­nia Tech in the USA, etc.

Various end-of-stu­dy pro­jects are offe­red at indus­trial com­pa­nies or research ins­ti­tutes in the Uni­ted States (Los Ala­mos Natio­nal Labo­ra­to­ry), Ger­ma­ny (Daim­ler), Bel­gium (Sie­mens, Gib­son Innovations)…

Professional openings

The AVI pro­gramme pro­vides gene­ral mecha­ni­cal engi­neers with exper­tise that they can use in large indus­trial groups, in ser­vice com­pa­nies, in desi­gn offices (research, deve­lop­ment, desi­gn) or in start-ups in need of reco­gni­zed exper­tise. Their solid groun­ding in mecha­nics, acous­tics and vibra­tions allows them to deve­lop their careers as experts or team or pro­ject mana­gers.

Job oppor­tu­ni­ties are lar­ge­ly loca­ted in the trans­port sec­tor (auto­mo­bile, aero­nau­ti­cal, naval, etc.), but also in new ener­gies sources (wind power, elec­tri­ci­ty), hou­sing, the envi­ron­ment and research.

60% of job offers come from end-of-stu­dy pro­jects car­ried out by stu­dents in com­pa­nies such as: Air­bus, Alstom, CSTB, Daim­ler, Naval group, Dys­on, PSA, Renault, Sie­mens, Saint Gobain, Valeo…

Examples of jobs: research and deve­lop­ment engi­neers, desi­gn office engi­neer, consul­ting engi­neer, test engi­neer, cal­cu­la­tion engi­neer, etc.


More infor­ma­tions about the spe­cial­ty:

Pré­sen­ta­tion de la filière AVI et les cours asso­ciés (PDF)
Pré­sen­ta­tion de la filière et des débou­chés par des anciens de la filière
Acti­vi­té Péda­go­gique Inter­se­mestre sur la concep­tion d'enceintes acoustiques
Dos­sier du maga­zine Inter­ac­tions sur la pol­lu­tion sonore "56 : Pour un uni­vers sonore soutenable"
Article du maga­zine Pour L'Éco, "Ingé­nieur en acous­tique, l’expert du son" (février 2024)
Acous­ti­cien / Acous­ti­cienne : un métier très recherché
Pro­jet "Le son du bois", col­la­bo­ra­tion entre l'UTC et le lycée des métiers d’art de Saint-Quentin
Le desi­gn acous­tique à l'UTC
Stage en acous­tique, pre­mier pas dans la vie professionnelle
Faire son stage en acous­tique et vibration
Parole de diplô­mé : Thi­baud, gérant co-fon­da­teur de Slam Acoustique
Parole de diplô­mé : Jean-Pierre, direc­teur tech­nique chez Socitec
Parole de diplô­mé : Thi­baut, res­pon­sable pro­jet en vibroa­cous­tique au Cetim
Confé­rence : Eric Rumeau, Res­pon­sable NVH Valéo – "Appli­ca­tion de l'IA dans le domaine de la R&D appli­quée à l'acoustique et aux vibrations"
Confé­rence : Oli­vier Adam, Pro­fes­seur à Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­té , Expert en bio­acous­tique – "Pol­lu­tion sonore sous-marine et impacts sur les cétacés"
Confé­rence : Nico­las Mathe­von, Pro­fes­seur à l'Université de Lyon/­Saint-Etienne, spé­cia­li­sé en com­por­te­ment ani­mal et bio­acous­tique – "Les ani­maux parlent"
Confé­rence : Les mer­cre­dis du son – "Le desi­gn sonore au ser­vice de l’industrie ?"
Confé­rence : Les mer­cre­dis du son – "L’intelligence arti­fi­cielle au ser­vice des oreilles d’or ?"
Confé­rence : Les mer­cre­dis du son – "La mobi­li­té urbaine en marche vers le silence ?"
Confé­rence : Les mer­cre­dis du son – "Le son chez soi comme au cinéma ?"
Page Face­book de la filière
Page Lin­ke­dIn de Jean-Daniel Cha­zot, res­pon­sable de la filière

Contact and documentation

Res­pon­sable de filière
Jean-Daniel Cha­zot
 +33 (0)3 44 23 45 38
Valé­rie Duquenne
 +33 (0)3 44 23 45 36
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