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  • Specialty – Simulation in Mechanical Engineering (SIM)

    During the trai­ning per­iod, SIM stu­dents bene­fit from in-depth stu­dies in digi­tal mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, models and finite ele­ment cal­cu­la­tions in CAD analyses.


    In SIM, the stu­dents cover the fol­lo­wing themes:

    • struc­tu­ral dynamics ;
    • crash and impact modelling ;
    • bio­me­cha­ni­cal sys­tems analysis ;
    • com­po­site structure ;
    • com­pu­ta­tio­nal fluid mechanics ;
    • vali­da­tion of nume­ri­cal models ;
    • opti­mi­sa­tion in mecha­ni­cal engineering.


    The com­pu­ters and soft­ware packages are the same as those used in indus­trial sec­tors, such as Aba­qus, Ansys, Catia, Com­sol, MSC Adams, MSC Nas­tran, suite HyperWorks …

    Placements and industrial relations

    Trai­ning in SIM ends with an end-of-stu­dies pro­ject las­ting 6 months. It can take place with a major group (Arce­lor Mit­tal, EADS, EDF, PSA, Renault, Valeo…), or with a research ins­ti­tu­tion (CEA, CETIM…), ser­vice sec­tor enter­prises or soft­ware edi­tors (Das­sault Sys­tèmes, Digi­tal Pro­duct Simu­la­tion, ESI…). This pro­ject can be accrued abroad.


    Over 75% of the SIM stu­dents bene­fit from at least a semes­ter at a host university's stu­dies: Univ. Zara­go­za (Spain), TU Twente (Nether­lands), Cran­field (UK), Gote­borg, or Lin­ko­ping (Swe­den), Shan­ghai (Chi­na), Seoul (South Korea) and Singapore.

    Professional openings

    SIM gra­duates are most­ly recrui­ted in the fol­lo­wing sec­tors: auto­mo­bile, aero­nau­tics, consu­mer goods, ener­gy, rail­road, space … they can also work for large cor­po­rate groups or research ins­ti­tu­tions, or with soft­ware (digi­tal model­ling) editor.

    Contact and documentation

    Res­pon­sable de filière
    Ludo­vic Cauvin
     +33 (0)3 44 23 46 93
    Valé­rie Duquenne
     +33 (0)3 44 23 45 36
    À lire dans Interactions

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