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The Apprenticeship Industrialisation Course (IND)

The "indus­tria­li­sa­tion" course focuses on various acti­vi­ties downs­tream of the pro­duct life cycle. Via an appren­ti­ce­ship scheme, we train engi­neers capable of orga­ni­sing and mana­ging a sup­ply chain, inte­gra­ting eco­no­mic and man­po­wer fac­tors, opti­mi­zing pro­duct and data flows and sol­ving pro­blems that come from QA (qua­li­ty assess­ment) issues in both desi­gn and manu­fac­tu­ring stages.

Course contents

Fol­lo­wing basic, pri­mer trai­ning in mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring (desi­gning mecha­ni­cal sys­tems, geo­me­tric model­ling, mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties and resis­tance of mate­rials, qua­li­ty assess­ment (QA), pro­ject mana­ge­ment …) series of optio­nal add-on courses are pro­po­sed which serve to accom­pa­ny the prac­ti­cal trai­ning aspects in the fra­me­work of the ove­rall trai­ning mis­sion. They may also serve as in-depth and/or dis­co­ve­ry courses (desi­gning and crea­ting in a col­la­bo­ra­tive, inter­cul­tu­ral context, sen­sors and instrumentation …).

Other, spe­ci­fic courses are pro­po­sed to the appren­tices with a more induc­tive peda­go­gi­cal angle, focu­sing on real enter­prise pro­blems. The aim here is to deve­lop skills that enable the apprentices:

  • to orga­nise and manage a pro­duc­tion or dis­tri­bu­tion unit cove­ring both tech­ni­cal and man­po­wer aspects,
  • to assess per­for­mance levels, to direct and opti­mize an indus­trial process,
  • to desi­gn, manage and assess a sup­ply chain per­for­mance level,
  • to direct a per­for­mance impro­ve­ment pro­ject in a lean mana­ge­ment framework,
  • to effi­cient­ly deploy methods to cover expe­ri­men­ta­tion, and safe­ty com­pliance stu­dies and tests.

Teaching staff

This contents of the new IND course are taught by a staff com­pri­sed of lec­tu­rer research scien­tists pos­ted to the UTC labo­ra­to­ry– Rober­val Com­pu­ta­tio­nal Mecha­nics, Acous­tics & Mate­rials Science.

They are com­mit­ted to nume­rous research pro­jects, nota­bly in part­ner­ships with major indus­trial concerns with inter­na­tio­nal span, which gua­ran­tees an excellent mat­ching bet­ween the tea­ching contents and cur­rent and fore­seeable tech­no­lo­gi­cal challenges.

Equipment and facilities

The appren­tices are trai­ned in use of indus­trial soft­ware packages: Catia v5 and v6, Créo, NC Simul, Mat­lab, MSC, Adams, Mini­tab, Pre­lude, SIMIO, QUEST, Delmia.

UTC pro­vide the appren­tices with a varie­ty of manu­fac­tu­ring and parts ins­pec­tion faci­li­ties, mecha­ni­cal test rigs, pro­to­ty­ping benches, ther­mal treat­ment, and indus­trial mock-up simu­la­tors… that ensure full, high-qua­li­ty trai­ning achievements.

Missions and industrial relations

Engi­nee­ring desi­gn is inclu­ded in this appren­ti­ce­ship course. Appren­tices are paid a sala­ry by part­ner com­pa­nies. Over the 3 year per­iod, the appren­tices will alter­nate bet­ween trai­ning at UTC-Com­piegne and car­rying out mis­sions on the enter­prise pre­mises. Thanks to the strong net­work rela­tion­ships with the indus­trial envi­ron­ment, this course receives nume­rous, varied mis­sion pro­po­sals (more than 3 for each matri­cu­la­ted appren­tice) that cover nume­rous indus­trial sec­tors, job pro­files and geo­gra­phic locations.

Training abroad

In order to deve­lop a capa­ci­ty to work in an inter­na­tio­nal context, desi­gn course appren­tices must car­ry out a 10 week mis­sion abroad. The stays out­side France can take place in a pro­fes­sio­nal context rela­ted to the employer part­ner or in ano­ther context, over one or seve­ral per­iods of time.

Professional opportunities

This 'indus­tria­li­sa­tion' IND course (in mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring), in the main, trains indus­trial pro­cess engi­neers, pro­duc­tion engi­neers, pro­ject mana­ge­ment engi­neers, sys­tem and plant Safe­ty offi­cers and Work methods and QA (qua­li­ty assess­ment) engineers.

These UTC trai­ned desi­gn engi­neers will be able to accept mana­ge­ment level appoint­ments in aero­nau­tics, space and defence sec­tors (Air­bus, Safran Air­craft Engines, Thales…), in auto­mo­bile manu­fac­tu­ring and ancil­la­ry equip­ment pro­vi­ders (PSA, Valéo, Saint-Gobain, Seku­rit…), consu­mer goods (Proc­ter et Gamble, L'Oréal, Legrand…).

  • Ave­rage time to secu­ring a first job: 1 month
  • 61% of these UTC appren­tices were assu­red of a job before the end of their appren­ti­ce­ship contract time.

Contact and documentation

Res­pon­sable du par­cours
Benoît Souy­ris
 +33 (0)3 44 23 45 16
Ser­vice de l'apprentissage
Karine Sli­wak
 +33 (0)3 44 23 49 56

Guide de l'étudiant

À lire dans Interactions

« Une vie pro­fes­sion­nelle, ça se construit pas à pas »

Agir sur le monde en chan­geant le regard sur l’innovation

Desi­gn sonore made in UTC sur Radio France

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