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  • Specialty – Mechatronics, Actuators, Robotisation and Systems (MARS)

    The MARS elec­tive spe­cial­ty pro­vides com­bi­ned skills in mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, actua­tors, elec­tro­nics and com­pu­ter science, ran­ging from desi­gn, ins­tal­la­tion and/or main­te­nance of com­plex auto­ma­ted or robo­tic systems.


    The MARS pro­gramme covers: basic mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, ana­log and digi­tal elec­tro­nics, power elec­tro­nics, elec­tric actua­tors, indus­trial robo­tics, auto­ma­tion and control theo­ry, fuz­zy logic, power conver­sion units. The theo­re­ti­cal trai­ning is backed up by expe­ri­men­ta­tion in lab. work, ini­tia­tion to pro­fes­sio­nal model soft­ware as used by the indus­trial sec­tor (PSPICE, FLUX 2D, Simu­link), Uvs TX, pro­jets personnels…).

    Academic staff

    The courses given for GM-MARS spe­ci­fi­cal­ly are pro­po­sed by the UTC-Rober­val Lab, in close col­la­bo­ra­tion with nume­rous research contrac­ted indus­tria­lists (CEA, VALEO, EDF, Renault, PSA… ).


    A wide range of indus­trial equip­ment is avai­lable - work­shop lathes, grin­ders, mil­lers, ana­log and digi­tal oscil­lo­scopes, data acqui­si­tion chains, com­pu­ters equip­ped with spe­ci­fic indus­trial model­ling soft­ware, vec­to­rial speed regu­la­tors, DSP-based axis control rig, labo­ra­to­ry robots …


    Stu­dents who take the MARS elec­tive spe­cial­ty are encou­ra­ged to apply for stu­dies in one of UTC's part­ner uni­ver­si­ties (cf. table) and can also car­ry out their end-of-stu­dies with indus­trial hosts.

    There are oppor­tu­ni­ties to do a double degree with Cran­ford Uni­ver­si­ty (UK) , or at Braun­sch­weig or Ber­lin (Ger­ma­ny) who pro­pose a large range of high-qua­li­ty pro­grammes in Elec­tri­cal Engi­nee­ring. Like­wise many were plea­sed with their stay at MacMaster's (Cana­da). There are exchange pro­grammes with Genoa (Ita­ly), Patras (Greece) or Val­la­do­lid (Spain).

    It can be noted that North Ame­ri­ca attracts many French stu­dents for end-of-stu­dies trai­ning (ex. DELPHI), in Ger­ma­ny (Volks­wa­gen), in Swe­den (ABB) … as well as nume­rous labo­ra­to­ry pro­jects (in Cana­da, Great Bri­tain, the USA, Poland …)

    Professional openings

    MARS trai­ning opens pro­fes­sio­nal paths to a world where mecha­ni­cal and elec­tri­cal engi­nee­ring co-inha­bit, as desi­gn engi­neers and/or as pro­ject mana­gers60% of the pro­fes­sio­nal job offers come via end-of-stu­dies pro­jects with enter­prises such as Air­bus, Aéro­lia, DCNS, EDF, Fau­ré­cia, PASA, Renault, Safran, Valéo…

    Contact and documentation

    Res­pon­sable de flière
    Chris­tophe Forgez
     +33 (0)3 44 23 45 08
    Caro­line Zimmermann 
     +33 (0)3 44 23 45 13
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