Specialty – Simulation in Mechanical Engineering (SIM)
During the training period, SIM students benefit from in-depth studies in digital mechanical engineering, models and finite element calculations in CAD analyses.
In SIM, the students cover the following themes:
- structural dynamics ;
- crash and impact modelling ;
- biomechanical systems analysis ;
- composite structure ;
- computational fluid mechanics ;
- validation of numerical models ;
- optimisation in mechanical engineering.
The computers and software packages are the same as those used in industrial sectors, such as Abaqus, Ansys, Catia, Comsol, MSC Adams, MSC Nastran, suite HyperWorks …
Placements and industrial relations
Training in SIM ends with an end-of-studies project lasting 6 months. It can take place with a major group (Arcelor Mittal, EADS, EDF, PSA, Renault, Valeo…), or with a research institution (CEA, CETIM…), service sector enterprises or software editors (Dassault Systèmes, Digital Product Simulation, ESI…). This project can be accrued abroad.
Over 75% of the SIM students benefit from at least a semester at a host university's studies: Univ. Zaragoza (Spain), TU Twente (Netherlands), Cranfield (UK), Goteborg, or Linkoping (Sweden), Shanghai (China), Seoul (South Korea) and Singapore.
Professional openings
SIM graduates are mostly recruited in the following sectors: automobile, aeronautics, consumer goods, energy, railroad, space … they can also work for large corporate groups or research institutions, or with software (digital modelling) editor.
Contact and documentation
Other UTC-IM specialties
- Specialty – Sound and Vibration Engineering (AVI)
- Specialty – Integrated Design in Mechanical Engineering (CMI)
- Specialty – Data Handling and Reliability for Industry (DFI)
- Specialty – Industrial Design Engineering (IDI)
- Specialty – Mechatronics, Actuators, Robotisation and Systems (MARS)
- Specialty – Materials and Technological Innovation (MIT)
- Specialty – Integrated Production and Logistics (PIL)
- The Apprenticeship Designer Course (CPT)